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Temperature Increase in Storage Room Calculations by Odd Busmundrud, FFI

In document 16-00707 (sider 166-176)

Appendix C Storage Room Calculations

C.1 Temperature Increase in Storage Room Calculations by Odd Busmundrud, FFI

Temperature change in a system can be calculated from the energy flow and heat capacity.

dT/dt=(energy input minus energy loss)/(heat capacity), where dT/dt is temperature change per time.

In the case of the storage room, the energy input is the electrical power supplied to the room.

(Supposing there is no other energy source, like external heating)

The energy loss is thermal energy transported out of the room by air flow, and by conduction through walls, ceiling and floor.

Energy input

Each robot has an average power consumption of 78 W.

The charger has a power consumption of 1840 W during charging. The charging of two 12 V 105 Ah batteries would take approximately 3 hours, supposing 50% efficiency.

The total average power consumption of one robot (including charging) can be calculated to be approximately 150 W.

In addition there are probably other energy sources like lightning and data equipment. There is not sufficient information on this. However, suppose there are ten 60W light bulbs in the room, this would add another 600 W.

Also, if there is one data server and other data equipment, an educated guess is that this could add another 500W.

The total energy input to the room, with two robots, would then be approximately 1400.

With no lightning, this would be reduced to 800 W.

With all data equipment outside the room, the power input would be further reduced to 300 W.

The total energy input could then be estimated to be between 300 and 1400 W.

Heat capacity

The heat capacity of the room consists of the heat capacity of the air in the room, and the heat capacity of equipment in the room and the room walls.

The volume of the room is 640 m3. At a temperature of 20° Celsius, the air mass would be 760 kg. The specific heat capacity of air at constant pressure is very close to 1kJ/kg/K (1K = 1 degree C), so the total heat capacity of the air in the room is 760 kJ/K.

There is no specific information on other equipment. However, the stored items seem to be composed of polymer bins, possibly on aluminium shelves. Supposing that the total mass load on the floor is 1000 kg/m2, and half the room is filled up with this, the total mass inside the room would be 43000 kg. The heat capacity of aluminium is 0,9 kJ/kg/K, and polyethylene is 1,5 kJ/ kg/K. This would make the total heat capacity of the equipment inside to 52000 kJ/K (supposing half and half aluminium and polyethylene). In addition, the walls have a heat capacity, but given the large uncertainties, this is not taken into account.

Calculation of temperature rise

Given the lack of information of the items in the room, the temperature rise of the empty room is first calculated, with only the robots working inside, and no energy loss to the outside.

Empty room

Heat capacity 760 kJ/K

Energy input 1400 W: dT/t=1400/760000 = 0,0018 K/s = 6,6 K/hour Energy input 300 W: dT/t=300/760000 = 0,0004 K/s = 1,4 K/hour Room with 43 tons equipment

Heat capacity 52760 kJ/K

Energy input 1400 W: dT/t=1400/52760000 = 0,000027 K/s = 0,096 K/hour Energy input 300 W: dT/t=300/52760000 = 0,0000057 K/s = 0,02 K/hour

Energy loss

The above calculations do not take into account loss of energy from the room, but suppose that the room is thermally insulated from the surroundings. This is obviously not the case. Thermal energy will be exchanged with the surroundings by conduction through walls, ceiling and floor, and by exchange of air, even if the ventilation system is not working. Which way the energy

travels depends on the temperature difference. One factor here is time of the year. Due to lack of information, this cannot be calculated.


Given the limited information available, the following figures can be calculated.

The temperature rise for an empty room, but with robots at work inside is between 1,4 and 6,6 K/hour (1 K=1 degree C). Obviously, the robots will not be working inside an empty room:

With inside equipment based on an educated guess, the temperature rise will be between 0,02 and 0,1 K/hour.

If more information could be made available, more accurate calculations could be performed.


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The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) was founded 11th of April 1946. It is organised as an administrative agency subordinate to the Ministry of Defence.

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Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt ble etablert 11. april 1946.

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In document 16-00707 (sider 166-176)