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List of Figures

Figure 1.1. General scheme of the proposed system ... 25

Figure 3.1. Haar-like feature masks used by the Viola–Jones detection method ... 35

Figure 3.2. Distribution of detection values for classifiers with increasing numbers of features ... 38

Figure 3.3. Normal Q-Q plot for Figure 3.2 and FDDB dataset ... 39

Figure 3.4. Original image and its distribution of detection values for a 200-features classifier ... 39

Figure 3.5. Evolution of the values of rK ... 41

Figure 3.6. Input image and its histogram of detection values for an 80-features classifier ... 42

Figure 3.7. Detections with NFPmax 1, 5, and 10 ... 44

Figure 3.8. Raw detection results and result of the proposed grouping and simplification method ... 45

Figure 3.9. Raw detection results applied to mirror version and result after detections grouping and simplification ... 46

Figure 3.10. Examples of images in the IMM dataset in the BioID dataset ... 47

Figure 3.11. Detection results for images in the IMM dataset images in the BioID dataset ... 47

Figure 3.12. Some images in the FDDB dataset ... 50

Figure 3.13. FDDB results of the 200-features classifier with adaptive detection threshold .. 51

Figure 3.14. Some results of the 200-features classifier on the FDDB dataset ... 52

Figure 3.15. FDDB results of the proposed short cascade ... 57

Figure 3.16. Some detection results of our short cascade for NFPmax = 0.5 (mirror result) .. 59

Figure 3.17. More detection results of our short cascade for NFPmax = 0.5 (mirror result) showing some missing detections and false positives ... 60

Figure 4.1. Some images of the four popular standard datasets in facial expression ... 66

Figure 4.2. A small example of the FEGA Dataset ... 67

Figure 4.3. Some images of FE-Test dataset ... 67

Figure 4.4. Face detection, face alignment and image cropping ... 68

Figure 4.5. Images with different illuminations using the gamma correction technique ... 69

Figure 4.6. Images with different geometrics changes ... 69

Figure 4.7. Architecture of the proposed CNN ... 71

Figure 4.8. The created web page for the experiment of Facial Expression Recognition by humans ... 82

Figure 5.1. Interaction between the participant and the NAO Robot ... 87

Figure 5.2. The reaction of the participant is shown in this figure ... 88 Figure 5.3. Game initializations ... 89 Figure 5.4. Game Logic for both sessions ... 90 Figure 5.5. Interpretation of the 7 expressions (49% recognized by experts, 43% recognized by CNN) ... 97 Figure 5.6. Interpretation of the 7 expressions (94% recognized by experts, 100% recognized by CNN) ... 97

List of Tables

Table 3.1. Probability of false positives for the histogram in Figure 3.2 ... 43

Table 3.2. Estimated and observed number of false positives for a 200-features classifier .... 44

Table 3.3. Results on IMM and BioID datasets of the 200-features detector with adaptive detection threshold ... 48

Table 3.4. Results on IMM and BioID datasets of the short cascade of classifiers with adaptive detection threshold ... 56

Table 3.5. Some values of the discrete ROC curve displayed in Figure 3.15 for the 4-stages cascade and the corresponding value of the NFPmax parameter ... 58

Table 3.6. Comparison of detection results of our cascade and the OpenCV ... 59

Table 3.7. Comparison of the average number of features checked by the 4-stages cascade and a 31-stages cascade on different datasets ... 59

Table 4.1. Results of recent models in the literature ... 70

Table 4.2. Test with different number of convolutional layers to classify 6 classes ... 70

Table 4.3. Results of recent models in the literature ... 72

Table 4.4. Test with different initializations ... 72

Table 4.5. Test with different image pre-processing with CK+ Dataset ... 73

Table 4.6. Comparison of image pre-processing results with a similar work in the literature . 74 Table 4.7. Comparision of subject-independent results with related works to classify 6 expressions ... 74

Table 4.8. Cross-datasets evaluation to classify 6 expressions ... 75

Table 4.9. Results of classification of the different datasets (BU-4DFE, FEGA, JAFFE, WSEFEP and CK+) ... 76

Table 4.10. Results with different combinations of datasets for the testing set of BU-4DFE and FEGA ... 78

Table 4.11. Results with different combinations of datasets for the testing set of JAFFE and WSEFEP ... 79

Table 4.12. Results with different combinations of datasets for the testing set of CK+ ... 79

Table 4.13. Comparison of cross-datasets results with related works to classify 6 expressions ... 80

Table 4.14. Comparison between results with four and five combined datasets to classify 6 and 7 expressions ... 80

Table 4.15. Comparison between results with five combined datasets and the results of the subject-independent experiment for the classification of 6 expressions ... 80 Table 4.16. Results of the five combined datasets to classify 7 expressions using different

architectures and the same image pre-processing ... 81

Table 4.17. Confusion Matrix from human assessment (7 expressions) ... 82

Table 4.18. Results of the test FE-Test (6 expressions) ... 83

Table 4.19. Confusion Matrix from our system (7 expressions) ... 83

Table 5.1. Comparison between CNN and Human experts for the 6 basic facial expressions (session 1) ... 92

Table 5.2. Comparison between CNN and Human experts for the 6 basic facial expressions (session 2) ... 93

Table 5.3. Comparison between CNN and Human experts for the 7 facial expressions (session_1) ... 94

Table 5.4. Comparison between CNN and Human experts for the 7 facial expressions (session_2) ... 95

Table 5.5. Accuracy rate of each facial expression, in the first session, by the 10 experts and by our CNN ... 96

Table 5.6. Accuracy rate of each facial expression, in the second session, by the 10 experts and by our CNN ... 96

Table 5.7. Comparison between the mean of experts, CNN and the opinions of the participants about the difficulty to express emotions ... 96

Table 5.8. Results obtained in the questionnaire performed by the participants ... 98