• No results found


Regarding the research question 1, I can make the first of two possible conclusions from the findings, and that is that self-determination theory is by far the most commonly used

motivational theory used in research on long-term motivation.

As for research question 2 and 3 I cannot make any conclusions, but I think the pattern within the findings from self-determination theory, and the arguments I have provided for transferability and the relevance of self-determination theory in work settings give enough basis to the hypothesis that more self-determined forms of motivation leads to long-term motivation and persistence.

So we might hypothesise that Kari, who became a surgeon perhaps had more self-determined, autonomous forms of motivation, and that this helped her stay on course and persist through many years of training, while Per’s reasons for becoming a doctor, or wanting to become a surgeon, were more external and less autonomous.

For work organisations, the findings from this thesis might be worth testing out, with caution, not at least due to the lack of other relevant research. For academics, the findings of this thesis are an invitation to find out more.

When summarising the findings and discussions in this review, one thing that strikes me is that it is quite surprising to find out that we know next to nothing about long-term motivation in work life. And this leads me to the second of the two conclusions I can make: Research on long-term motivation within work settings is scarce, too scarce to draw any conclusions on the relationship between type of motivation and long-term motivation and persistence.

While it would have been satisfying to be able to end up with more solid conclusions to the research questions, literature reviews can be used to identify gaps in existing research and create an overview of what has been done and what still needs to be done on the topic (Hart 2018: 2-4). I think this review has succeeded in this and can form the basis for further research. Clearly, more studies on long-time motivation with longitudinal design is needed, something Deci et. al. (2017: 37) agrees with.

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6 Appendix