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This thesis just kick the start of applying deep neuron networks on financial fraud detection. In our future work, we will try to use different topology of deep neuron network for financial fraud detection. Though we only tried two different deep neuron networks and their prediction accuracy is similar, we still find that LSTM performs a little better than CNN due to feature set contains features which are highly related to time. Hence, we believe that the influence of network topology on fraud detection is an interesting research point. We will focus on two aspects: (1) how does different network topologies influence the performance of fraud detection. (2) How does width and depth of the network influence the performance of fraud detection.

There is another hot research topic which relates to online real-time fraud detection. In recent year, online payment becomes a common transaction method, this payment method requires the system detect fraud behavior from paramount data in short time. Most traditional researches focus on offline fraud detection algorithms which is not suitable for real-time fraud detection. Besides, online payments introduce more complex data structure, such as online forms filled by customers, it requires more powerful tools to deal with different data structure at the same time. Luckily, with the emerging of big data techniques and deep learning algorithms, we see the possibility of solving such problem and will conduct analysis in this field lately.


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