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10 The methods to be used: PEST Analysis

10.3 Political Analysis

10.3.2 Political parties in Norway Red Party (R)

1 seat (Valg, 2018) – Socialist (Overland, 2019)

Red Party (2017) claimed that Norway should phase out fossil fuels, and new oil and gas exploration and extraction will not be permitted on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Moreover, all benefits and subsidies for oil and gas industry need to be phased out. (Rødt, 2017) The party’s target is stopping 90% of oil and gas extraction in Norway by 2030. (Rødt, 2017) The Red Party stated that Equinor needs to be renationalized and leaves from oil and gas operations. They party demands and estimates if the Government Pension Fund Global invests green industries, 100,000 jobs can be created. Red Party (2017) emphasized that Norway should focus on tidal power, geothermal power and offshore wind power.

It seems that the Red Party’s statements and standing position towards oil & gas and

renewable energy are similar to what Green Party claims. The Red Party also highlighted that the party commits offensively to replace fossil fuels to renewable energy. The party did not mention electrification of offshore plants nor hydrogen in the party’s program 2017 – 2021.

Red Party’s youth organization, Red Yough (Rød UNGDOM) stated that electrification of shelf can be important; however, each project must be assessed and evaluated separately and if the electrification on particular offshore installations does not create great outcome and efficiency, the projects should not be proceeded. Although the statement is from youth party, this indicates that Red Party may support the electrification of offshore plants case by case.

Thus, it can be said that the Red Party may be supportive of green offshore plants with hydrogen, but it seems that their approval would be based on efficiency and outcome.

Respondent: Mailiss Solheim-Åkerblom – Regional secretary for Red Party (West Norway)

1. Oil and gas extraction

a) Is the party for or against to existing oil and gas extraction in Norway?

Answer: 2) Supportive Comment:

“It is important for Rødt that the green transition does not take place at the expense of jobs and is therefore positive to the employment the industry contributes to today - but within a short period of time, skills and jobs must go from fossil to renewable sector.”

b) Is the party for or against to explore and develop new oil and gas fields in Norway?

Answer: 5) Very against

c) How soon should Norway leave the oil and gas extraction fully?

Answer: 2) by 2030

Comment: “90% of the extraction will be stopped by 2030.”

2. Renewable energy

a) Is the party for or against to expand renewable energy in Norway besides existing hydro power?

Answer: 1) Very supportive

b) Is the party for or against to offshore wind power or wind farm on Norwegian Continental Shelf?

Answer: 2) Supportive

c) It the party for or against to invest in hydrogen in Norway?

Answer: 2) Supportive

3. Green offshore fields

a) Is the party for or against to the electrification of offshore fields by connecting to shore power (renewable sources)?

Answer: 4) Against

Comment: “Hydropower should not be used to electrify the shelf”

b) Is the party for or against to the electrification of offshore fields by offshore wind power?

Answer: 3) Neutral Comment:

“Today's program says nothing about electrification using offshore wind power.”

c) Does party believe that energy storage solution is essential to achieve green offshore fields?

Answer: No answers

Comment: “(The party) has not programmed anything at this point.”

d) Technologically, it is possible that *electrolyzer can be built in the windmills. Any excessed hydrogen can be blended into natural gas which makes natural gas greener.

*Electrolyzer splits water into hydrogen and oxygen with electricity.

Does party support to convert offshore windmills to hydrogen wind turbines?

Answer: No answers

Comment: “(The party) has not programmed anything at this point.”

e) How soon should all offshore fields be electrified with renewable energy?

Answer: No answers

Comment: “(The party) has not programmed anything at this point.”

4. Finance

a) Does the party consider the offshore wind power as Norway’s future export item?

Answer: 1) Yes

Comment: “Especially the technology, not the power”

b) Is the party willing to support financially (including tax incentives) to the expansion of renewable energy in Norway? If yes, in what extent?

Answer: 1) Yes – Extensively or more than now

c) Is the party willing to support financially (Including tax incentives) to the full electrification of offshore field? If yes, in what extent?

Answer: No answers

Comment: “(The party) has not programmed anything at this point.”

d) Is the party willing to support financially (Including tax incentives) to the offshore wind? If yes, in what extent?

Answer: 1) Yes – Extensively or more than now

e) Is the party willing to support financially (Including tax incentives) to the hydrogen as energy storage solution to achieve green offshore fields? If yes, in what extent?

Answer: No answers

Comment: “(The party) has not programmed anything at this point.”

Comment from the respondent:

“As an industrial party, the Labor Party works to facilitate the development of existing and the creation of new industry. The expertise from the oil and gas industry is central to the development of adjacent industries such as hydrogen, ccs and offshore wind.”


Both Red Party’s program and respondent, Solheim-Åkerblom, stated that the party is against further development of offshore fields in Norwegian Shelf Continent. They added that 90% of

ambitious parties in terms of phasing out oil and gas extraction. Solheim-Åkerblom stated that they are politically and financially supportive of develop renewable energy; however, they emphasized that such technologies should not be developed for the electrification of offshore fields. It may be able to be said that if the offshore wind and hydrogen storage are deployed to electrify offshore fields, they are most likely against to the electrification of offshore fields. It seems answers from Red Party is based on what is written in the party’s 2017-2021 program.

It can be indicated that it is probably that updated discussion within the party is not reflected to the answers from Red Party.