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Spectral photometry

In document 649 2012 (sider 142-147)


8.3 Sediment cores

8.3.6 Spectral photometry

Jens Matthiessen Alfred-Wegener-Institut


Ltd., UK) and a attached Minolta colour spectrophotometer CM-2600d was used to PHDVXUHUHÀHFWDQFHVSHFWUDRIJUDYLW\FRUHV5HÀHFWDQFHVSHFWUDZHUHFROOHFWHG in 39 spectral bands between 360 and 740 nm in 10-nm spectral bands with 10 mm aperture. Measurement spacing was generally set to 1 cm. The split core VXUIDFHV RI WKH DUFKLYH KDOYHV ZHUH FRYHUHG E\ D VWDQGDUG ¿OP WR SURWHFW WKH spectrophotometer.



1931), the CIE L*a*b* colour space (referred to as CIELAB space, Commission Internationale de l´Éclairage L*a*b colour space 1976) and the percentage values RIWKHVSHFWUDLQQPVWHSV'DWDRXWSXWDUH7DEGHOLPLQDWHG$6&,,FVY¿OHV WKDW ZHUH FRQYHUWHG LQWR ([FHO ¿OHV [OV DQG HGLWHG IRU HDFK VHGLPHQW FRUH separately in Excel sheets. Obvious outliers e.g. due to uneven core surfaces or KROHVDVQRWHGZKLOHPHDVXULQJZHUHGHOHWHGIURPWKHGDWDVHW$IWHU¿QDOHGLWLQJ all data will be deposited separately for each sediment core under the respective VWDWLRQDQGFDVWQXPEHULQWKHGDWDEDQN3$1*$($

Preliminary results from sediment core analysis Sediment surfaces

7KH UHODWLYHO\ IHZ VHGLPHQW VXUIDFHV REWDLQHG ZLWK WKH *.* GR QRW DOORZ WR GLVWLQJXLVK UHJLRQDO WUHQGV LQ WKH GLVWULEXWLRQ RI VHGLPHQWDU\ IDFLHV *UDLQ VL]H FRPSRVLWLRQ RI WKH JHQHUDOO\ EURZQLVK VHGLPHQWV LV TXLWH YDULDEOH UDQJLQJ IURP clays to sandy silty clays but most surfaces are relatively coarse-grained. This might be due to the selection of sites on elevated submarine structure where ERWWRPFXUUHQWVPLJKWKDYHZLQQRZHGWKH¿QHIUDFWLRQ*UDYHOXSWRFP is common on most surfaces. Among the biogenic components corroded shells and shell fragments are common, while larger calcareous foraminifers were rarely observed on surfaces.

A common feature is the occurrence of sponges and sponge spicules at some ORFDWLRQV ERWK LQ *.* DQG 08& ,Q SDUWLFXODU DW WKH .DUDVLN 6HDPRXQW *DNNHO Ridge), sponges and spicules form dense mats in the uppermost centrimeters at stations 205, 206, and 207. At station 207 on the top of the seamount sponge mats cover basaltic? rocks while at the other stations they overlain siliciclastic sediments. Additionally, at station 248 on the Lomonosov Ridge sponges were recovered with a multi corer.

Sediment cores

All sediment cores are characterized by some colour variation with brownish layers DOWHUQDWLQJZLWKOLJKWEURZQLVKROLYHOD\HUV([FHSWIRU6/IURP*DNNHO5LGJH that has a pronounced lithological variability throughout the core the lithofacies is more variable in the upper part of the sediment cores with distinct alternations of coarse-grained layers, sometimes comprising gravel-sized ice-rafted debris (IRD), DQG¿QHJUDLQHGOD\HUV7KHORZHUSDUWLVUHODWLYHO\¿QHJUDLQHGFRPSRVHGRIVLOW\

clays to clayey silts with few thin intervals of coarser material. Based on this pronounced change in lithofacies, the lithology of the new sediment cores may EHVXEGLYLGHGLQWRWZRXQLWVHJ36)LJDVLWKDVEHHQGRQHLQ cores collected during ARK-XXIII/3 across the southern Mendeleev Ridge (Stein et al., 2010b). Additionally, sediment cores at the Alpha Ridge may be correlated by GLVWLQFWSK\VLFDOSURSHUW\HYHQWV6HOOpQHWDO

Prominent sedimentary units may form key lithostratigraphic marker beds to FRUUHODWHVHGLPHQWFRUHVRYHUORQJHUGLVWDQFHV7KHVHGLPHQWFRUHV*&


237, 238 and 241 allow a tentative correlation to well-known key lithostratigraphic marker beds (white and pink-white layers) recognized in numerous sediment cores located on the Alpha and Mendeleev Ridges (e.g. Clark et al., 1980; Minicucci

& Clark, 1983; Mudie & Blasco, 1985; Stein et al., 2010a,b; Matthiessen et al., )LJEXWWKHLUFKURQRVWUDWLJUDSKLFSRVLWLRQKDVQRWEHHQUHVROYHG\HW In sediment cores from the Alpha Ridge the eye-catching pinkish component in these layers is apparently absent (Clark et al., 1980; Jokat, 1999; Schauer, 2008) PDNLQJDVVLJQPHQWWRRQHRIWKHPDUNHUVEHGVGLI¿FXOW1HYHUWKHOHVVDOOWKHVH OD\HUVDUHFRQ¿QHGWR8QLW,

This unit can be further subdivided according to the standard lithostratigraphy established by Clark et al., (1980) for the Alpha and Mendeleev Ridges but individual units may vary in thickness and/or may be even absent. The coarse-JUDLQHGOLWKRORJLFDOXQLWVRIWKLVOLWKRVWUDWLJUDSK\)LJPDUNHGE\OHWWHUVLQ the IRD column) may be potentially useful for supra-regional correlation (compare with IRD records in Stein et al., 2010b).

&RUUHODWLQJWKHXSSHUVHGLPHQWDU\XQLWVLQ*.*DQG08&IURPWKHZHVWHUQ$OSKD Ridge to the southern Mendeleev Ridge clearly show an increase in thickness of XQLWV WR WKH VRXWK )LJ DV KDV EHHQ VXJJHVWHG DOUHDG\ IURP FRPSXWLQJ average sedimentation rates (Stein et al., 2010a,b). The upper brown layers are clearly separated at the southern Mendeleev Ridge by a light brown/olive unit that thins out to the north. The uppermost white layer W3 decreases in thickness as well and is hardly visible at the western Alpha Ridge. This layer is also not visible LQVHGLPHQWFRUH*&IURPWKH/RPRQRVRY5LGJH

Due to its lithological uniformity Unit II may be primarily subdivided based on FRORXUYDULDWLRQV)LJDFFRUGLQJWR6WHLQHWDOEVHGLPHQWOLJKWQHVV a* and b* values; units A, A1 etc.) and these distinct changes may be traced along the Mendeleev and Alpha Ridges over long distances.

8.3 Sediment cores

Fig. 8.10: Lithostratigraphic units, magnetic susceptibility, IRD content, L*

lightness, a* red-green colour space, and b* yellow blue colour space of sediment core PS78/231-2. Potential tie points in physical properties are marked

in the magnetic susceptibility record (AR1-AR5, according to Séllen et al., 2010). Detrital carbonate-rich layers are marked with red lines. Black lines

indicate distinct steps in colour data (see Stein et al. 2010b, Fig. 11).

Fig. 8.11: Tentative correlation of lithological marker beds in near-surface sediments from Lomonosov Ridge (PS78/221-5, PS78/248-5), Alpha Ridge (PS78/231-3) and

0HQGHOHHY5LGJH363636EDVHGRQLGHQWL¿FDWLRQ of brown beds B1 and B2, and white bed W3 in box core PS72/399-3 by Stein et al.

(2010b). For locations of cores see Fig. 8.6.


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A.1 Participating Institutions

In document 649 2012 (sider 142-147)