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Russia - a persistent migration state

5 Conclusion

5.4 Russia - a persistent migration state

Russia is no doubt a migration state. The large numbers of migrants coming into Russia for work put the questions of migration management on the agenda - it is hard to overlook what one is constantly reminded of. Still, migration management in Russia for now seems to have been limited to questions of the migrants‟ legal status. When setting out to reduce illegal migration the state means have proved to be contradictory to its aims and the implemented policies have not been sufficient to make significant changes to the better. The often difficult situation for labour migrants and the exploitation of them as well, are results of poor state management which in turn allows for informal work relations to exist.

99 Although words like adaptation, integration, and tolerance occur in official documents and even though there recently has been established a section at the FMS for addressing such issues, there is much work to be done, maybe more than anything related to people‟s mindset:

Acceptance for labour migration in society is necessary if it is meant to constitute a resource for the state. At present it seems like the state - rather than supporting immigration in its rhetoric - is guarding its words; because speaking of immigration as a resource and generally in positive terms could trigger displeasure among the population.

If the state wants to take advantage of the labour force from Central Asia it should provide its citizens with valid information that explains the actual need for immigration. The demographic crisis is perhaps too abstract for people to relate to. An ordinary citizen is unlikely to start worrying about Russia‟s population size compared to that of China, and whether Russia has more leverage in its near abroad than other countries competing for influence, nor can s/he be expected to worry about the long term impact of a decreasing population on the domestic economic development. What the general citizen is likely to worry about is the wellbeing of his family and himself; that work is available, that wages are of a size one can live from, something which concerns tomorrow‟s pension as well. If labour migrants are perceived as aggravating the situation for the ordinary citizen, then proclaimed anti-immigration sentiments will persist not only among convinced right-wing extremist, but among people in general.

Several of my informants were pleading for a more orderly migration, and it is quite telling that even the representative of the ethnic Uzbek association in St. Petersburg strongly was in favour of clearer state regulations with a larger emphasis on skills; “Also in Russia one should select people with qualifications. Not just legalize the whole bunch.” Perhaps a clearer

`order` could help to reduce the negative sentiments as well.

A common Soviet history made Russia grant the citizens of CIS countries free entry and thus easier access to the Russian labour market than people of other nationalities. The Russian state is in relation to the Central Asian countries practising the liberal openness which is inherent in a liberal state. However, at the same time the state‟s high officials, the President, among others, want to reassure the population that the citizens of Russia should first be

secured work before any foreigner may enter the labour market. Domestic forces of anti-migrant sentiments are pushing the government towards greater closure. The liberal paradox is evidently present in the shifting aims of the state as well as in its concrete management of


migration. The Russian state lives up to its symbol of the two headed eagle; at the same time as it has helped to institutionalize a negative perception on migration, it is taking part in discussions on how to institutionalize greater openness with firmer regional integration within a customs union. What is comforting, though, is that sound discussions on `what needs to be done` in the field of migration management are taking place between experts, state officials, and representatives of civil society. Suggested changes are at the meantime not `on the books` and it therefore remains to be seen if they will be put into practise - and in case they are – how successful new legal amendments will be `in action`. Labour migrants are and remain, as President Medvedev quite rightly put it, both the problem and the hope of Russia.



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Denisova Anastasia, project coordinator “Labor migrants rights defence”, Civic Assistance Committee for Refugees and Forced Migrants. At the CAC office.

Moscow: 12.10.2011

Dzhuraeva Gavkhar, the President of the public foundation “Tajikistan” and head of the

“Migration and Law” information and law centre. At Migration and Law‟s office.

Moscow: 29.04.2011

Gannushkina Svetlana, the head of the Civic Assistance Committee for Refugees and Forced Migrants (Grazhdanskoe sodeistvie), member of the council and head of the “Migration and Right” network of the human rights centre “Memorial.” At the CAC office.

Moscow: 10.10.2011

Iontseva, Ekaterina, and Kurilo, Tatyana, Advisers at The Federal Migration Service‟s

Iontseva, Ekaterina, and Kurilo, Tatyana, Advisers at The Federal Migration Service‟s