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This thesis has aimed at answering the question of to what extent the National Health Service model, the Social Health Insurance model and the Private Health Insurance model affect cardiovascular mortality in OECD countries. Further, based on the theories presented in Chapter 2, two hypotheses were created. These were that the NHS and SHI was expected to have lower cardiovascular mortality rates than the PHI, and the SHI was additionally expected to perform somewhat better than the NHS. By running OLS with PCSE regressions, and

illustrating the findings through two case studies, the answer provided is solid.

From the regressions in Chapter 5 it is clear that when moving from the NHS to the SHI or PHI, the change in cardiovascular mortality is less than 1%. In absolute numbers, however, this would account for very different amounts of lives in the different countries. The correlation shows that the PHI accounts for a higher mortality rate than the NHS and SHI, and the first hypothesis is therefore true. These results were significant at a 0,001 level. In regards of the second hypothesis, the robustness is not as strong, but the overall trend is that the SHI seem to perform somewhat better than the SHI. Even though the correlation is present, and supported by the theoretical assumptions, the main conclusion is therefore that the models affect

cardiovascular mortality in OECD countries to a low extent.

The discussion in Chapter 8, however, showed that the overall conclusion must be somewhat modified. This is primarily based on the high average life expectancy in the OECD countries, which indicates that there is a limit on how much the models can affect mortality, since it is not possible to postpone death forever. It is also argued that a change of financing model should not be expected to give immediate effects, due to the slow moving effects of health care systems.

The high extent of behavioral impact on developing CVDs additionally limits the models room of maneuver. Lastly, the discussion that politically, it is important to implement policies that These are all ways of creating a premise about the health care systems having limited ways of controlling cardiovascular mortality, which implies that the differences that exist between the models should be emphasized.

It seems clear from the discussion in the thesis that for the PHI model, the lack of universal coverage is a crucial policy adaption, which would improve the cardiovascular mortality in the

can raise taxes, while the SHI mainly struggle with the separation between health care funds and providers of services, which should lead to higher competition, does not operate as planned in all countries. Additionally the NHS and SHI model share the problem with waiting lists for services.

Given the low overall explanatory power of the models, further policy implementations should therefore aim to improve the weaknesses within the distinct models.

The thesis does not, however, fully touch upon how good the models are. With an implication of every life saved being valuable, one should develop a throughout framework of how the

different models could be improved. Small differences are important when developing actual health care policies, and this research is therefore very useful. At the same time, this thesis shows that given the high life expectancy estimates, viewing average numbers is probably not the most useful way of studying the effects of health care financing models on cardiovascular mortality.

Future studies should therefore concentrate on certain socioeconomic groups to see if the different models include bias towards, for instance, the rich or the poor. The finding on equity in the case of Spain also supports this.

As mentioned introductory, this thesis does not say anything about how much resources it takes to change model. One could therefore not conclude that the systems that accounts for the lowest mortality statistics in this sample should be used in all countries. Additionally, as seen in Poland, the implementation of a system in itself is not enough. There could be problems in the implementation process that would lead to the model to not operating at its full effect. The findings are still important for further discussion, and a broader framework should be developed, given the increases in public funding of health care across all borders. The source of funding does not matter to a very high extent. It is rather the choice of funding that seems to matter, given the ideological difference between the models and the impacts this have on what treatment a country’s citizens can receive.


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