• No results found

Connecting to the bigger picture

In document A Transformative Lens on Resilience (sider 111-123)

7. Conclusion

7.2. Connecting to the bigger picture

After conducting a case study that for outsiders might seem much focused and limited, it is important to ask oneself the questions: So what? Why does this matter? The research

represents a case study and is not generalizable. The relationships identified might not be true in other parts of Nepal or even for everyone at the case study site. However, the intent of this research was to explore how CSA translated to a specific social context. By using a

transformative perspective on resilience I have explored how and why sociocultural practices matter. Even though the caste system is special for Nepal and the gender division of labour is not replicated in other places, the need to emphasize sociocultural practices and social

structures will be important in any place where one is implementing adaptation interventions.

By differentiating between socioecological resilience and sociocultural resilience, I show that adaptation can lead to resilience to climate change while also opening spaces for social change, for example, by decreasing the sociocultural resilience of gender roles. This case study suggests that sociocultural dynamics are important to take into consideration when adapting, but there is no blueprint on how to do this. How we change and reproduce ourselves in light of climate change, will be influenced by and influence social relations in society. The narrative of this thesis is presented through technical concepts and an academic language.

However, the essence is this; climate change is affecting our basis for life and livelihoods.

How we interact and meet these challenges is shaping the future we will meet.


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