• No results found

In line with our findings and the research that exists in this field, we believe that a case manager or coordinator approach might be suitable as a starting point to increase user participation and adapt care and support to help the person being home – in a wide understanding of the word. We do, however, believe that such an approach needs to have the necessary flexibility to adjust to the various and shifting needs of the dyads receiving this support, the structural conditions in which it is organised and the coordinators resources. In this regard, we believe the LIVE trial might be an important contribution in acquiring new perspectives on how to arrange for this. It combines standardized, but adaptable basic components, in terms of learning, involvement of GPs in ACP and medication review and the coordinator within a flexible approach to innovation, volunteers and other relevant care and support.

We will also point to a need for further exploration of how to increase user

participation in dementia care on a broader scale. User participation in deciding what support to receive is one thing, while the other is to have the opportunity to affect how the services are delivered as well. Thus, the term ‘user participation’ and what this entails also needs further exploration and clarification. This also entails exploring how to include the views and participation of persons with dementia in research concerning them, as a group. Similar to the call for ‘fluidity’ in research on case management and coordinator concepts, I will argue that research on user participation in dementia care also should be ‘fluid.’ Meaning that instead of focusing on

standardized models, one should focus on identifying prerequisites and crucial components for user participation to take place, and explore and describe

possibilities. Standardized approaches to obtain user participation for persons with dementia implicitly builds upon an assumption that these are persons who inherently are unable to take part on the same premisses as others and should be avoided.

Due to the complexities of this field, both on an individual and on a structural level, we recommend an open, curious approach in the meeting with each individual person, in the organization of care and support and in future research on these issues.

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