• No results found

Reflections and implications for further research

In document The Paradox of Protection (sider 87-95)

73 was implemented. Thus, the analysis has shown how dominant discourses have a tendency to result in political action – like in 2016, but that this is not always the case – like in 2008.


However, the period of analysis had its ending point in 2016. As such, future research could explore whether this discursive change was a temporary outcome immediately following the crisis, or if this change is persistent. Finally, in terms of discourses as preconditions for social action, I found that there was a discrepancy between the hegemonic discourse and political outcome in 2008, in contrast to the situation in 2016. In 2008, the hegemonic discourse aligned with the government’s declaration, but not the restrictive measures that were implemented. This finding could be the starting point of a study exploring the background for this discrepancy, or why political action preceded discursive change in this instance. Thus, the findings of my analysis has provided several opportunities to build further research through hypothesis-generation.



List of parliamentary debates

Debate regarding the new Immigration Act, held on the 8th of April 2008 (Case no. 1-3):

Innstilling fra kommunal- og forvaltningskomiteen om lov om utlendingers adgang til riket og deres opphold her (utlendingsloven) (Innst. O. nr. 42 (2007-2008), jf. Ot. prp. Nr. 75 (2006-2007)).

Innstilling fra kommunal- og forvaltningskomiteen om lov om endring i utlendingsloven (tvungent verneting i Oslo for utlendingssaker) (Innst. O. nr. 40 (2007-2008), jf. Ot.prp. nr. 29 (2007-2008)

Innstilling fra kommunal- og forvaltningskomiteen om representantforslag fra

stortingsrepresentantene Siv Jensen, Per-Willy Amundsen og Jan Arild Ellingsen om lov om endring i lov 24. juni 1988 nr. 64 om utlendingers adgang til riket og deres opphold her (utlendingsloven). Adgang til å sette utlendinger som truer rikets sikkerhet i lukket forvaring).

(Innst. O. nr. 41 (2007-2008), jf. Dokument nr. 8:25 (2007-2008)).

Referred to in Stortingstidene, pp. 291-321. Retrieved from

https://www.stortinget.no/globalassets/pdf/referater/odelstinget/2007-2008/o080408.pdf Debate regarding amendments in the Immigration Act, held on the 17th of June 2013 (Case no. 17):

Innstilling fra kommunal- og forvaltningskomiteen om representantforslag fra

stortingsrepresentantene Morten Ørsal Johansen, Gjermund Hagesæter og Åge Starheim om innvandringspolitiske siktelinjer og endringer i lov om utlendingers adgang til riket og deres opphold her (utlendingsloven) (Innst. 463 L 2013), jf. Dokument 8: 137 LS (2012-2013)).

Referred in Stortingstidene, pp. 4415 – 4425. Retrieved from

https://www.stortinget.no/globalassets/pdf/referater/stortinget/2013-2014/s130617-ny.pdf Debate regarding a proposal to receive more Syrian refugees, held on the 10th of June 2014 (Case no. 9):

Innstilling fra kommunal- og forvaltningskomiteen om representantforslag fra

stortingsrepresentantene Bård Vegar Solhjell og Karin Andersen om å ta imot flere syriske flyktninger (Innst. 224 S (2013-2014), jf. Dokument 8: 43 S (2013-2014)).

Referred to in Stortingstidene, pp. 3036 – 3042. Retrieved from

https://www.stortinget.no/globalassets/pdf/referater/stortinget/2013-2014/s140610.pdf Debate regarding amendments in the Immigration Act (restrictions II), held on the 10th of June 2016 (Case no. 1-2):

Innstilling fra kommunal- og forvaltningskomiteen om Endringer i utlendingsloven mv.

Innstilling fra kommunal- og forvaltningskomiteen om Endringar i utlendingslova (pågripning og fengsling i samband med 40-timarprosedyren) (Innst. 389 L (2015-2016), jf. Prop. 91 L (2015-2016)).

Referred to in Stortingstidene, pp. 4072 – 4103. Retrieved from



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