The study of various reforms is a very complicated process, it is especially difficult to determine why they are not successful, perhaps the problem is in the reforms itself or in the actions of decision-makers. Radaelli et al. (2012) indicate that more attention should be paid to the role of actors and political levels in order to assess the impact of political processes on the outcome.
Consequently, it proves that the topic of my thesis is interesting, relevant and widespread and requires further research.
Further research can be directed to other aspects of the pension system, such as pension benefits and their comparisons, the effectiveness of implementing various pension schemes. Accordingly, comparative qualitative research, as well as quantitative studies that can more accurately examine the financial aspect of the pension system and the reforms, can be conducted.
Otherwise, the researchers may continue this study by deepening the discursive analysis to other levels of government regulation, and perhaps this will enable us to understand the nature of the ideas of politicians who have the power to make decisions about the implementation of one or another reform. This way, it will be possible to understand why such reforms are adopted, why they do not work and do not bring improvement.
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Appendix A: Interview Guide
Interview Guide in English
This interview is conducted for writing master's theses on the course "Public sector finance". I ask you to answer these questions as you think, because your opinion is important. It should be noted that during the writing process, the personality of respondents who participated in the
interview would not be disclosed.
1. Can you explain the nature of pension reform?
2. Whether the recent pension reform in Ukraine was necessary? Why?
3. What factors contributed to the need to reform the pension system and what has changed in the pension system of Ukraine?
4. Why were such pension reforms implemented?
5. What are the barriers to modernization of the pension system?
6. What risks arise in the process of implementation of the pension reform in Ukraine?
7. Why a compulsory cumulative pension system has not yet been introduced in Ukraine?
8. How pension reforms generally affect the state of the pension system in Ukraine?
9. Does the discourse influence the content of reforms? If yes, then how?
10. Can the discourse influence the results of pension reforms? If yes, then how?
11. Describe the process of ideas generating for modernization of the Ukrainian pension system?