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It is apparent that some issues need to be fixed before path tracing can fully replace the many years of work and experience that lies behind traditional real-time rendering techniques. Real-time denoisers have come a long way and are able to reconstruct realistic-looking scenery, even with the very unreliable base of just one sample per pixel.

The two different algorithms that were examined here have been shown to display different strengths and weaknesses. Future algorithms should do their best to unite the strengths of each of the two approaches while adressing their weaknesses.

One thing is certain, however. Practical real-time path tracing is closer to becoming a reality than ever before.

Source Code

The unified data construction repository can be found athttps://github.


It includes the modified repositories for production of ray traced im-ages and rasterized feature buffers as Git submodules. They can also be accessed directly through https://github.com/TheVaffel/ChameleonRT andhttps://github.com/TheVaffel/Vulkan-glTF-PBR respectively.

The self-made implementation of SVGF can be found athttps://github.


The modified implementation of BMFR can be found athttps://github.



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