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Chapter 7: Why Continued Cooperation?

8.5 Broader Implications

As democratic control of the armed forces is a trait present in modern democracies, the findings in this thesis aren’t only of interest in the Norway-EU relationship. They might also be generalisable to other countries contributing to operations led by an organisation of which they are not a member. In addition, certain elements of the study might also be valid for more general inferences. The study of Norway’s participation in Operation Atalanta might be generalisable to the other operations Norway has participated in, the potential limitations to the ‘national veto’ in the NBG is relevant for all contributing nations, and the limitations at the political aspect might also be valid for other policy areas where the cooperation between Norway and the EU is regulated through bilateral agreements, like Schengen.

Even though the democratic aspect of Norway’s relationship with the EU has been much focused upon in the general literature, this approach is only marginally present in the security and defence studies. Although the aim of this thesis has been to help fill this gap, this is an area where further research is warranted in order to get a better picture of the democratic consequences of the cooperation. First of all, a study of the public awareness or knowledge of this cooperation might provide useful insight into the output legitimacy. If the public awareness turns out to be high, it might contribute to justify the argument that low public debate is a sign of broad public support. Further, a more detailed study of how the surrogate representation works might provide useful insight into this ‘solution’ to the democratic weaknesses. Lastly, a more detailed examination of the Committee of Contributors would also help shed light on an important aspect of the cooperation, and could possibly illustrate that it works better than first assumed.

Norway is part of Europe, and has to be associated with the EU in one way or another. When it became clear that Norway would not be a member of the EU, and further that the WEU would be integrated into the union without the continuation of Norwegian participation, it became evident that it would cause problems. Most fears were connected to getting information, participating and influencing, all natural consequences of non-membership. As the discussion in chapter seven illustrated, one of the main arguments for the continued cooperation with the EU despite of these democratic weaknesses, has been that cooperation will solve some of these problems because contributions might lead to influence. However, as this thesis has shown, it is not evident that the democratic weaknesses are alleviated by this

‘troops-for-influence’ strategy, nor that there should be reason to regard the motivating factors to have supremacy over the democratic weaknesses. It seems that the most apparent solution to the democratic weaknesses would be to secure better agreements or arrangements with the EU, efforts which seems to be fruitless, only underscoring the weak position Norway has.

Norwegian national interests, it is argued, are secured by other countries in the EU system. It does however seem hard to come by a national interest more important than participation in decisions concerning Norwegian security and defence.


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