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The review in this memorandum shows that there is plenty of knowledge about child poverty in Norway. It is known how poverty is changing in scope and which groups are particularly vulnerable. In addition, a certain amount is known about how poverty comes about and the types of problems with living conditions that low incomes can bring for families and children. Nevertheless, there are a number of knowledge gaps that could benefi-cially be filled:

Firstly, there is a need for a greater under-standing of the mechanisms that lead into and out of poverty. With the help of data from administrative registers, much is known about the duration of poverty and which groups are in poverty a long time, but little is known about why some families in a particular pop-ulation group do not become poor, whereas others do – or what enables some to get out of poverty quickly, whereas others stay poor.

The obvious explanation is differences in employment activity, but what is it that affects the tendency to get into work among people who share a number of objective characteris-tics? Conditions such as place of residence, network, attitudes and personal resources can be significant. Identifying what other charac-teristics are common to families with a persis-tent low income will make it easier to consider what sort of measures can be developed to prevent families with children from becoming locked into poverty.

Secondly, there is very little knowledge about what types of measures actually alleviate the consequences of poverty. A range of measures have been implemented in Norwegian

munic-made of the effect of these measures. There are many grounds to support the application of a wide variety of measures, depending on the poverty-related challenges prevalent locally, but it is worth investigating whether there are some elements of the measures that are particularly effective.

Thirdly, there may be grounds to review the state benefits system to see how current benefits help to keep families with children out of poverty, and to consider whether there is anything that can be changed to further reduce child poverty without introducing neg-ative incentive effects that are too great. Some families with children are entirely outside the employment market, and reducing poverty by means of welfare-to-work initiatives may be unrealistic in these cases. What sort of servic-es can be offered to thservic-ese familiservic-es to improve their income?

Fourthly and finally, it could be relevant to investigate whether there are any measures of poverty that are more successful than the measurement of income in delineating the group that we want to help. In this memoran-dum, it has been emphasised that poverty is a normative phenomenon and that there is no one “correct” definition of poverty. Neverthe-less, it would be of interest to discuss whether there are any definitions and measurements of poverty that would cover the Norwegian situation better than income below 60 per cent of the median.

These three examples serve to illustrate the types of measures that can be implemented to alleviate the consequences of poverty, and to hopefully reduce poverty in the long term.

As mentioned above, we have to be cautious about transferring measures from one context to another. The “lower-class” issues that exist in the United Kingdom, for example, are of a different nature and scope to those we are used to in Norway. The measures also vary

in content, and it is difficult to establish with any certainty whether these measures have any effect and, if so, which specific areas of the measures are effective. Certain particular features stand out as especially positive in all the evaluations, for example that participants receive close follow-up and feel empowered by being able to contribute themselves and in that the services are coordinated and aligned.


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