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3.3 Results

3.3.1 NARMA10 Numerically obtained performance

In this paragraph results from numerical simulations are presented, demon-strating the computational capabilities of the Mackey-Glass delay-dynamical node for the NARMA10 benchmark (see Chapter 2, section 2.2.1), a task commonly used in reservoir computing literature [85, 95]. To quantify the performance of the reservoir, the normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) of the predicted versus the value obtained from the NARMA10 model is used.

Up to now, the best performance reported in traditional reservoir computing for a reservoir of N = 400 nodes, is NRMSE = 0.099 [85]. If the reservoir is replaced by a shift register that contains the input, the minimal NRMSE is 0.4. Also for a purely linear reservoir this is the lowest error found for the NARMA10 task. From now on we use this value as an upper bound for good performance. Only when the reservoir performs better than NRMSE = 0.4 its implementation makes sense for us. NRMSE values below this level re-quire a nonlinear reservoir. Here, a nonlinear exponent of p = 1 is chosen, resulting in a weak nonlinearity. Fig. 3.5 depicts the numerical results in the γη plane. A large region with NRMSE < 0.2 (dark green) has been ob-tained. The minimal normalized root mean square error obtained is as low as NRMSE = 0.12. Numerically, we therefore achieve comparable performance to conventional state-of-the-art RC, but with a much simpler architecture.

The light green region (0.2<NRMSE<0.3) represents the region where performance is reasonable and the yellow region (0.3<NRMSE<0.4) is situated around the performance of a linear reservoir. Finally, the red region depicts the area where reconstruction of the target signal completely fails.

When looking at the left hand side of the figure, a red strip of bad per-formance can be noted. This region corresponds to very low values of the feedback strength. By re-normalizing the model as was done in Eq.(3.3), the parameter η scales the entire nonlinearity, meaning that for very small η no information is being fed to the nonlinear node. When moving to the right we find a valley of better up to very good performance. It can be seen that the error decreases for smaller values of the input scalingγ. A smaller input scaling results in a smaller region of the nonlinearity that is scanned by the in-formation signal. However, nonlinearity is still present, when a purely linear system is employed the error rises to 0.4. We would like to point out that in order to have the combination of high memory and nonlinear transformation

3.3 Results 51






00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.1

0.2 0.3 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4


Fig. 3.5: Simulation results for the NARMA10 task. The two scanned parameters are γ (input scaling) and η (feedback strength).

The exponent in Eq.(3.3) is set top= 1. Other characteristics of the reservoir areτ = 80, N = 400, θ = 0.2). The obtained performance for the NARMA-10 task, expressed as a normalized root mean square error, is encoded in color. Figure taken from Appeltant et al. [17]

52 3 Modeling an electronic implementation an extremely high precision is required. For the very optimal point of this parameter scan it goes up to 16 decimal digits. We go more into details on noise effects in Chapter 5. The attentive reader has noticed that the smallest values ofγ lead to high errors. This is trivial, whenγ = 0 this implies that no input is being fed to the system at all. When the precision is driven up, the small red region on the bottom of the scan becomes narrower and narrower.

On the right hand side another abrupt transition to bad performance occurs.

This is caused by a bifurcation where the zero-fixed point solution becomes unstable and a non-zero- fixed point solution appears. Whenγ increases the bifurcation point shifts steadily to values ofη lower than 1. If we repeat this parameter scan for a high exponent, e.g. p= 7, the lowest error value found is 0.4, indicating that the reservoir cannot exceed a linear shift register in terms of performance. Hence to solve the NARMA10 task with a delayed feedback reservoir that uses a Mackey-Glass nonlinearity type, we need to work with a low nonlinearity exponent. Experimentally obtained performance

For the NARMA10 task no experiment has been carried out using the Mackey-Glass system. The available setup allows for a tunable nonlinearity, where the exponent can be altered using a potentiometer. However, for lower ex-ponents the quality of the fit between the Mackey-Glass function and the experimentally realized function degrades significantly. Reaching an expo-nent of p= 1 was not possible with the electronic circuit we used. Another reason to only study the numerical model is noise. As will be explained in Chapter 5, this task is extremely noise sensitive. Even numerical noise in simulations can cause an increase in error. Comparison with state of the art

To place the obtained results in perspective, we indicate some results on this benchmark task found in literature. Table 3.1 compares the results found with a delayed feedback reservoir with the performance of network reservoirs from literature. Optimal virtual node separation width

Next to the parameters varied in the scan, alsoθ plays a crucial role. In Fig.

3.6 we show the numerically obtained performance of the Mackey-Glass sys-tem for the NARMA10 test when scanningθ. The optimal point is found for virtual node separations ofθ= 0.2, in units of the characteristic time scale of

3.3 Results 53

Table 3.1: NARMA10 performance literature review. For several sets of reservoirs sizes the performance is given as an NRMSE. The first performance column gives the results found by Jaeger et al. [85]

and the second column the ones obtained by Rodan et al. [79]. The final column shows the results found with a delayed feedback reservoir.

All are results coming from numerical simulations.

Res. size NRMSE [85] NRMSE[79] NRMSE Our system

20 0.56 - 0.53

50 0.29 0.41 0.35

100 - 0.31 0.27

150 - 0.23 0.21

200 - 0.21 0.18

400 0.099 - 0.12

the nonlinear node. For shorter separations the Mackey-Glass system might not be able to generate a sufficient response to the external input. For larger separations the connectivity among virtual nodes is lost and consequently any memory with respect to previous input. For node separations θ > 3 , the NRMSE reaches a level of 0.4, which is the performance of a linear shift-register.

From now on we always use θ = 0.2 in our delayed feedback reservoir. The motivation for this is not only the performance plot from Fig. 3.6, but also the processing speed of the system. Using time-multiplexing to sequentially feed all the virtual nodes in the delay line implies that every discrete input step requires a time τ to be processed. In a setup consisting of N virtual nodes, the next relation holds: τ = N θ. By choosing a smaller value of θ we also decrease the total delay time and as a consequence we increase the processing speed. Of course, there is also a lower limit for the size ofθ. This lower limit can be set by the performance of the system on a certain task, e.g. because smaller θ make the node state dependent on a large range of adjacent virtual nodes. Another issue can be noise robustness. Indeed, when θ is very small, the corresponding excursion of the system becomes smaller as well, bringing the signal closer to the noise level.

54 3 Modeling an electronic implementation



10−2 10−1 100 101

0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5


Fig. 3.6: Performance of NARMA10 task as a function of node separation. Plot of the normalized NRMSE for the NARMA10 task (simulations) versus the separation θ of the virtual nodes. Parameters are: η= 0.5, γ= 0.05, p= 1, τ = 400θ. Figure taken from Appeltant et al. [17]