• No results found

5. Discussion and conclusion

5.7 Conclusion

This study showed that the partaking immigrant women displayed a great amount of agency when it comes to establishing a social life and social networks. The efforts they make are displayed in the number of social activities they have and the social networks they managed to build up. This is especially visible in the interactions and networks established with either compatriots or other internationals and in the number of voluntary organisations that are attended, where they among others meet members of the majority population. On the other hand, these efforts have not seemed to pay off regarding establishing friendship-based relationships with members of the majority population. Although most of the women express being satisfied with their social lives, they often express a wish for more informal relationships with members of the majority population. Seeing the time, efforts, and knowledge that the immigrant women put into socializing and integrating into Norwegians society and networks, it becomes necessary to acknowledge that inclusion and integration is a two-way street.




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