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The importance of lichens on the surface energy balance and temperature was investigated by using CLM4.5, with a focus on Finnmark. Lichen was implemen-ted as a new PFT, with parameters choices based on previous studies of lichens.

Idealised model runs for a single column with only one PFT was performed to look at differences between lichen and other vegetation, both hourly and for monthly averages. It was found that the vegetation cover was most important in May, June and July, and the hourly differences therefore focused on July as this month additionally had no snow cover.

Sensitivity tests were carried out to find which parameters were most important for the surface energy fluxes. It was found that the optical parameters were most important of the tested parameters. However, the removal of transpiration from lichen is the parameter choice that separates lichen the most from the other PFTs.

The albedo of lichen was lower than for shrubs and grass, but the differences were smaller than what was expected from lichen’s light colour. This was due to the lower reflectance for lichen than vascular plants in the near infrared part of the spectrum. For bare ground the albedo depended on the soil colour, and since this was relatively light in the areas where I had lichen, the albedo of bare ground was higher than for lichen.

The net LW was mostly dependent on the temperature, being larger for higher temperatures. The sensible heat flux was also dependent on temperature, and connected to the latent heat flux, being smaller when the latent heat flux was large, and larger when the latent heat flux was small.

On average, the latent heat flux was smaller for lichen than for shrubs and grass.

This was because lichen had no transpiration. However, lichen can have a large latent heat flux for a longer time after precipitation than other PFTs, due to the large maximum canopy water for lichen compared to other vegetation. Com-pared to bare ground, lichen had lower latent heat flux, but this was probably unrealistically high for bare ground because the soil was too deep.

The temperature depended on all the surface energy fluxes, the absorbed SW and the latent heat flux being most important, and also on the atmospheric forcing data. On average for the idealised cases the 2-metre temperature did not differ much between lichen and other PFTs, except for shrubs which where 0.2 K warmer, mainly due to its low albedo. During summer the differences were more pronounced, with higher temperature for lichen than for grass and bare ground due to the smaller latent heat flux for lichen as well as due to the lower albedo for lichen than bare ground. However, the temperature lacks important feedback mechanisms because the model was run offline. The difference between PFTs is therefore probably larger than what was found here.

In addition to the idealised cases, a model run with estimated lichen heath amounts for Finnmark was used to find how realistic amounts of lichens im-pact the surface energy balance. When comparing this with runs where lichen had been replaced by other PFTs we could recognise the same features as found in the idealised cases. The changes were naturally smaller, indicating that the changes in lichen cover potentially must be quite significant to get a signal. It is also clear that what type of vegetation lichen is replaced with is important.

If lichen is replaced by shrubs, e.g. as a consequence of a warmer climate, these results indicate that the temperature will increase. But if lichen is instead re-placed by bare ground, the results indicate that the temperature will decrease.

However, since the latent heat flux is too large for bare ground, the ground is cooled too much. The soil colour is also important, and a darker soil colour may give an increase in temperature instead, especially if the latent heat flux is smaller.

The soil thickness is most likely a significant source of error when comparing lichen with bare ground because lichen typically grows on shallow soil. Addition-ally, the lack of validations of the parameter choices is an important limitation of the study. Measurements of maximum amount of water and rate of drying for lichen was performed as a start to validate the parameter choices, but more val-idation is needed. Doing something about these two points are important next steps too get a more reliable answer to the question of lichen’s importance to the surface energy balance. Additionally, the average difference in 2-metre tem-perature found in this thesis may not be pronounced, but we would get a better

Summary and Concluding Remarks

indication of temperature differences if we had included an active atmosphere, which is a natural next step.

My results indicate that lichen has surface energy fluxes that differ considerably from other vegetation. It is therefore worthwhile to include lichen in LSMs when investigating the surface energy balance in polar and high altitude regions. Since lichen is also a type of vegetation that is likely to change due to anthropogenic influences like reindeer husbandry or climate change, it is important when looking at impacts of vegetation changes in these regions.

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