• No results found

6 Implications and conclusions

Findings presented in papers 1 and 2 indicate that the Coping With Strain (CWS) course on average has led to significant positive effects on symptoms of depression, as well as on generalized self-efficacy, self-esteem and vitality. These effects may be seen for a long period of time, at least four years. The conclusions in papers 1 and 2 are based on an experimental design where one group receives the intervention immediately and the other group after a delay. This design permits differentiation between a natural change in the outcome variables and change caused by participation in the CWS course. Furthermore, we have a follow-up period stretching across four years. Use of linear mixed models (LMM) in the analyses of intervention effects compensates for some of the problems of this study, lack of measurement on all relevant occasions in both groups, and high, as well as varying, levels of attrition and missing observations. The sample size was modest, and non-participation at some of the measurement occasions was high, which might threaten the validity of the results.

The cross-lagged model presented in paper 3 showed that levels of self-efficacy and social support predict changes in levels of depression. Levels of depression do not predict changes in levels of self-efficacy. The findings are in accordance with the underpinnings of the CWS course. The text in the CWS textbook describes that strengthening of coping

abilities and more pleasant activities will reduce symptoms of depression. However, levels of depression do predict changes in social support, which may imply that depression may be an important factor in mechanisms related to experiencing and perceiving social support.

The CWS course has been shown to have effects on ill-health and positive mental health, and can be beneficial to employees with minimal to moderate symptoms of

45 depression. The participants in this project were mostly women. The extent to which our findings can be generalised to groups with other gender ratios remains unclear and deserves attention in future studies. There may be reason for optimism with regard to generalizing findings to workplaces similar to the ones we covered in this PhD project. The course may be beneficial for employees who seek the knowledge and tools to improve their mental health and reduce ill-health. In a bigger picture, the results in the three papers may be useful for employees, employers, workplaces and society in general to address and fight depression and promote well-being and positive mental health.

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Appendix I; The invitation to participate in the CWS course