• No results found

Figure 11-4 shows the CO2-Emission reduction in percentages in descending order, compared to the simple cycle gas turbines and combined cycle operative on GEA today.

Applicable abatement cost for certain alternatives and CO2 brake-even cost are also included for comparison.

Figure 11-4: CO2-emission reduction for the different alternatives in descending order, with relevant abatement costs

PFS offers the highest guaranteed emission reduction of 20.8%, however its abatement cost is the highest calculated among the alternatives and assumed to be too high for the

investment to be attractive for an already operating field.

H2 w/CC offers a 15% reduction in CO2-emissions for an abatement cost lower than CO2

break-even cost. However, total cost for the investment will increase as transportation and storage of the carbon has not been accounted for.

The lowest abatement cost is found for the energy efficiency measures alternative. A 5.5%

decrease in the CO2-emissons were accomplished with an abatement cost of 0.73 NOK/ton CO2 reduced, which most likely is even lower than estimated. Despite the total CO2-emission


decrease not being very high, this alternative offers a huge return on investment as the abatement cost is insignificant compared to current CO2 cost of 765NOK/ton.

Of the nine alternatives studied in this thesis, Floating Wind Turbines stands out as the best alternative solution to the gas turbines producing power today. FWT offers a decent balance between cost and CO2-emission reduction, with an abatement cost of only ~400NOK over todays CO2 cost, and an emission reduction of over 20% compared to today's solution, assuming the correct wind conditions are present. This thesis has operated with a constant CO2 cost of 765NOK/ton for the whole lifetime of the field, but in reality, this cost will increase with time as we strive to reach COPs goal to limit the average global temperature increase to below 2°C. A reasonable assumption would therefore be that the abatement cost for FWT would break even with the CO2 cost in the future, thereby making the investment profitable.

To stabilize the energy profile over time, hydrogen production and storage through electrolysis could be applied to the FWT. This will eliminate the usage of the gas turbines producing electricity completely, as the excess power from periods with a lot of wind will be stored and used as a buffer for periods with less wind or increased energy demand. The costs associated with energy storage from FWT has however not been assessed in this thesis.


12 Conclusion

The EEM offers lowest cost per ton CO2 reduced. The measures described and calculated in this thesis are already implemented on the fields and would not contribute to any further reduction. However, by continuing to explore other alternatives for EEM, further low-cost CO2-emission reduction can be discovered.

The CHEOP/CHEOP-CC systems based on fuel cells seems promising on all aspects reviewed in this thesis. However, uncertainties revolving the technology is still high, as it is only rated with TRL 3. Although the abatement cost is suggested to be similar to PFS (and probably too high for an already existing field), the system could be valuable for new installations. Here the abatement cost would be greatly reduced, as no sunk costs and modification-work is included. The CHEOP system would leave a much smaller environmental footprint compared to PFS which requires kilometres of cables laid on the seabed. In addition, the expenditure of electricity applicable for PFS would be eliminated as CHEOP produces power from natural gas already available on the field.

Based on CO2-emission reduction potential and estimated abatement cost, FWT stands out as the best alternative for power generation on GEA, if the fields were to reduce their CO2 -emissions towards a low carbon future. FWT would eliminate the use of gas turbines producing electricity most of the time, as wind conditions in the Ekofisk Area are strong enough to supply the fields with the necessary power on an average basis. Investing in FWT to supply the fields with electricity would cost 1 156 NOK/ton CO2 reduced. The average annual decrease of CO2-emissions would amount to 20.8% and the efficiency would increase by 7.8%. Given the fact that CO2 costs experiences a gradually increase every year, a

reasonable assumption would be for the abatement cost to break-even with CO2 costs at some point, thereby making the investment economically profitable too, as well as environmentally beneficial.



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Table 0-1: Cost Estimate of PFS solution ref. 2019

Description Unit Production Stop [days]

11 90 180

Equipment & Installation NOK 2 392 217 460 2 392 217 460 2 392 217 460

+ Project Management NOK 239 221 746 239 221 746 239 221 746

+ Operating Cost PFS NOK 232 800 000 232 800 000 232 800 000

+ Production stop NOK 3 833 614 472 31 365 936 586 62 731 873 172

+ Energy Cost PFS NOK 2 857 586 746 2 857 586 746 2 857 586 746

Total Cost PFS NOK 9 555 440 424 37 087 762 538 68 453 699 124

- Operating Cost GT NOK - 585 800 000 - 585 800 000 - 585 800 000

- Gas Surplus NOK - 711 957 294 - 711 957 294 - 711 957 294

- CO2 emission cost NOK - 3 659 371 380 - 3 659 371 380 - 3 659 371 380

Total Investment Cost NOK 4 598 311 750 32 130 633 864 63 496 570 450

CO2-emission reduction ton 4 783 492 4 783 492 4 783 492

Abatement cost 961 6 717 13 274


Table 0-2: Cost Estimate of PFS solution ref. 2020

Description Unit Production Stop [days]

11 90 180

Equipment & Installation NOK 2 392 217 460 2 392 217 460 2 392 217 460

+ Project Management NOK 239 221 746 239 221 746 239 221 746

+ Operating Cost PFS NOK 232 800 000 232 800 000 232 800 000

+ Production stop NOK 3 833 614 472 31 365 936 586 62 731 873 172

+ Energy Cost PFS NOK 2 822 088 774 2 822 088 774 2 822 088 774

Total Cost PFS NOK 9 519 942 452 37 052 264 566 68 418 201 152

- Operating Cost GT NOK - 585 800 000 - 585 800 000 - 585 800 000

- Gas Surplus NOK - 15 698 316 - 15 698 316 - 15 698 316

- CO2 emission cost NOK - 3 659 371 380 - 3 659 371 380 - 3 659 371 380

Total Investment Cost NOK 5 259 072 755 32 791 394 870 64 157 331 456

CO2-emission reduction ton 4 783 492 4 783 492 4 783 492

Abatement cost 1 099 6 855 13 412