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Further research

In document Gaming, a cure for loneliness? (sider 39-46)

This thesis can not conclude that there is a definite correlation between feeling less lonely and gaming. It is an interesting topic that needs further and more specific research to be able to conclude. The data from the further research could be used to understand better what affects loneliness, and to be able to do specific research will get better and more concluding results.

Research on this topic is sought; before this bachelor was handed in, NRK made contact, saying they wanted to use the data from this thesis survey since there was a lack of data on this topic. There is an advantage to doing further research because loneliness is increasing among the Norwegian people and looking at a possible positive effect and looking further into gaming as a social arena, which can benefit many people.

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9.0 Appendix

In document Gaming, a cure for loneliness? (sider 39-46)