• No results found

The near-field compression method could be considered in a future work to be used to compress other dense set of points or particles, as mentionend in the previous section. For example, the method could be used to compress photon maps in static scenes, since a photon map is a set of points with a related radiance or energy. Another example would be the compression of 3D models stored as a set of points representing the surface, where well-defined models require large data sets. The compression method can reduce these data sets considering only the density of points, and restoring them again with almost no loss of geometric information. Because the restoring method is based on importance sampling, we can specify the number of samples to obtain models with different levels of detail without losing the most significative geometry.

With respect to the GPU-based raytracing method, we consider as fu-ture work to include more parameters in the lighting system. We would consider using reflectors with complex BRDF surfaces to simulate real mate-rials. In addition, we would like to consider how the manufacturing procedure stretches and deforms the reflector material, changing its properties. Also, we would like to consider to include new elements in the luminaire system such as specific lenses, usually used to refract and set-up the final lighting.

Finally, the optimization method has demonstrated a good performance for the tested cases, and we think that this could be improved using more spe-cific heuristics. Although this optimization method has been defined specif-ically for the inverse reflector design problem, we think that it is interesting to explore whether this algorithm can be used in other optimization prob-lems. In addition, we consider as a future work to increase the algorithm parallelization using GPU tools, such as CUDA, to allow the processing of multiple tree branches at a time.

We have presented an efficient method to get a reflector from a desired lighting in a few minutes, but we believe that it could be improved by focusing in more detail on the idea of obtaining the desired reflector shape, or a closer one, directly from the desired lighting, avoiding the optimization process.


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