• No results found

6. Data on which to base dietary reference values

6.4. Children

There is a lack of data from which an AR could be derived for children (Sections5.2and 5.4).

For children, the Panel decided to draw up reference values based on downwards extrapolation from the reference value for adults, based on the AR for energy (EFSA NDA Panel, 2013b) and including a growth factor to take into account requirements for growth, as follows:

Valuechild = Valueadult 9 (AR for energy of children/AR for energy of adults aged 18–29 years) 9 (1+ growth factor)

The AR for energy varies with age and physical activity level (PAL) (EFSA NDA Panel, 2013b). For the calculations, the AR for energy of adults aged 18–29 years was taken as a reference. The values calculated by using the ARs corresponding to the different PAL values were close (< 0.2 g/day difference). Therefore, a single value is proposed that applies to all levels of physical activity.

Growth factors are derived from the proportional increase in protein requirement for growth relative to the maintenance requirement at the different ages (EFSA NDA Panel, 2012a; EFSA, 2017a).

The age categories proposed by the EFSA NDA Panel (2010) were applied. For each age category, the Panel decided to set a single value for boys and girls and the average of the values calculated for both sexes was taken (Table 11).

Table 11: Safe and adequate intake of sodium for children

Safe and adequate intake(a)(g/day)

1–3 years 1.1

4–6 years 1.3

7–10 years 1.7

11–17 years 2.0

BOX 1–Safe and adequate intake: explanation for the terms

Safe: Although the term ‘safe intake’ is not defined in the principles on deriving and applying DRVs (EFSA NDA Panel, 2010), the concept of a safe intake has been used in previous assessments regarding a daily intake of a nutrient which does not give rise to concerns about adverse health effects, in instances when a tolerable upper intake level (UL) could not be established (SCF, 2000; EFSA NDA Panel, 2012b). The reference value for sodium is called ‘safe’ because the value proposed takes account of the evidence describing the relationship between sodium intake and CVD risk in the general population.

Adequate: An adequate intake (AI) is the value estimated when a population reference intake (PRI) cannot be established because an average requirement (AR) cannot be determined (EFSA NDA Panel, 2010). The AI is the level of intake that is assumed to be sufficient based on observations from groups of apparently healthy people. The reference value for sodium is called‘adequate’in line with this definition.


The Panel concludes that the available evidence cannot be used to derive an AR and a PRI for sodium. Evidence on the relationship between sodium intake and level of blood pressure and risk of CVD as well as data from balance studies are used as a basis to determine a safe and adequate intake of sodium of 2.0 g/day for the general population of adults (Table12). The Panel proposes that the reference value for adults also applies to pregnant and lactating women. Reference values for children are extrapolated from the reference value for adults based on the energy requirements of the age groups and applying a growth factor. For infants over 6 months of age, an AI is derived by extrapolating the estimated sodium intake of fully breast-fed infants during the first 6 months of life based on the energy requirement of the respective age groups.

The Panel notes that the mean/median intake of sodium in the European adult populations exceeds the safe and adequate intakes set for sodium (see AppendicesC, D and E). The risk of inadequate (insufficient) intake in European populations is low. Concerns for European populations instead relate to ‘excess’ intake of sodium. Therefore, in practice, the values proposed can be used to inform the setting of population goals for the reduction in sodium intake.

The Panel acknowledges that the concept of a safe and adequate intake is not addressed in the EFSA’s Scientific Opinion on the principles for deriving and applying DRVs published in 2010 (EFSA NDA Panel, 2010). The principles were established when the review of DRVs for European populations was initiated and was meant as a guidance document. As for other guidance documents in EFSA, it is a living document that could be updated in the future in the light of the experience gained and new scientific and methodological developments in the field.

Recommendations for research

There is a need for studies, using robust assessment methods for sodium intake and the outcome of interest, investigating:

the moderating effect of energy intake on the relationship between sodium intake and blood pressure;

the health effects of sodium and of the Na/K ratio at intakes approximating their respective DRVs;

the life course effects of sodium intake on blood pressure, in particular the effect of sodium intake on neurohormonal control during childhood and adolescence, including programming;

the effect of prolonged exposure to ‘low’ sodium on the effective functioning of its homeostatic regulation (i.e. SNS and RAAS);

the effects of sodium intake on bone health in growing and ageing populations;

the role of sodium intake on the pathogenesis of kidney disease in the general population;

the characterisation of genes involved in determining ‘salt-sensitive’ phenotypes and of moderating factors of‘salt sensitivity’.

(a): Values for children were derived from the value for adults after adjustment on the basis of differences in average requirement for energy (EFSA NDA Panel, 2013b) and application of a growth factor (EFSA, 2017a). The average requirements for energy of adults aged 18 to 29 years was used in the calculations. The average of the values for boys and girls was calculated for each year of age. For each age category, the proposed value corresponds to the average of the values calculated for each year of age. A single value for the age categories 1114 years and 1517 years was selected. Values are rounded to the closest 0.1.

Table 12: Summary of dietary reference values for sodium

Safe and adequate intake(a)(g/day)

7–11 months 0.2(b)

1–3 years 1.1

4–6 years 1.3

7–10 years 1.7

11–17 years 2.0

≥18 years(c) 2.0

(a): Equivalent to: 9 mmol/day for infants 711 months, 48 mmol/day for children aged 13 years, 57 mmol/day for children aged 46 years, 74 mmol/day for children aged 710 years, 87 mmol/day for children aged 1117 years, 87 mmol for adults, including pregnant and lactating women.

(b): Adequate intake.

(c): Including pregnant and lactating women.


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