• No results found

Because this is a small-scale qualitative survey with only five informants, findings cannot be used to generalise EFL teachers’ practices or their pupils. Nevertheless, based on my findings, I wish to suggest two relevant studies that I consider interesting to undertake for further research. The first one is research into young people’s English deep reading habits and their cognitive patience in English. The second approach is to do more research on teachers’ deep digital reading practices in the English classroom.

115 I believe it is important to gain more insight into young people’s deep reading habits and their cognitive patience in English. To read in English can be more cognitively demanding than to read in a first language. Our goal should be to encourage pupils to seek cognitively

demanding activities, and I believe that the deep reading of literature is a good course of action in maintaining such a goal. One of the core elements in English is about providing for the “encountering of English texts,” and one of the subject specific aims are specifically targeted at “interpreting and reflecting upon English speaking literature and youth literature”

(LK20, 2019, my translations). To find out more about the young people’s deep reading habits, a larger scale survey could be conducted where pupils elaborate on their reading habits in English. To investigate pupils’ cognitive patience, it would be interesting to conduct an experiment by using the research on reading strategies by Brevik (2015), Wolf’s demands for biliterate brains (2018), and Rege’s research on fixed and growth mindsets as theoretical frameworks (2016). Different groups could be given instruction in reading strategies (Brevik, 2015) and necessary information on deep reading processes and media awareness (Wolf, 2018), as well as information about fixed and growth mindsets (Rege, 2016). The study could see if the group’s instruction in the experiment led to a development in their metacognitive language in order to understand themselves and their learning processes better. It would be interesting to consider the effects of such a study.

The second suggestion for further research would be to learn more about deep digital reading practices in the English classroom. Many schools are now using tablets or other digital devices, and pupils would benefit from having language teachers who are capable of

defending their practices not only when it comes to what pupils read, but also how pupils read and from which medium pupils read. In addition, it can increase teachers’ metacognitive awareness on their own teaching practices in general. Now, with LK20´s (2019) emphasis on skills like metacognition, deep learning and self-regulated learning, there is more focus on teaching pupils to reflect more deeply upon what they learn and how they learn. Increasing our own awareness around deep digital reading practices would help us better assist our pupils when they select their own texts and embark on their own independent-driven reading




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