• No results found

11 Avsluttende diskusjon

11.5 Evalueringserfaringer og videre forskning

11.5.5 En bro over kunnskapskløften – en utfordring

Den forskningsbaserte kunnskapen om hvilke strategier som bidrar til redusert rusmiddelbruk og færre rusrelaterte problemer, og hvilke som ikke gjør det, hadde i praksis lite å si for utformingen av Regionprosjektet.

Fenomenet kan synes paradoksalt, ikke minst når det observeres i en forebyggingsmotivert kontekst. Men det er neppe uvanlig og heller ikke spesielt for rusmiddelfeltet.

Baklien (1983) har påpekt at samfunnsforskere ofte klager over at forskningen deres får liten betydning for politikkutformingen på et felt, mens politikere og beslutningstakere samtidig er klar over behovet for forskning som kan danne et bedre beslutningsgrunnlag. Hun viser også hvordan forskningen snarere leverer argumenter for en allerede valgt politikk, enn føringer for politikkens utforming (jf. også Bruun 1973). Det er også pekt på at til tross for at det finnes solid forskningsbaserte kunnskap om effektive tiltak på rusmiddelfeltet, er det gjerne andre forhold som påvirker de politiske beslutningene på dette området (f.eks.

økonomiske, kulturelle og religiøse faktorer) (Gordis 1996). I tråd med dette, avdekket Andersen (1996) at næringsinteresser ble en helt sentral faktor for utformingen av den lokale skjenkepolitikken på Lillehammer i tilknytning til vinter-OL i 1994.

En stor utfordring for videre forskning på lokalt rusforebyggende arbeid vil derfor være å finne svar på spørsmålet om hvordan vi best mulig kan minske gapet mellom den forskningsbaserte kunnskapen og virksomheten på praksisfeltet.

English summary

This report deals with the evaluation of the Regional Project. This project was part of the Plan of Action to Prevent Alcohol and Drug Problems (2003-2005) of the Norwegian Government under Prime Minister Bondevik (II). As we interpret the Plan of Action, the main aim of the project was to develop effective preventive measures and to develop further existing measures with a view to limiting the use of alcohol and drugs, and harms related to substance use, with the main focus on children and young people.

Six municipalities / regions (called test municipalities) were chosen to participate in the Regional Project. Altogether they were granted NOK 20 million over a period of three years; the amount per municipality reflected the population size. In addition they were given professional guidance from the Regional Resource Centres for Alcohol and Drug Issues. The Norwegian Directorate for Health and Social Affairs was responsible for the central management of the project.

The aims of the evaluation were:

• to assess how the intentions of the Plan of Action were translated and interpreted by the Norwegian Directorate for Health and Social Affairs, and subsequently by the test municipalities

• to find out how the extra allocation of funding for preventive work in the field of alcohol and drug problems, together with central management and professional follow-up from the Regional Resource Centres, were transformed into measures at the local level

• to investigate how organization of the Regional Project, both centrally and locally, influenced the implementation and accomplishment of the measures

• to identify whether there were indications that the activities had resulted in reduced use of alcohol and drugs, fewer alcohol-related problems, and more limited availability of alcohol for young people under the age-limit

• to find out whether the use of resources had had other positive effects in the local community, for example in the form of increased skills or new structures for cooperation

• to highlight positive experiences that can be developed in other locally-based measures.

We carried out both process and effect evaluation of the Regional Project.

The analyses were based on a comprehensive data material, which included documents, videos, observations of meetings and implement-ation of measures, a large number of interviews with key persons at the central and local levels, questionnaire surveys of almost 40 000 school children in the test and control municipalities before and after implement-ation of the measures, attempts to buy beer in shops before and after the measures, and a survey of preventive activities in all the lower secondary and upper secondary schools in all the test and control municipalities during the project period.

A central working group for the project was appointed with represent-atives from all the seven Regional Resource Centres and the central project leader in the Norwegian Directorate for Health and Social Affairs.

In addition to professional follow-up of the test municipalities, the Regional Resource Centres acted as coordinators between the central and local levels. This organization meant that the test municipalities had limited influence on the central management of the project.

The Norwegian Directorate for Health and Social Affairs operationalized the Plan of Action, and developed a list of twelve recommended preven-tive measures. However, only a few of these measures had documented effect on substance use and related harms. This recommendation of preventive measures reduced the sense of ownership of the intervention at the local level

Follow up from the Regional Resource Centres varied between the municipalities both in extent and content. The local conditions for implementation also varied, both with regard to continuation of establis-hed projects and cooperation, and with regard to organization of the project.

At the start of the project, the management of the project by the Directorate was fairly strong and detailed. Moreover, communication from the central to the local level was unclear, both with respect to the time scale for the project, how much funding each test municipality would receive, and whether the municipalities could choose measures that were

not on the list. The unclear signals from the central level led to frustration as well as a delay in implementation of measures the local level.

The test municipalities’ own considerations (regarding factors such as whether the measures were easy to implement) were of primary importance when the test municipalities chose preventive measures. In addition to the measures on the Directorate’s list, most of the munici-palities also chose a range of other interventions. In several cases this involved continuation of projects that were already underway. Children and young people were the most important target groups, and many of the measures had a long-term perspective. Not all the measures were implemented according to the plan. Several of the municipalities implemented more measures than they had originally committed themselves to, and we saw much enthusiasm and drive in the test municipalities.

Effect evaluation was primarily based on questionnaire surveys of 13-19 year old school children in the test municipalities and in seven control municipalities. The results gave no indication that the Regional Project had led to reduced alcohol use, drug use or related harms. There was also nothing to indicate that the project had contributed to limiting the availability of alcohol to young people. The analyses also did not give any indication that the Regional Project had contributed to improving young people’s knowledge or changing their attitudes to alcohol and drugs, or to the limits set by parents with regard to alcohol and drugs, or parents’

communication about this. We also evaluated the effect of one measure, for which the aim was to limit sale of alcohol to young people under the age-limit, and found no effects.

There are several possible explanations for the discouraging results of the effect evaluation: The measures had very limited potential for prevention, several measures had long-term perspectives and some of them were implemented as incomplete “light versions”. It is also worth mentioning that background figures indicate that the number of establishments for selling and serving alcohol in the test municipalities was relatively stable during the project period.

However, the Regional Project seems to have had other positive effects.

Local coordination and local ownership were central concepts in the Plan of Action. The project’s only example of inter-municipal cooperation and coordination showed that this is both demanding and productive. Some

municipalities had their own coordination measures, and they all succeeded in improving multi-sectoral and inter-agency cooperation. In addition, local skills in adaptation and development of measures were improved.

The local organization in the test municipalities was generally good and functioned well, and led to coordination of personnel resources between agencies and departments. The Regional Project had a sound political basis in most of the test municipalities, as a result of both the involvement and active commitment of the chairperson of the municipal council and the chief municipal executive. Personal factors such as enthusiasm and competence, legitimacy and ability to find room to manoeuvre, were important for the project at all levels.

Another important experience gained was related to the time-scale. Several of the municipalities regarded prevention of alcohol and drug problems as long-term work. Both building the foundation and implementing the work take time, but the centrally-determined time-scale took little account of long-term ambitions.

In conclusion, we found that the Regional Project achieved the aims of the Plan of Action only in some areas. This was primarily in the areas of local coordination and cooperation. We found no evidence that the main aims of limiting use of alcohol and drugs, limiting alcohol related harms, and limiting availability of alcohol to young people, were achieved. This is probably related to the fact that none of the municipalities implemented measures that are most likely to be effective; - i.e. limiting the availability of alcohol (number and opening hours of outlets), and increased enforce-ment of alcohol sales regulations (controls and sanctions).


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