• No results found

6. Discussion

6.3 Summary

We conclude that some parts of fatigue in pSS have a biological origin. IL-1

inhibition seems to reduce fatigue, pointing to a role of IL-1 in fatigue generation and signalling. This is in accordance with experimental animal and human studies.

Inflammatory mediators such as IL-1 have an impact on behaviour, signalled through the CNS, and future fatigue-related research should investigate this pathway. It is an important observation that protein oxidation is increased in pSS, and it could have therapeutic implications. The consequences of increased oxidative stress in pSS are not clear, and should be a prioritized area of research. We did not detect an

association between protein oxidation and fatigue, and it is possible that our markers of oxidative stress have been too broad to detect such an association. In future studies we will focus on the oxidative regulation of transcription and gene expression.

Increased oxidative stress may activate cellular defence mechanisms through

“danger” signalling, ultimately leading to sickness behaviour and fatigue. It is exciting that we detected a trend for association between genetic variation in the SLC25A40 and PKN1 genes and fatigue. These genes are involved in cell-signalling and mitochondrial function, and could be involved in inflammatory pathways influencing fatigue. The results will need to be replicated, ideally in a GWAS focusing on fatigue in pSS.

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