• No results found

6 Discussion

6.1 Interpretation of main results

6.1.3 EF and Early Literacy

Regarding early literacy, results are less conclusive. First, Study II showed that self-regulation and expressive vocabulary were significantly correlated across the transition from kindergarten to first grade (r = .32).

However, the cross-lagged path analyses indicated that expressive vocabulary predicted self-regulation, but not the reverse. This effect was robust as it held when other academic skills (phonological awareness and mathematics) were controlled for. The finding that children’s language skills predicted self-regulation is in line with findings from previous studies in younger children (Bohlmann et al., 2015; Cadima et al., 2018;

Fuhs & Day, 2011; Fuhs et al., 2014; Petersen, Bates, & Staples, 2015;

Slot & Von Suchodoletz, 2018). Although, some of these studies also found bidirectional effects (Bohlmann et al., 2015; Cadima et al., 2018;

Fuhs et al., 2014; Slot & Von Suchodoletz, 2018) or unidirectional effects in the opposite direction at certain time points (Bohlmann et al., 2015; Fuhs et al., 2014; Weiland et al., 2014). Because of the transition from a play-based ECEC context in kindergarten to formal education in first grade in Norway, self-regulation was expected to predict expressive

vocabulary in Study II. There may be several reasons for why this association was not found in the present study. First, expressive vocabulary showed high stabLOLW\ȕ PHDQLQJWKDWOLWWOHYDULDQFH was left to be explained by self-regulation. Other studies had different or additional measures as indicators of children’s early language skills, such as receptive vocabulary (Weiland et al., 2014), addition of grammar skills (Slot & Von Suchodoletz, 2018) or oral comprehension (Fuhs et al., 2014). Bohlmann et al. (2015) did find evidence for a pathway between self-regulation and expressive vocabulary, however, their sample was younger (50 months at T1), included dual language learners, and (possibly as a consequence of this) vocabulary was less stable across time (ȕ .70 - ȕ .60). Second, other differences in educational context across countries may cause variation in results. For example, a stronger focus on instructional language activities at a younger age in countries with a school-readiness approach may place a higher demand on children’s self-regulatory skills yielding stronger associations compared to countries where children mainly learn through free-play situations, such as Norway.

Nevertheless, the fact that expressive vocabulary significantly predicted self-regulation in Study II is in line with Vygotsky’s theory on the role of language for self-regulation development (Diaz et al., 1992;

Vygotsky, 1934/1986) and suggests that Norwegian children’s language skills in kindergarten may aid successful acquisition of self-regulation in first grade.

Results from Study II showed that the association between self-regulation and phonological awareness was not supported by the data and turned non-significant when other academic skills (vocabulary and mathematics) were controlled for. Conversely, in Study III both attentional and behavioral control significantly predicted phonological awareness, with moderate strength (ȕ = .31 and ȕ .39, respectively).


There may be several explanations for this differential finding. First, in Study III, self-control and early academic skills were assessed at concurrent time points, likely rendering stronger predictive power.

Second, and relatedly, phonological awareness skills at a previous time point were not controlled for in Study III. If we compare the concurrent bivariate correlations between the studies it can be seen that they are all of moderate strength with a correlation of r = .38 between self-regulation and phonological awareness in Study II and a slightly stronger correlation of r = .48 and r = .54 for attentional and behavioral control respectively in Study III. Third, the distinctive factor scores for attentional and behavioral aspects in Study III can be seen as free of measurement error (although not free of estimation error) (Skrondal & Laake, 2001), while in Study II the measure of self-regulation contains the raw score and thus includes measurement error which may have attenuated the path estimates. If a latent variable approach had been used in Study II, the estimates might have been stronger. Finally, the measure of phonological awareness in Study II did show some ceiling effects that may have resulted in a reduction of variation at the higher end of the scale and, in turn, attenuated the estimates (more on this in section 6.2.2 and 6.2.3).

Also, literacy skills are known to develop faster in a language with a more transparent orthography, such as Norwegian and Dutch, compared to languages with complex grapheme-phoneme relations, such as English (Aro & Wimmer, 2003; Goswami, 2008; Seymour et al., 2003).

Although the Norwegian and Dutch language are both considered to be semi-transparent languages, Norwegian is a slightly more transparent language (Seymour et al., 2003). For Norwegian children it may be easier, and thus require less self-regulation, to become aware of phonemes because letters more consistently map onto one and the same phoneme (Goswami, 2008). Consequently, variation in orthographic depth of languages may also be a cause of variation in relations between self-regulation and phonological awareness.

In Study III, and in line with previous studies (Segers et al., 2016; Van de Sande et al., 2013; Van de Sande et al., 2017), attentional control was a specifically strong correlate of later word reading skills in first grade (r

= .39) compared to behavioral control (r = .17). The fact that attentional control showed this initial distinct association with word reading may be because word reading requires children to focus on the target word, identify letters that form relevant orthographic units, and actively suppress visual attention being drawn to other letters and words (Valdois, Roulin, & Bosse, 2019). Also, in line with previous studies (Van de Sande et al., 2013; Van de Sande et al., 2017), the effect from attentional control to word decoding skills attenuated when phonological awareness was entered in the final model. This suggests that it is the phonological part of word decoding that demands attentional control.

Although behavioral control did not show a significant association with word reading (r = .17), the variable predicted word reading indirectly through its effect on the acquisition of phonological awareness. This highlights the importance of investigating indirect effects as the absence of longitudinal predictions does not imply that self-regulation does not contribute to the development of a skill through other pathways.

Somewhat surprisingly, in the final path model, behavioral control showed a significant negative prediction to word reading (ȕ = -.28) indicating a statistical suppression effect (MacKinnon, Krull, &

Lockwood, 2000) from phonological awareness. This effect is in line with other studies. For example, in Van de Sande et al. (2013), a non-significant association of .06 between behavioral control and word UHDGLQJWXUQHGWRDQHJDWLYHSUHGLFWLRQRIȕ -.10 when controlling for the mediating effect of phonological awareness. The negative prediction implies that children with equal phonological awareness, but better behavioral control, have a lower predicted score on the word reading task. The word reading task is a speeded efficiency task that requires children to name words as accurate and fast as possible within three minutes (Three-Minutes-Reading-Test (Krom et al., 2010; Verhoeven,


1995). It may be that children with good behavioral control use their inhibitory skills inefficiently and disadvantageous in a speeded task. That is, maybe they are being too careful. Children with lower behavioral inhibition (but still equal phonological awareness skills) on the contrary may be more inclined to ‘rush’ through the task resulting in a higher score. However, strong positive relations between inhibition and processing speed have been found (van der Sluis, de Jong, & van der Leij, 2007) suggesting that children should benefit from inhibitory control in a speeded task. Moreover, timed measures of EF have positively predicted both untimed and timed measures of reading (Altemeier, Abbott, & Berninger, 2008). Thus, this explanation clearly remains speculative and warrants further study. The effect of processing speed is further elaborated on in paragraph 6.2.3.

Taken together, and when taking into consideration the mixed results from previous research, the associations between EF, including self-regulation, and early literacy skills seem relatively unstable during early childhood. The strength and direction of associations likely depend on several aspects, such as timing of assessment and inclusion of prior skills in the model, type and complexity of literacy assessment, as well as which component of EF is assessed (e.g., attentional or behavioral), and the educational early childhood context of the sample (school-readiness vs play-based). Nevertheless, the pattern that does seem to emerge is that associations between EF and literacy attenuate when early skills are controlled for. This suggests that the effect of EF on the development of literacy is gradual, meaning that the majority of influence of self-regulation on later reading development lays in kindergarten. That is, EF plays an important role when basic literacy skills are in the process of being learned in kindergarten, but when early skills become automated the predictive value of EF diminishes. However, EF may become important again for more complex skills that develop later on, such as reading comprehension (Connor et al., 2016).