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Institutt for plante- og miljøvitenskap (IPM) Forslag til masteroppgaver 2012 Department of plant and environmental sciences (IPM) Suggested topics for master’s theses 2012


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Institutt for plante- og miljøvitenskap (IPM) Forslag til masteroppgaver 2012

Department of plant and environmental sciences (IPM) Suggested topics for master’s theses 2012



Forslag til masteroppgaver ved Institutt for plante- og miljøvitenskap – 2012


1. Genetikk og plantebiologi side 1

2. Planteproduksjon side 19

3. Grøntmiljø side 26

4. Jord, biogeokjemi og planteernæring side 27

5. Geologi side 41

6. Hydrologi og limnologi side 49

7. Miljøkjemi side 55

8. Eksterne oppgaveforslag side 61




Compared to higher temperature, low temperature during embryo (seed) development in Norway spruce improves winter survival of the plants resulting from these seeds. This is probably due to an epigenetic memory effect which affects gene expression in the plants.

The project aims at understanding the epigenetic memory effect by studying how temperature during embryo development affects gene expression in the embryo and offspring plants grown under different light and temperature conditions. (Cooperation with the Forest and Landscape Res. Inst).

Understanding the epigenetic memory effect will help us understand how plants will respond to a changing climate. The epigenetic memory effect partly challenges our perception of climatic adaptation in plants.

Supervisor: Professor Jorunn E. Olsen and research scientist YeonKyeong Lee (IPM).



The ability to control elongation growth in synchrony with environmental changes is an important adaptive trait, enabling plants to compete and survive under unfavourable conditions. Due to climate change, the difference between day and night temperatures is diminishing. Since plants respond differently to temperature in light and darkness such changes might affect their adaptability.

However, currently there is limited knowledge about detailed temperature-light climate interactions.

The project aims to investigate how temperature interacts with light quality and day length in modulation of elongation growth in plants. Underlying mechanisms will be studied using mutants/plants with changed gene activities with respect to hormones, light receptors and transcription factors.

Such knowledge will also improve our possibilities to exploit plant responses in an environmentally sustainable greenhouse industry. Chemical growth retardants are used to produce compact plants which are easy to handle and in accordance with the customer`s preferences. It is highly desirable to reduce their use due to significant health and environmental concerns.

Supervisor: Professor Jorunn E. Olsen and research scientist YeonKyeong Lee (IPM).




Daylength controlled processes such as flowering and winter bud formation are modified by temperature. However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms.

The project will investigate whether a temperature modification of action of the daylength sensor phytochrome(s) is important in this respect. Performance of plants with different phytochrome contents will be studied under different light and temperature conditions. The effect of temperature on translocation of active phytochrome into the cell nucleus will be investigated by microscopy of plants containing green fluorescent protein-labelled phytochromes.

Supervisor: Professor Jorunn E. Olsen and research scientist YeonKyeong Lee (IPM).



Master themes from

Ass. Prof. in Applied Biotechnology Trine Hvoslef-Eide

The topics can be suitable for both Biology- and Plant Science students

My research group has been studying abscission since 2001, in two projects financed from the Norwegian Research Council. I have had 3 PhD students and 2 post docs working on this topic and we have elucidated on this topic from three different angles:

1) Looking for abscission specific genes in poinsettia 2) Describing the changes in the cell walls during abscission

3) Exploring the induction of abscission, with particular interest in the plant hormones involved Therefore, we have many different angles to specify some of these aspects. By being involved in these themes, you will have the chance to publish your Master thesis as an article (or part of one) in an international journal, if you provide conscientious work with good results.

I came back last year from a sabbatical at the University of Minnesota, USA and have fresh ideas and good collaborative partners there. Previous to that, I was the Pro-Rector of UMB for 4 years.

Therefore, I have only one Master student at the moment and have ample time to supervise many more students. You will be part of an interesting time to rebuild a research group.

Many of the topics can be reduced to accommodate a 15 stp Bachelor thesis, if this is what you are looking for.

Our model system, poinsettia

Themes involving the model plant poinsettia to study abscission

Hormones involved in floral abscission in poinsettia (julestjerne)

Auxin (IAA):

Electronmicroscopy studies of auxin (IAA) transport in poinsettia – 30 stp: The effect of the auxin transport inhibitor NPA combined with studies in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) using antibodies against IAA. Collaboration with the University of Minnesota, USA.


Studies of auxin (IAA) transport using the auxin transport inhibitor NPA combined with quantification using Gass Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) in poinsettia


– 30 stp.

Collaboration with the University of Minnesota (UMN), USA. The quantification of IAA will be done at UMN.

Gibberellins (GAX) and floral abscission in poinsettia – 30-60 stp. Quantification using Gass

Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) in poinsettia – 30 stp. Collaboration with the University of Minnesota (UMN), USA. The quantification of GAs will be done at UMN.

Electron microscopy studies of gibberellins (GA) in poinsettia – 30 stp: Use of paclobutrazol (an inhibitor of GA biosynthesis) combined with studies in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) using antibodies against GA. Collaboration with the University of Minnesota, USA.

Abscisic acid (ABA)

Electron microscopy studies of abscisic acid (ABA) and its interactions with auxin and gibberellins in poinsettia – 30-60 stp: Use of paclobutrazol (an inhibitor of GA biosynthesis) and NPA (an auxin transport inhibitor) on poinsettia buds combined with studies in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) using antibodies against ABA to study interactions between these hormones in the buds.

Collaboration with the University of Minnesota, USA.

Gene expression studies in poinsettia

RNA in situ hybridization in poinsettia

RNA in situ hybridization using genes differentially displayed during abscission in poinsettia – 30-60 stp. We have many gene sequences from previous studies on differentially displayed genes that can be further examined using RNA in situ to study their expression in time and space in poinsettia buds.

RNA in situ hybridization in poinsettia using genes associated with IAA - 30-60 stp. There are many genes from the literature involving IAA that we can use to make probes for examination of their expression during floral abscission in poinsettia in time and space.

RNA in situ hybridization in poinsettia using genes associated with GA 30-60 stp. There are many genes from the literature involving GA that we can use to make probes for examination of their expression during floral abscission in poinsettia in time and space.

RNA in situ hybridization in poinsettia using genes associated with ABA 30-60 stp. There are many genes from the literature involving ABA that we can use to make probes for examination of their expression during floral abscission in poinsettia in time and space.


Quantitative Real-Time PCR studies of hormone genes in poinsettia

q-RT-PCR quantification studies in poinsettia using genes associated with IAA - 30-60 stp. There are many genes from the literature involving IAA that we can use to make probes for the quantification of their expression during time intervals of floral abscission in poinsettia.

q-RT-PCR quantification studies in poinsettia using genes associated with GA 30-60 stp. There are many genes from the literature involving GA that we can use to make probes for examination of their expression during time intervals of floral abscission in poinsettia.

q-RT-PCR quantification studies in poinsettia using genes associated with ABA 30-60 stp. There are many genes from the literature involving ABA that we can use to make probes for examination of their expression during time intervals of floral abscission in poinsettia.

Gene mining- bioinformatics

Alignment of Differential Display gene sequences from poinsettia with the sequences from the published Cassava genome – 30-60 stp. The Cassava genome was published in 2009. Since poinsettia and Cassava both belong to the same family, Euphorbiaceae, this genome can be very helpful to e.g.

mine for longer sequences of the gene sequences we have previously found in poinsettia. The interested student must have at least one bioinformatics course.

Themes in plant breeding and fingerprinting

Growers in Norway have approached UMB to continue their breeding work from the 1990’s in begonia. The topics in this section is therefore in close collaboration with these producers and will enable the students to get networks in the Norwegian greenhouse industry.

Begonia breeding

Growers are interested in new cultivars of Christmas begonia and novel colours in Begonia x pendula.

The obtained new cultivars will be part of their offer to foreign breeders, in exchange for access to their cultivars.

Crosssings and induced mutation breeding in Christmas begonia (Begonia x cheimantha) and subsequent selection for desired traits– 30-60 stp.

Crosssings and induced mutation breeding in tuberous begonias (Begonia pendula) and subsequent selection for desired traits – 30-60 stp.

Begonia fingerprinting


In order to protect novel varieties in a global market, having them fingerprinted is one way of obtaining this. The student(s) will use different restriction enzymes in combination to obtain unique fingerprints describing each variety. These topics will be in collaboration with Prof. Odd Arne Rognli (IPM).

Fingerprinting in Christmas begonia (Begonia x cheimantha) -30 and 60 stp.

Fingerprinting in tuberous begonia (Begonia pendula) -30 and 60 stp.

Poinsettia breeding

This has been a long-term interest, here we can compare different transformation techniques to see the effect on gene copy numbers, the distribution of chimeras etc. These topics will be in

collaboration with Crop & Food Research, New Zealand.

Studies of transformation techniques using genes involved in the anthocyanin biosyntehsis to obtain novel colours and study the distribution of chimeras (more than one gene composition)- 60 stp

Themes in cell- and tissue cultures – mass propagation

I can offer themes in mass propagation of various plants, come and see me to discuss if we can work on the plant you are particularly interested in!

Ass. Prof. in Applied Biotechnology Trine Hvoslef-Eide IPM, section Genetics and plant biology

Contact info:

Email Telephone: 6496 5636


Evolusjon av kuldestressrespons i Pooideae

Tilpasning til kjølig klima er et fellestrekk ved gruppen gress vi kaller Pooidene (subfamilie Pooideae).

Denne gruppen inneholder økonomiske viktige arter som hvete, bygg, havre, rug samt viktige forgress som engsvingel og timotei. At alle gressene i denne gruppen har en felles kuldetilpasning indikerer en felles opprinnelse av stressrespons til kjølig klima som kan dateres tilbake til tiden før Pooidene divergerte til å bli flere arter. Hvis man ser på evolusjon av Pooidene i en palaeo-klimatisk kontekst ser det ut som om divergensen av Pooidene startet like etter en global super- nedkjølingsperiode ved grensen mellom Eocene og Oligocene, ca 33.5-26 millioner år siden. Denne super-nedkjølingen forandret utbredelsen av både planter og dyr og må ha gitt et økt seleksjonspress for økt toleranse for kuldestress.

Med de økende genetiske ressurser som blir generert i dag, med sekvensering av hele genomer av viktige arter, har man en økt og unik mulighet til å studere evolusjon av et stort antall gener. Vi har studert et sett av 600 gener vi vet et oppregulert under kuldestress, og sett på evolusjonsraten av disse genene i Pooider sammenliknet med ris, som ikke er en Pooidaee. Det viser seg at disse genene har en høyere evolusjonsrate i Pooidene, men det gjenstår å studere nøyere hva disse ulikhetene består i. Er det en høyere synonym substitusjonsrate i Pooidene eller skyldes den økte substitusjonsraten økt positiv seleksjon på genene som er aktive under kuldestress? Kan ulikhetene relateres til økt størrelse av genfamilier? Hvis du vil være med på å studere hvorfor evolusjonsraten av kuldestressresponsgener er høyere i Pooidene enn i andre gress kan du kontakte:

Siri Fjellheim, førsteamanuensis IPM Simen Rød Sandve, forsker IPM

Maize Rice

Brachypodium Cereals Grasses

60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Cold adapted

Warm adapted


Komparativ genomikk i kromosom 7 i hvete, raigras og modellarten Brachypodium distachyon

Sekvensering av modellorganismer som Arabidopsis thaliana og ris har i løpet av de siste ti år revolusjonert vår forståelse av plantebiologi. Likevel har man ikke klart å utnytte denne kunnskapen til effektivt å forbedre viktige økonomiske arter som mais, hvete og bygg, og heller ikke de Norske viktige forgrasartene engsvingel og timotei. Derfor har et internasjonalt konsortium som UMB er medlem av tatt initiativ til å sekvensere hvetegenomet og en gruppe i Danmark sekvenserer genomet av raigras, en nær slektning av engsvingel. Dette vil gi oss en mulighet til å sammenlikne hele genomer av viktige arter for å studere i hvilken grad informasjon er overførbare mellom artene.

Oppgaven går ut på å sammenlikne sekvensene av kromosom 7B i hvete, kromosom 7 i raigras og homologe sekvenser i modellarten Brachypodium distachyon. Dette vil avsløre strukturelle likheter som for eksempel innhold og tetthet av gener, translokasjoner, delesjoner, duplikasjoner, tap av gener i enkelte av artene osv. Dette vil hjelpe oss til å forutsi om resurssene som er i ferd med å bygges opp gjennom sekvensering av flere av de mest økonomisk viktige gras og kornartene er overførbare mellom artene, og i hvilken grad kunnskap og ressurser kan overføres fra modellarter til ikke-modellarter innen grasfamilien.

Hvis du er interessert i å være med å studere genomikk i hvete, raigras og Brachypodium distachyon kan du kontakte:

Siri Fjellheim, førsteamanuensis IPM Simen Rød Sandve, forsker IPM

Respons på seleksjon i Arabidopsis thaliana

Med endrede klimaforhold er det avgjørende for arters overlevelse at de klarer å tilpasse seg miljøendringer. Grunnlaget for tilpasning ved seleksjon er naturlig variasjon. Svært mange av artene vi finner i Norge ligger helt i utkanten av artens totale utbredelsesområde fordi artene har vandret inn fra sørlige istidsrefugier i løpet av de siste ti tusen årene. For de fleste arter vil en slik ekspansjon i utbredelse føre til at genetisk variasjon avtar med økende avstand fra opprinnelsesområdet. Det vil si at mange Norske populasjoner av ulike arter er fattige på genetisk variasjon sammenliknet med mer sørlige populasjoner. Hvordan vil dette påvirke de Norske populasjonenes evne til å respondere på endrede klimaforhold?

I denne oppgaven skal vi studere norske naturlige populasjoner av modellarten Arabidopsis thaliana som har sin absolutt Nordligste utbredelse i Norge. De nordlige populasjonene i Norge inneholder svært lite genetisk variasjon mens sørlige populasjoner i Norge har mye genetisk variasjon. Vil disse populasjonene reagere forskjellig på seleksjon? Hvis du vil være med på å finne svaret på det kan du kontakte

Siri Fjellheim, førsteamanuensis IPM


Revegetering av forstyrrede områder i fjellet - anvendt bruk av genetisk diversitet og populasjonsgenetikk

Internasjonale konvensjoner om biodiversitet peker ut ødeleggelser av habitat og innføring av fremmede arter som store miljøtrusler. I mange år har frøblandinger av fremmede arter eller materiale med ukjent opphav blitt brukt til revegetering av forstyrrede områder, spesielt i fjellet der naturlig gjengroing går sent. Det finnes mange eksempler på områder der tilsåing kan være nødvendig, for eksempel etter anleggsarbeid i forbindelse med kraftutbygging, steintipper etter utgraving av tunneler, veiskråninger, militæranlegg eller liknende. Den nye Miljøvernloven av 2009 påbyr at frø som brukes i tilsåing skal være stedegent, men til nå mangler det kunnskap om hva stedegent materiale er, og delen av loven som omhandler bruk av stedegent material har ennå ikke trådt i kraft. I prosjektet ECONADA (Ecologically sustainable implementation of the Nature Diversity Act (Naturmangfoldloven) for restoration of disturbed landscapes in Norway) har vi som mål å definere hva som er stedegent materiale for ti arter som brukes i revegetering i Norske fjellområder.

For å gjøre dette skal vi gjøre populasjonsgenetiske studier i disse artene ved hjelp av molekylære metoder. Ved å studere slektskap mellom populasjoner spredt over hele Norge vil vi forsøke å definere geografiske soner der frø fritt kan brukes slik at revegetering kan skje i tråd med lovgivningen. I denne oppgaven vil masterstudenten studere genetisk diversitet i to arter som inngår i prosjektet ved hjelp av molekylære metoder og statistikk. Oppgaven gjennomføres i samarbeid med Bioforsk og er svært anvendt. Resultatene vil bli brukt til utvikling av frøblandinger som skal brukes til revegetering av forstyrrede områder i fjellet. Hvis du er interessert i å jobbe med genetisk diversitet i en anvendt sammenheng kan du kontakte

Siri Fjellheim, førsteamanuensis IPM


Genetics of plant architecture in meadow fescue


Plant architecture can vary a lot within a plant species, both due to genetic differences and phenotypic adaptation to the environment. The tendency to produce many tillers (shoots) is thought to be affecting competitive ability and persistence of plants. We have a mapping family of meadow fescue which has been used to construct a genetic linkage map on which QTLs (quantitative trait loci) for a number of traits have been mapped (Alm et al. 2003, Ergon et al. 2006, Alm et al. 2011).

This mapping family will be used to map QTLs and candidate genes involved in plant architecture.

Work to be done

-will be adjusted according to student’s interests and project size - 60 or 30 stp

• Characterize mapping population for the tendency to produce many tillers and for other architectural traits.

• Perform QTL mapping of these traits.

• Characterize alleles, expression patterns and map locations of genes involved in branching – MAX1, MAX 2, MAX3 and MAX4.

Questions to be answered

Which chromosomal regions and genes are responsible for the tendency to produce many tillers and other plant architectural traits?


Post Doc Åshild Ergon,


Perenniality and annuality in grasses


Why are some grass species annual, some biennial (or winter annual) and others perennial? How does

formation, development and death of individual tillers (shoots) relate to these life histories of the whole plant, and how is all this regulated at the physiological and molecular level?

Transistion of a shoot apical meristem from vegetative to reproductive development is the beginning of the end for that particular tiller. This transistion is

regulated by several known genes that in turn are regulated by environmental cues indicating that it is time to flower. What makes som tillers flower, and others not? Are the regulating genes differentially expressed? Species in the genus Lolium (ryegrasses) are suitable for research on this topic, as the genus includes both annuals, biennials and perennials.

In this master project you will study how expression of genes involved in the transistion of shoot apical meristems from vegetative to reproductive

development is related to tiller dynamics in these species.

Work to be done

- will be adjusted according to student’s background and interests.

Growth experiments:

• Characterize tiller dynamics in seedlings and small clonal plants of L. perenne (perennial), L. multiflorum var. italicum (biennial) and L. multiflorum var.

westerwoldicum (annual)

Distelfeld et al.

2009 Floweri ng



Post Doc Åshild Ergon, , tel 64965552

Professor Odd Arne Rognli, Gene expression studies:

• Characterize expression of genes involved in the vegatative to reproductive

transition in individual tillers.


Genetics of cutting tolerance in red clover


Red clover is an important species in agriculture in northern areas of the world. It produces forage of high quantity and quality, it is capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen and thereby eliminating or reducing the need for artificial fertilizer, and its deep root system improves soil structure. However, although red clover is a perennial species, plants easily die when cut frequently. Thus it is an aim to breed for red clover with improved tolerance to cutting.

This assignment will be part of the EU project

MULTISWARD. In this project red clover populations have been exposed to different cutting regimes over some time. As plants are gradually dying we expect that selection of the most cutting tolerant plants are occurring. The resulting populations can be utilized in studies of this trait.

Work to be done

- will be adjusted according to student’s interests and project size - 60 or 30 stp

• Characterize populations exposed to different cutting regimes for alleles of SSR markers

• Use these data to analyze linkage disequilibrium and changes in allele frequencies across chromosomes

• Characterize alleles and expression patterns of genes involved in branching and thought to be of importance for cutting tolerance – MAX1, MAX3, MAX4 and BRC1.

Questions to be answered

Which chromosomal regions of red clover are involved in cutting tolerance?

Which genes and plant characteristics are important for cutting tolerance?

SSR markers (simple sequence repeats) = repeated sequences of 1-6 bp.


Allele 1:


Allele 2:




Post Doc Åshild Ergon,

Professor Odd Arne Rognli, , tel 64965578


Resistance to root diseases in red clover


Red clover is an important species in agriculture in northern areas of the world. It produces forage of high quantity and quality, it is capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen and thereby eliminating or reducing the need for artificial fertilizer, and its deep root system improves soil structure.

However, red clover is prone to root diseases caused by the fungi Fusarium spp. and Sclerotinia trifoliorum. Thus it is an aim to breed for red clover with improved resistance to these pathogens. This master project will be part of the NFR project VARCLIM and linked to the Nordic Forage Crops Genetic resource Adaptation Network (NOFOCGRAN).

Work to be done

- will be adjusted according to student’s background and interests Growth and inoculation experiments:

• Characterize disease resistance of populations and clonal plants to one or both pathogens

• Characterize the effect of different cold acclimation regimes on resistance

• Characterize effects of deacclimation and reacclimation on resistance

• Characterize genetic variation in these traits between and within populations

Central questions

• What are the prospects for breeding red clover cultivars with better root disease resistance for a future climate?

• To what extent is resistance affected by cold acclimation in the autumn, deacclimation during warm spells in winter or spring and reacclimation after that?

• How much genetic variation is there in resistance?


Post Doc Åshild Ergon, , tel 64965552

Professor Anne Marte Tronsmo,


The role of VRN1 in loss of frost tolerance


Frost tolerance is an important trait in plants growing in Northern areas. Loss of frost tolerance (deacclimation) due to mild spells during winter is thought to become a problem with the expected change towards a milder and more

variable winter climate.

VRN1 is a MADS-box transcription factor that is a key

regulator of flowering in the grass family. Experiments with cereals indicate that it also plays a role in downregulating frost tolerance-genes during warm spells. There are also other VRN1-like genes in the grass family - their possible functions are largely unexplored.

Work to be done (will be adjusted according to student’s interests and project size (60 or 30 stp))

• Analyze expression of VRN1, VRN-like genes, and frost tolerance genes, by using quantitative PCR.

• Compare expression patterns in plant material varying in developmental stage and in physiological or genetic frost tolerance level.

• Optional: analyze data from transcriptome analysis of the deacclimation process with a focus on MADS-box genes.

• Optional: identify full-length sequences and characterize allelic variation.

Main questions to be answered

Does VRN1 and VRN1-like genes play a role in

deacclimation and loss of frost tolerance in perennial forage grasses?

Distelfeld et al.

2009 (winter-like conditions)

Floweri ng




VRN1 expression Induction of flowering Loss of frost tolerance

No VRN1 expression No induction of flowering No loss of frost tolerance Picture from Limin and

Fowler 2006 Whe



Distelfeld et al. 2009 Ergon et al. 2006:

Ergon et al. Manuscript Limin and Fowler 2006 Den til Chuan.


Post Doc Åshild Ergon, , tel 64965552

Professor Odd Arne Rognli,


Autumn productivity and winter survival of perennial forage crops in a changed climate


Expected climate changes may affect productivity and winter survival of perennial forage crops in several ways: 1) earlier spring and later autumn may increase potential productivity, 2) higher temperatures in the fall may delay the cold hardening process to a time when day length is shorter - this may affect the cold hardening and vernalization processes and alter winter survival ability and timing/quantity of heading, 3) milder and more variable winters may decrease winter survival due to dehardening of plants during warm spells, repeated freeze- thaw cycles, ice cover and less protective snow cover.

In this master project you will investigate the effect of warmer temperatures in autumn on growth, growth cessation, winter survival and heading. The work will be done in cooperation with the Nordic forage crops genetic resource adaptation network () and the NFR project VARCLIM.

Work to be done

- will be adjusted according to student’s background and interests

• Studies of one or more perennial grass or legume forage species

• Growth experiments involving a gradual decrease in day length and initiation of cold hardening at different time points (that is, at different day lengths)

• Characterization of growth rates and growth cessation

• Tests of freezing tolerance

• Genetic variation in these traits within species

• Take part in NOFOCGRAN field experiments at different locations in the Nordic area, analyze data on growth cessation and winter survival

• If student is interested, molecular work can be included


Post Doc Åshild Ergon, , tel


Masteroppgaver fra faggruppe Planteproduksjon

Topics within cereals and oilseed crops

Contact: Professor Anne Kjersti Uhlen

Wheat quality

Winter wheat has a greater yield potential than spring wheat, and it is argued that the area of winter wheat will increase in Norway due to predicted climate changes. This can also make it possible to grow later varieties, and utilize varieties breed for the areas in Europe south of Norway. However, in the later years, we have experienced great variation in the areas of winter wheat, due to rainy weather during the autumn giving unfavourable sowing conditions.

The winter wheat grown in Norway have weaker gluten quality than the spring wheat. To be able to utilize large proportions of winter wheat for bread-making, it is important to have good quality varieties of stronger gluten quality. The aim of this master thesis will be to test new varieties of winter wheat of diverse origin for bread-making quality. The wheat samples to be analysed will be selected from field trials grown in 2011 at different locations in Norway. The main analyses to be done is test weight, kernel weight, protein content,

hardness, SDS sedimentation test, rheological test (mixogram or Kieffer extensogram) and the identification of HMW-GS by electrophoresis. The experimental work will be to perform the different quality analyses, and the results must be interpreted also from the growth

environment (weather parameters, soil type and fertilisation). The quality analyses can be done during the period Nowember2011 to May 2012. If needed, samples from the 2012 season can also be included.

Study of quality variations in new varieties of winter wheat.

Water absorption of the flour is an important quality parameter. This will primarily be linked to the endosperm hardness of the varieties, but also the protein content and fibres content may influence. The milling industry in Norway has experienced variation in water absorption among seasons as well as among varieties and growing sites. The aim is to characterize wheat varieties for hardness, damaged starch of the flours as well as water absortion using the Farinograph. Wheat sampes will be selected from field trials in spring and winter wheat grown in 2011. In addition, samples form the milling industry can be collected. The

experimental work will be to perform the different quality analyses, and the results must be interpreted also from the growth environment (weather parameters, soil type and fertilisation).

The quality analyses can be done during the period Nowember2011 to May 2012. If needed, samples from the 2012 season can also be included.

Variation in water absorption flours of Norwegian wheats.

Barley and oats for food

Barley has good nutritional quality compared to wheat because of the higher contents of soluble fibres (in particular the beta-glucans). Barley should therefore be utilized more for food products. However, only small proportion of the barley production is used for food, and thus the feed quality has been the aim in the breeding of new cultivars as well as in

Characterisation of barley varieties for food quality


production. The aim is to characterize new barley varieties (two-rowed and six-rowed) for food quality. Besides, variation in quality within samples can be studied, i.e. the size

distribution of grains and the relationship between grain size and chemical composition. Also, the distribution of the content of the soluble beta-glucans within the kernels can be studied by pearling. Samples will be selected from field trials grown in different locations during 2009 – 2011. Main quality analyses will be test weight, kernel weight, protein content, starch content, content of beta-glucans. If needed, samples also from the 2012 season can be included.

The beta-glucans is of great importance for the nutritional quality of barley, as the and they may reduce blood cholesterol level and also may modulate the starch degradability giving the blood glucose/insulin response. Barley raw materials of higher content of soluble beta-glucans will be interesting for the food industry. The content of beta-glucans may vary between

varieties, but also the growth conditions during grain-filling are of importance.

Effect of temperature and drought stress on the accumulation of beta-glucans during grain filling in barely.

The study will be based on experiments in climate chamber, one performed in 2010 and another will be run in Nowember-Desember 2011. In both experiments, barley plants ot three different varieties (Magdalena, Karmosè and Olve) are grown in pots in greenhouse at optimal conditions to anthesis. The plants are the moved to climate chambers with different

temperatures (15 and 21 degrees C), and different watering regimes are performed (optimal, water stress mid-way during grain filling, water stress at the end of grain filling). Ear samples are taken during grain filling, grains are dissected and frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept at -80 degrees Celsius. Mature ears are harvested and treshed. The aim is to study how different temperature combined with drought stress at different time periods during grain filling affect the content of beta-glucans in the kernels. The student can contribute in the work with the plant experiment run in November-December, and do the quality analyses on mature grain and analyse the beta-glucans in the frozen samples taken during grain filling. This topic is very suitable for a student who can do some work in green house November/Desember 2011, as well as quality analyses during the spring semester.

Oats has good nutritional quality compared to wheat because of the higher contents of soluble fibres (in particular the beta-glucans). Oats should therefore be utilized more for food

products. However, only small proportion of the oat production is used for food, and thus the feed quality has been the aim in the breeding of new cultivars as well as in the production.

The aim is to characterize new oat varieties for food quality. Besides, variation in quality within samples can be studied, i.e. the size distribution of grains and the relationship between grain size and chemical composition. Also, the distribution of the content of the soluble beta- glucans within the kernels can be studied by pearling. Samples will be selected from field trials grown in different locations during 2009 – 2011. Main quality analyses will be test weight, kernel weight, protein content, fat content, starch content, content of beta-glucans. If needed, samples also from the 2012 season can be included.

Characterisation of oat varieties for food quality


Oilseed crops

The oilseed crop Camelina sativa L has potentials to became a new oilseed crop in Norway.

In particular, the oil composition of interest due to higher nutritional quality based on the high proportion of α-linolenic acid. The study will be based on a field trial with the most promising cultivars, and combined with different fertilisation regimes. Agronomic characteristics will be recorded, as plant development and highs, flowering time, pathogen/insect attack, ripening and maturity time, and yield performance. The seed will be analysed for quality (fat and protein content, fatty acid composition). The field trial will be performed in the season 2012, and the experimental field work shall be done during May-September 2012. Quality analyses should be done during October – December 2012.

Testing cultivars of Camelina sativa for agronomic performance.

Contact: Professor Anne Kjersti Uhlen


Masteroppgave grønnsaker


For grønnsaker som lagres, er det viktig å få kunnskap om hvordan innholdet av disse stoffene utvikler seg i løpet av lagringsperioden. Dersom innholdet minker – er noen lagringsmetoder bedre enn andre?

Grønnsaker inneholder en rekke helserelaterte bioaktive stoff. Grønnsaker som tilhører korsblomsterfamilien inneholder glukosinolater, som er en gruppe bioaktive stoff medisinsk forskning har vist at de beskytter mot en rekke kreftformer.


Analyser: Analyse av viktige helserelaterte glukosinolater (Glucobrassicin, Glucoraphanin) , antioksidantkapasitet (FRAP) og Vitamin C.

Flere hodekål sorter ( to hvitkålsorter og to rødkålsorter) dyrkes på Vollebekk lagres ved 0 grader C og 98 % RH. Prøver for analyser tas ut ved høsting og etter lagring i 2 uker; 4 uker; 1 måned; 2 måneder; 3 måneder; 4 måneder; 5 måneder og 6 måneder.


Validation of molecular markers for disease resistance in wheat

Supervisors Morten Lillemo


Åsmund Bjørnstad

Breeding for disease resistance can be enhanced by the application of molecular markers, but the markers need to be tested first to evaluate their effect on the phenotype. Two of the most important diseases in Norwegain and international wheat production are powdery mildew, caused by Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici and Fusarium head blight, caused by several species of Fusarium that produce mycotoxins that render the grains harmful to both humans and animals.

The Norwegian plant breeding company Graminor currently uses markers for improving resistance to both diseases, based on different sources of resistance that has been mapped in our research group.

This master thesis work will be conducted in close collaboration with Graminor and involves:

Genotyping of breeding populations with molecular markers

Disease testing in the field

Validation of marker effects and fine mapping of QTL

Pre-harvest sprouting in wheat

Supervisors Morten Lillemo


Anne Kjersti Uhlen

Rainy autumns provide challenging conditions for wheat production in Norway and the bread-making quality can be completely destroyed by pre-harvest sprouting while the seeds still remain in the spikes in the field. In the 2011 growing season, more than 80 percent of the Norwegian wheat harvest did not meet the requirement for food quality due to this problem. Nevertheless, genetic variation exists for this trait, and there is a need to develop wheat

Powdery mildew

Fusarium head blight

Wheat spike showing pre-harvest sprouting


varieties with higher levels of resistance to pre-harvest sprouting.

This MSc thesis project is aimed at

developing reliable screening methods for seed dormancy in the greenhouse

identifying important genes for seed dormancy in Norwegian wheat by use of molecular markers

Leaf blotch diseases in wheat

Morten Lillemo Supervisors:

Andrea Ficke

Insufficient resistance to leaf blotch diseases is a major yield-limiting factor and the main cause of fungicide application in Norwegian and international wheat production. Varieties with improved resistance are crucial for reducing the dependency on pesticides. Three leaf blotch diseases are important in Norway:

Stagonospora nodorum blotch caused by Phaeosphaeria nodorum

Tan spot caused by Pyrenophora tritici- repentis

Septoria tritici blotch (STB) caused by Mycosphaerella graminicola

These three diseases cause similar disease symptoms, but the causing pathogens have different life- styles and the resistance genetics is not the same. We currently know very little about the genetics of resistance to leaf blotch diseases in Norwegian wheat, although these are very important diseases in Norway.

The master student will take part in our ongoing research activities, which involve:

collection of pathogen isolates from Norwegian wheat fields

disease testing of wheat breeding material

validation of molecular markers for leaf blotch resistance Germination test in petri dish


New cultivars of strawberry and raspberry for jam production


New cultivars of strawberry and raspberry suitable for processing are wanted!

The berry processing industry in Norway with Lerum as project leader has together with Nofima and Bioforsk received funding from the Norwegian Research Council for a research project which aims to explore new cultivars of strawberry and raspberry.

Master thesis

The thesis will be conducted at Nofima, Ås, in collaboration with industry (Lerum) and researchers and a PhD-student working in the project. More than one master thesis can be conducted within the project with different approaches.

The main goal in the project and also subject of one or two thesis will be to gain new insight on the effect of strawberry and raspberry cultivars on the quality of berry products and the content of health related compounds.

It is also of interest to gain new insight on effects of treatment of the berries on the quality of the products, and to get new knowledge on the relationship between different methods for evaluation of quality (i.e. color)

The themes are suitable for both 30 and 60 credits master thesis.

Products/jam will be made with a standard recipe, and are already produced (for 30 credits students) Quality of berries and berry products comprise traditionally quality parameters such as pH, acids, sugars, and color (CIELAB system). In addition, health related compounds such as vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and other antioxidants, e.g. anthocyanins, which are responsible for the bright red color of the berries and the berry products, and other polyphenols, will be measured.

The products will be evaluated both as newly made and after storage. It is important to know how the properties of the products are conserved or changed during processing and storage and how the changes are affected by quality of the raw material, i.e. different berry cultivars and treatments.

Contact persons:

Nofima AS: Kjersti Aaby (kjersti.aaby@nofima.no)

Berit Karoline Martinsen (berit.karoline.martinsen@nofima.no) Lerum AS: Merete Lunde (merete.lunde@lerum.no)

IPM: Anne-Berit Wold (anne-berit.wold@umb.no)


Faggruppe Grøntmiljø

Mastergrads- bachelor- og prosjektoppgavetemaer

Ikke alle forslagene under er aktuelle som mastergradsoppgaver. Noen kan egne seg som bachelor- eller prosjektoppgaver. Hvilke temaer som er aktuelle i de ulike kategoriene oppgaver diskuteres med studenten.

• Revegetering ved kraftverksmagasiner (LR/PAP)

• Restaurering av massetak i høgfjellet (LR/PAP)

• Revegetering i veganlegg og massetak (evt samarbeid med statens vegvesen) (R/PAP)

• Spredning av fremmede arter i nærmiljøet (LR/EV/PAP)

• Revegetering på avgangsmasser fra gruvedrift (Titania) (PAP/LR) (samarbeid med fagmiljø geologi)

• Evaluering av grøntanlegg langs veier (avklares med Statens vegvesen) (PAP/EV)

• Testing av erosjonshindrende materialer ved revegetering(samarbeid med fagmiljø jordfysikk) (PAP)

• Rotutvikling hos trær i komprimert jord (samarbeid med fagmiljø jordfysikk) (PAP)

• Registrering av saltskader ved veier (PAP)

• Plantevekst i jordblandinger av resirkulerte materialer (må avtales med Bioforsk)

• Grønne tak (EV)

• Tilstandsvurdering og skjøtselsplaner for utvalgte anlegg (EV/PAP)

• Gras i idretts- og rekreasjonsanlegg (kontakt Johannes Einset i Faggruppe Miljøkjemi)

• Miljøeffekter av planter (trivselsaspektet) (GP)

• Plan for fjellhage (EV)

• Historiske roser (EV)

• Klimatilpasning hos planter (PAP/EV)

• Oppgaver hvor praktisk del utføres ved Bioforsk Særheim ved Klepp, Rogaland: Skjæring av juletrær, betydning av tørke for revegetering, mekanismer for salttoleranse, spredning av fremmede arter, spredning av forurensning fra veier (må avklares med Bioforsk).

• Studenten kan selv komme med forslag


Eva Vike (EV):

Line Rosef (LR) Grete Patil (GP

Per Anker Pedersen (PAP)



Langt de fleste oppgavene er i utgangspunktet beskrevet til å passe som en 30 eller 60 studiepoengs masteroppgave. De fleste av disse temaene kan også tilpasses mindre bachelor- oppgaver. Oppgavene som er beskrevet som 15 studiepoengs bacheloroppgave er markert.

Oppgavene er plassert under studieprogrammene Plantevitenskap og Miljø og naturressurser.

Noen oppgaver kan passe under begge studieprogrammene og er derfor tatt med begge steder.

Det kan være at du har et tema du vil jobbe med som ikke er foreslått av oss. I så fall, ikke nøl, ta kontakt så kan vi diskutere det. Ta kontakt med faggruppe jord, som holder til i 1. og 2.

etasje i Jordfagbygget.

Biochar for carbon sequestration and soil quality improvement

Biochar is biomass charcoal that, due to its stability in soil, could provide an important tool in the battle against climate change, while simultaneously improving the quality of degraded or polluted soils. Currently many of the underlying mechanisms of the effects of biochar in soils are still unknown, and research has largely been phenomenological. The overall aim of the ongoing UMB-NGI biochar research projects (see below) is to elucidate the mechanisms of biochar’s potential to simultaneously sequester carbon, reduce GHG emissions, improve soil fertility and chemically remediate polluted soils in diverse environments.

Background and status of knowledge:

Biochar-the principle: Biochar is the charcoal product obtained when biomass (preferably organic waste) is heated without access to oxygen (pyrolysis). In contrast to organic material, biochar is stable for thousands of years when mixed into soils, and thus represents carbon that is actively removed from the carbon cycle [Lehmann 2007].

Effect of biochar in soil. Terra preta, Amazonas


Advantages of biochar: Biochar combines a number of important advantages including i) sequestration of carbon, ii) neutralization of soil acidity, iii) reduction of GHG emissions of CO2, N2O and CH4, iv) reduction of nutrient leaching, v) immobilization of pollutants. Thus plant biomass leftovers and their carbon are considered a resource instead of a waste.

Biochar in acidic soils: Biochar is rich in alkaline components (Ca, Mg, K), which may contribute to neutralization of soil acidity and to decreasing the solubility of phyto-toxic metals like aluminium in soils. There are a few scattered non-mechanistic studies indicating that biochar amendment can result in significant soil improvement and double crop yields [Yamato et al 2006; Masulili et al 2010], attributed to strong reductions in soil acidity and available aluminium. Mechanistic understanding of successful biochar-soil combinations is the aim of the research of postdocs Vegard Martinsen (UMB) and Vanja Alling (NGI, analyses partly at UMB), and their research involving chemical characterizations will be coupled to physical characterizations.

Biochar and soil physics: Biochar has also been shown to be effective in non-acidic soils.

Besides increasing nutrient holding capacity, biochar can aid in increasing water holding capacity and thus reduce water stress in plants [Lehmann 2007]. In addition, biochar is hypothesized to give soils a more open, aerobic structure and decrease the number and size of anaerobic “microsites” where methanogenesis (leading to methane emissions) and

denitrification (leading to the GHG nitrous oxide) occur [Rondon 2007; Spokas 2009].

Coupling soil physical parameters to amendment of different biochars, and release of GHG, is one of the core aims of the project.

Reduction of other GHG emissions: N2O and CH4: As indicated, biochar amendment has been shown to reduce the occurrence of anaerobic conditions in soils, an important

prerequisite for the formation of important GHGs like nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) [Rondon et al, 2007; Yanai et al 2007]. However, exact mechanisms are poorly understood. A better understanding of the GHG reduction potential of biochar, will have widespread

implications for the development of climate-friendly strategies and the reclamation of degraded soil.

A Msc degree student may pursue research testing one or more of the hypothesized mechanisms behind GHG reduction:

i) biochar application to soil leads to a more open, aerobic structure, reducing anaerobic microsites and resulting in a higher redox potential than traditional direct return of crop residue to soil.

ii) nitrite and nitrate, which are substrates in the denitrification process, may be sorbed by biochars, thus reducing the potential for N2O emission;

iii)organic compounds triggering denitrification could be sorbed by biochar. For example, monoterpenes inhibited microbial methane oxidation and denitrification by

environmental isolates [Amaral et al 1998];

iv) denitrification stoichiometry (product ratio N2O: N2) shifts towards N2O at decreasing pH [Liu et al, 2010]. Acid neutralization by alkaline biochar could thus result in a more complete denitrification with more N2 and less N2O formation.

Understanding the effects of biochar on GHG emission processes would allow ground-breaking research on several levels including understanding C and N cycles as well as climate change abatement.


Knowledge gaps and progress beyond state-of-the-art

Although biochar amendment to soil is a promising technique for the simultaneous

sequestration of carbon, improvement of soil fertility and immobilization of pollutants, many unresolved issues remain. These include:

1. The effect of biochar on soil physical characteristics is related to water holding

capacity and plant available water and potentially related to GHG emissions and needs further study.

2. N2O and CH4 from agricultural fields (primarily rice and maize) impact global climate, and biochar can suppress their release. However, the mechanism of suppression of microbially mediated N2O and CH4 evolution by biochar is not understood.


high maize char

control high

N2 O emissions from nitrogen-saturated forest throughout China.

N2O emissions in China

In the last few decades south-east Asia has seen pronounced increases in long-range transported air pollutants, in particular SO

2, NO

x and NH

3 , due to increased energy consumption and intensification of agricultural production.


Jan Mulder (5568) Vegard Martinsen (5577)


Current emission and deposition levels represent a threat to both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in this region. In collaboration with Chinese partners (Tsinghua University,

Beijing, Research center for Eco_Environmental Studies-CAS, Chinese Acad. Forestry, China Agric. University), the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, UMB, conducts research on the effect of nitrogen deposition on soils and water in forests in different parts of China.

Atmospheric nitrogen deposition levels are high in south China, similar to values found in central Europe, and higher than those reported for North America. In sub-tropical Chinese forest, little of the deposited nitrogen is assimilated and so far, a minor fraction of the deposited nitrogen leaches from soils and enters surface waters. By contrast to Europe and North America, much of the deposited nitrogen in south China is leaving in a gaseous form as N2O, a potent greenhouse gas, due to denitrification. The current project focuses specifically on the regional representativeness of N2O emissions from nitrogen-saturated forests in south China and compares this with nitrogen balances and N2O emissions from Chinese temperate forests.

We offer a MSc theses project focusing on various factors affecting potential rates of nitrification and denitrification in the laboratory. Thesis work is flexible and may include various aspects depending on the interest of the student. Much of the work will be done in Norway, some field work in China is optional.

For more information contact: Jan Mulder

Langtids økologiske effekter av sauebeiting i alpine økosystemer (Hol, Buskerud)

Stølsdrift har minsket betydelig i mange subalpine områder av Sør-Norge. Dette har hatt en stor effekt på vegetasjonsstrukturen og ført til bl.a. gjengroing, økt utbredelse av fjellbjørkeskog, økning av tregrense og akkumulering av humus og næringsstoffer (for eksempel nitrogen og fosfor) i jord. I andre områder har beiteintensitet av sau økt, noe som har ført til en sterkere jordpakking og økt overflateavrenning av næringsstoffer og patogene organismer til vassdrag.

Forvaltningen av nedbørfelt er derfor av stor betydning for den fysisk-kjemiske og

økologiske kvaliteten av både jord og vann i subalpine områder i Sør-Norge.

I samarbeid med Universitetet i Oslo og

Vitenskapsmuseet i Trondheim er vi involvert i et langtidsbeiteforsøk i Hol (Buskerud).

Prosjektet har som hovedmål å gi en vitenskapelig basis for å relatere

forvaltningsalternativer (ulik sauetetthet) til spesifikke langtidseffekter av beiting i alpine


økosystemer. Vår gruppe har et spesielt ansvar for effektstudier på jord og vann.

Hovedoppgave som kan være aktuell:

Endret næringsdynamikk i grashabitat som følge av fysisk og kjemisk påvirkning av sau.

Områder dominert av urter og gress er prefererte beiteområder for sauen. Sauen oppholder seg relativt mye i disse områdene til tross for at de utgjør en relativt liten del av det totale arealet sauen kan bruke til beiting. Dette medfører at grashabitat blir utsatt for stor påvirkning av sau;

både fysisk (tramping) og kjemisk (tilførsel av urin og fekalier). Masteroppgaven vil fokusere på hvordan dette påvirker omsetning av karbon, nitrogen og fosfor. Metodisk vil det være aktuelt å utføre et manipuleringsforsøk hvor det tilføres syntetisk (eller ekte) saueurin (kjemisk påvirkning) i tillegg til tråkking (fysisk påvirkning). Det kan tas prøver av jord og jordvann, i tillegg til planter. Det kan også være aktuelt å bruke stabile isotoper for å spore næringsstoffenes fordeling i systemet. For å studere potensielle effekter på nedbrytning av organisk materiale (respirasjon i jord), er det mulig å måle CO2 emisjon. Oppgaven vil bestå av feltforsøk, analyser på lab og dataanalyse.


Jan Mulder (5568)

Vegard Martinsen (5577)

Work on climate change with UMB Nitrogen group at IPM

Vi tilbyr fortløpende masteroppgaver (både på 30 og 60 vekters) på spennende temaer innen klimaforandring, nitrogen omsetninger og klimagassutslipp i ulike landøkosystemer. Vi har prosjekter i klimasoner som spenner fra subtropisk (Kina, Indonesia), boreal (både landbruks- og naturlige systemer) til arktiske strøk (Siberia).

Various master’s thesis positions (both 30 and 60 points) are available during 2011. Topics are related to climate change, nitrogen dynamics and greenhouse gas emissions in terrestrial ecosystems ranging from subtropical China and Indonesia, via agricultural and boreal wetland ecosystems to Siberian tundra.


For more information contact: Peter Dörsch

Hanna Silvennoinen

Hogst eller vern – hva gir størst karbonlagring i jord?

I Karlshaugen naturreservat (Nordmarka) og omkringliggende arealer har vi sammen med Institutt for Skog og landskap et prosjekt hvor vi studerer skog og jord for å kunne si noe om hvordan hogst eller vern av skog påvirker karbonlagrene i skogøkosystemet. I den forbindelse er det mulighet for å ha et mastergradprosjekt knyttet til karbonlagre i jord. Målet for

oppgaven er å gjøre en sammenligning av karbonlagrene i jord hvor skogen ikke har vært hogd (i naturresservatet) med jorda i sammenlignbare områder (utenfor naturreservatet) hvor det har vært vanlig hogst. Oppgaven vil bestå i feltarbeid kombinert med laboratoriearbeid og en statistisk bearbeiding av resultatene. Feltarbeidet må utføres sommeren 2012, oppgaven passer for studenter som har som mål å levere oppgaven våren 2013.

Kontaktpersoner: Line Tau Strand line.strand@umb.no

Palsmyrer er myrhauger som har en indre kjerne med permafrost, i Norge finner vi disse høyt til fjells for eksempel på Dovre eller langt nord for eksempel på Finnmarksvidda. I forbindelse med et prosjekt hvor vi har sett på kvaliteten av organisk materiale i fra Palsmyrer i Neiden Finnmark, ønsker vi å kjøre et laboratorieforsøk hvor vi tiner jordprøver fra palsmyrkjerner under kontrollerte forhold. Etter tining vil vi inkubere jordprøvene ved ulike fuktighet og næringstilgang for å se hvilken effekt dette har på nedbrytninga av organisk materiale. I forbindelse med dette forsøket er det mulig å gjennomføre et mastergradsprosjekt. Oppgaven vil bestå av laboratoriearbeid knyttet til forbehandling, inkubering og kjemiske analyser.

Permafrostsmelting – effekter av ulik fuktighet og næringsstofftilgang på nedbrytning av organisk materiale.

Kontaktpersoner: Line Tau Stra

Annelene Penger

Carbon sequestering in soils in long-term fertility experiments in different ecological regions of Norway

Soil carbon sequestration implies enhancing the C pool in soil, which is affected to a greater extent by soil and climatic conditions as well as by the management practices adopted. In Norway we have several long-term experiments located in different ecological regions. The main objective will be to quantify soil carbon pools under different fertility managements and its association to soil aggregates and soil particles. The study will involve both field and laboratory investigations and a part of the laboratory study can be carried out at the Ohio State University, USA with our cooperative partners at this university.

In coperation with Ohio State University-USA

Kontaktperson: Bal Ram Singh


Undersøking av akkumulering av tungmetall, særlig kadmium, i jord og planter i økologisk dyrket områder

Økologisk dyrking har økt i stor omfang i siste årene over hele landet og mange av disse gårdene finnes også i områder med alunskifer som er kjent å innholde høyere mengder av tungmetaller. Vi vet lite om hvordan økologisk dyrking påvirker tilgjengelighet av

tungmetaller i jord og opptak i planter. Innen metallene er det kadmium (Cd) som er mest løselig i jord og er også mest skadelig for mennesker og dyr. Oppgaven vil omfatte

undersøkelser om metallinnhold i jord og planter (korn, gras, og poteter)fra økologisk dyrket områder med forskjellige jordtyper og dyrkingsform (med og uten husdyr). Oppgaven vil omfatte felt og laboratoriearbeid

Kontaktperson: Bal Ram Singh

Fosfor i jord og vann. En integrert studie av et samspill som er viktig for eutrofieringen av vassdrag i jordbruksområder.

Temaet passer for to oppgaver som vinkles mot henholdsvis fosfor i jord og effekten av fosfor i jord på eutrofieringen av vann:

Planter og andre organismer i jord er i stor grad avhengig av at P finnes i lett tilgjengelig form. Fosfor er vekstbegrensende for alger i vann og konsentrasjonen av P i vann er bl.a. styrt av P-nivået og bindingsstyrken til P i jorda som vannet passerer. Vi har imidlertid liten

oversikt over likevektskonsentrasjonen av P i jordvæska både i dyrka og naturlig jord under ulike betingelser selv om dette er en viktig parameter både med hensyn til plantevekst og forurensning. Det vil også bli utarbeid relasjoner mellom kjemiske parametre i jorda og biotilgjengelig P for planter og alger. Oppgaven vil omfatte felt og laboratoriearbeid.

Fosforfraksjoner i jord.

Ønsket bakgrunn: Gode basiskunnskaper i jordkjemi, jordanalyser og vannforurensning.

Kontaktperson: Tore Krogstad

Avrenning av fosfor fra landbruket påvirker i stor grad eutrofieringen av våre vassdrag.

Forurensningen av Vannsjø i Østfold er et eksempel på hvor alvorlig dette er når

drikkevannskilden og rekreasjonsområdet for svært mange personer blir ødelagt. Oppgaven vil kunne bruke vannovervåkningsdata fra områder på Østlandet og sammenligne disse dataene med målte verdier for fosfor i jord og sedimenter i de samme områdene. Oppgaven vil inngå i utviklingen av et system for intergrert jord- og vannovervåkning basert på jord- og vannparametre, og vil være et middel til mer miljøvennlig arealplanlegging i jordbruket.

Intergrert jord og vannovervåkning. Biotilgjengelig fosfor i jord og vann.

Ønsket bakgrunn: Gode basiskunnskaper i jordkjemi, jordanalyser og vannforurensning.

Kontaktperson: Tore Krogstad


Fosfordynamikken i dyrka jord

Ved IPM har vi flere langtidsforsøk hvor ulike vekster har vært dyrket under kontrollert tilgang på gjødsel over en periode på mer enn 50 år. Disse forsøkene egner seg til å studere balansen mellom opptak av P og det som er tilført, og å se hvordan dette påvirker dynamikken av P i jorda. Det vil si hvordan endrer innholdet av plantetilgjengelig P seg over tid. Ved hvilke nivå av P i jorda er det likevekt mellom det som tas opp og det som tilføres? Disse opplysningene er viktige for å tilpasse gjødslingen til et miljømessig nivå samtidig som avlingene holdes på et agronomisk akseptabelt nivå.

Ønsket bakgrunn: Gode basiskunnskaper i planteernæring og jordkjemi/jordanalyser.

Kontaktperson: Tore Krogstad

Grøfteavrenning - kilde og betydning for fosforavrenning i landbruket

Målinger i små avrenningsfelt og i lysimetre tyder på at grøfteavrenning er en vesentlig kilde for fosfor til vassdragene. Vi mangler imidlertid gode målinger tatt direkte på utløp fra jorder til å kunne bekrefte viktigheten av dette. Oppgaven vil bestå i å ta vannprøver i grøfteutløp i kummer på jorder rundt om i Follo etter først å ha identifisert avrenningsområdene på

grøftekart eller i samtale med gårdbrukerne. Prøvene analyseres på laboratoriet og resultatene vurderes opp mot jordart, vekst som dyrkes, gjødslingsnivå og fosfornivå i jorda i området.

Ønsket bakgrunn: Gode basiskunnskaper i jordkjemi/jordanalyser/vannanalyser og vannforurensning.

Kontaktperson: Tore Krogstad

Sivhøsting som tiltak for å redusere fosforinnholdet i sedimenter

I flere innsjøer, f.eks Vansjø, er det kraftig sivvegetasjon i litoralsonen. Målinger viser at sivet kan inneholde betydelige mengder fosfor og dersom det blir høstet kan det bidra til en

vesentlig uttapping av fosfor fra sjøen. Oppgaven går ut på å ta sivprøver fra ulike lokaliteter i Vansjø eller en annen innsjø og analysere fosforinnholdet i disse og gjøre estimater for hva høstingen kan bety for bedret vannkvalitet på sikt. Det tas også sedimentprøver på stedene hvor sivet høstes og disse analyseres for P-innhold og korreleres mot innholdet i sivet.

Positive og negative sider med sivhøsting som tiltak for bedre vannkvalitet vurderes opp mot tradisjonelle tiltak i landbruket på land.

Ønsket bakgrunn: Gode basiskunnskaper i planteernæring, jordkjemi/jordanalyser og vannforurensning.

Kontaktperson: Tore Krogstad



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