• No results found

Our most important findings are that being young and holding a high education seems to be highly significant predictors of a growth mindset, while income seems to have no predictive effect on the mindset. Other predictors where also found, and some of our expectations were met, but some variables yielded surprising results by not being significant predictors. We could not reject Hypotheses 1 and 4, and thus conclude that education and risk regarding life


are significant predictors of a growth mindset; when education and willingness of risk regarding life increases, mindset measure increases and indicates more of a growth mindset.

We do reject Hypotheses 2 and 3, and thus conclude that we found no predictive effect on mindset from income and risk regarding money.

As mentioned, having completed 3 years of college or university education predicts more of a growth mindset. This estimated coefficient is highly significant. Surprisingly, income does not seem to predict an individual’s mindset. However, age is highly significant and negative, indicating that aging fixes the individual’s mindset. So does living in urban areas and being religious. The two risk variables differed both concerning the sign and the significance level.

Risk regarding money does not seem to predict an individual’s mindset, but risk regarding life predicts a growth mindset. Taken together, our findings indicate that individuals with a high education, young, not religious, living in non-urban areas, and embracing risk regarding life hold more of a growth mindset than individuals with a low education, older, risk-averse towards risk regarding life, religious and living in urban areas. An important implication of our findings is that mindset may be more important for social, as well as business economics than earlier acknowledged, and that we may have to look to the education system to better the outcome for the society. Our findings do not point to a causal relationship, but they indicate that there is a relationship. Whether the predictors we found are the cause of a growth mindset, or a growth mindset is the reason why these individuals hold these qualities, is a question for further research. Other topics for further research are investigating whether there are differences between Norwegian data and results from other countries. If so, maybe

mindset is related to culture. It would also be interesting to investigate why income is not significant. What other factors may be impacting income, eliminating the predicting effect of income on mindset. Why does not income predict mindset like education does, when

education and income are found to be positively correlated?

Finally, an investigation into why we find differences between the Norwegian counties would also be interesting. There may be differences in how many is employed in different sectors, and which sectors is overrepresented in the different counties that can explain the county differences, or maybe number of immigrants make up a significant predictive effect.



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