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Q15: General comments on feedback Lead interviewer

In document Q2: Effective feedback (sider 48-57)

how is the spatial working situation for you is your entire team sitting in a clustered together PBM14

yes we said together well mostly we said together sometimes it happens these last years we have sat more or less together we have a couple of guys developers in Hamburg.

Lead interviewer

do you feel that help sort of create a team spirit or does it not affect your daily life at all PBM14

having people in Hamburg Lead interviewer

no having people close PBM14

no I want to have people close to me that is important I think Lead interviewer

can you elaborate on that


no just because communication is easier I think you use less time resolving issues

misunderstanding is avoided you can explain you can draw picture on the board solve issues as they can not wait and write an email which the recipient doesn't really understand and answer something completely different. so I think it's more efficient you save a lot of time Note taker

how much input do you have in deciding how your project team will look like is it purely and utterly I need these disciplines and then someone will assign them to you


no usually I just get the people assigned Note taker

but you need to say which disciplines you require PBM14

yes but mainly it's for Development so it's kind of… yeah Note taker

so you just say I just need X number of people PBM14

yes and then I get them, usually I don't say that, usually I get a number of people and this is what you have

Note taker

and then you work with it and if you're under resources you ask for more PBM14

maybe or adjust the scope and get on with it. I usually solve the stuff anyway I don't make it complicated we have these resources and then I try to see how we make it happened

Note taker

and your client is usually internal


yes yes Note taker

regarding the surveys is that surveys given by the HR department PBM14

mostly I think I don't know Pcall or whatever they call themselves Note taker

and when you complete them the reason you think it's a waste of time is because you don't see any follow-up


yes I don't see anything really anyway I've stopped filling them out, it's just a waste of time it doesn't give me anything I just regard them as a cost for the company

Note taker

and have you ever given that feedback to your line manager for example PBM14

I am not ready to commit suicide (laughing). I won't considerate it to say that. I had a scale of 8 on an alignment with my manager I want to keep it there (laughing)

Lead interviewer

are these all anonymous surveys on about how satisfied are you with your job very general working climate and things like that


yes and how you work with your line manager and colleagues etc Note taker

do you also have input into your colleagues PBM14

I think that is a part of it but since I haven't answered them I'm not sure but that was a part of it before

Note taker

and then nothing ever came of it as far as you saw PBM14

yes I don't think any has seen anything come of it, probably some article on the intranet Lead interviewer

yes I think there's some KPI's in annual report PBM14

yes there is some KPI's Note taker

do you know it has there been a fall in the response does that also get logged PBM14

I think last time it was lower than expected I think but I seem to remember I think I remember that on the intranet an article

Note taker

so that gives you a good indication that you're not alone with your thoughts PBM14

I know I'm not alone (laughing) Lead interviewer

thank you I think that we have got a lot of information here Note taker

thank you very much for taking the time really appreciate it PBM14

that's ok it's just time off really (laughing) [PBM14 prepares to leave interview room]

Lead interviewer

you have given us a lot to think about how feedback works in Company B, Not ideal, perhaps PBM14

I think it's kind of the culture, we never really give negative or corrective feedback Lead interviewer

here in Norway or in Company B PBM14

no I think in Norway that I never do that and that creates situations like with this guy nobody dares to say anything here.

Note taker

so they end up just floating PBM14

yes if they float around in the organisation Note taker

have you noticed any difference in the German culture have you had enough interaction to see that


in a way no and in another way yes. because the differences that they were a top down and you do as your manager say but that doesn't really mean... but I discovered now really, it means that you do exactly that what your manager says, right or wrong, and the result is what the manager expected. but the amount of work and quality behind the scenes is no more effective. in fact, that is kind of a bit disappointment I thought they were better on that. but they have also a completely... yes this hierarchy is restrictive.

Lead interviewer

thank you very much indeed

Interview PBM3 on 23 April 2018 at COMPANY B.

Q1: Supervisor

Lead interviewer

are you supervisor, as in do you have people reporting to you?


no not at the moment I had before but not now

Q2: Effective feedback

Lead interviewer

can you think of a time when you experienced effective feedback and then describe that time to us in as much detail as possible?


effective feedback as in when I received some kind of feedback from someone

Lead interviewer

some kind of feedback that you felt was effective


[effective – receiver]

oh my god that's a really good question, I had a really good boss at my first job he was really thorough and even though he didn't have the overview as it turned out in the end, but he really had his head in the right place. in the beginning I was quite naive and of course new workplace and people and I was trying to give a 100% I was trying to make everything perfect and he had a meeting with me and told me that I don't have to. That sometimes we have to be okay with 85% and that is okay. he made me accept this by explaining that everybody else has this kind of problem, and that I was not to feel like I was not doing a good enough if I didn't do on 100%. which made me feel better about myself first of all, and also help me to concentrate on the things that need to be taken care of. that is something I can't recall.

Lead interviewer

how long ago was this


approximately, it was a long time ago, approximately 11 years

Lead interviewer

and do you feel that that is effective still today?


Yes definitely and I've also built around it when I do my job I prioritize I also use this I sometimes have to say that's all I can do and it's good enough

Q4: Ineffective Feedback

Lead interviewer

can you think of a time when you received an effective feedback and describe that


[ineffective – receiver]

That is more difficult, I don't really know how to ... because if someone tells me something that doesn't really change anything, I just don't register I just think ok that happened and then I let it go.

but for some reason I had a really bad boss and he really didn't understand people for some reason I don't know why I whenever we had some kind of meeting with him and he would tell us to do

something in a certain way because he thought that was the right way, it was really difficult to reason with him that no we shouldn't do this. so if I got a feedback that wasn't really good I would tell him why why I think it's not a good idea of why we shouldn't do that way. but I can't recall a certain scenario specifically.

Lead interviewer

when you see it was ineffective is that because you had to do it the way it was suggested anyway


the reason it was ineffective was I kind of tried to see the bigger picture and I saw that it didn't fit in the bigger picture. so I explained to that person at the time why I would not be following his advice.

Lead interviewer

in the end of the deal where are you permitted to go ahead with your ideas


that's an interesting thing because that was actually quite close to the time I said ok I'm going to leave the company and because both me and my colleagues were struggling with him. in that particular scenario we had a meeting and I got to the point where I told him my views and why I was not going to be doing a certain thing I said when because he chose to follow the management blindly.

I never was the kind of person that would just do things because people told me, I would always find the reasons or what the people would need in these cases, so he actually told me at that point that maybe I'm not the right guy for the job. then of course I finally laid my cards out there and told him everything. so in that particular scenario the way it turned out was he actually got sent away, that's

what I like to think. we got an email at some point saying that he was going to leave the company but I believe that he got sent away because we were not the only ones who had difficulty with him and then the management saw my intentions of what I wanted to do and they let me go ahead. but I don't know how isolated of an incident this is I don't think it is possible everywhere but I was lucky enough to be in an environment where it was so I could do good for the people instead of doing bad.

Lead interviewer

So the way it was ineffective was that he was not listening to your side he was not open to your suggestions.



Lead interviewer

what was his immediate response when you confronted him and said I don't want to do it this way I want to do it that way, what tended to be his immediate response, did he just tell you no and walk away or did he try to come accommodate you what did he do specifically?


there were several scenarios I can't remember clearly but for example one time we were talking about using paper as in sending paper around for some kind of process and I told him no we are not going to go back to the 20th century and his response was just that it worked before so he had his own reasons for why he was thinking that way which was a bit faulty in my opinion. I think he was maybe a bit too egotistic. I felt that you wanted to have control over someone or some people.

Lead interviewer

so you felt that he was micromanaging you



Lead interviewer

how long ago was that


that was in 2012 or 2011

Q9: Demographics of participant

Lead interviewer

we would like to ask you some details about you as a person at the time, if you can give us

approximations to our questions - thinking of the effective feedback how old were you at that time



Lead interviewer

and you come from where


I'm from Hungary

Lead interviewer

what was your highest education at the time


I'm a land surveyor and a geo Informatics technician. I went to college but it was one of those times are Crossroads when I had to decide what I wanted to do and it turned out not to be something I wanted to do so I had to decide do I stay or do I go somewhere else or try to work. so I dropped out after the first year so I guess my highest education was this technician.

Lead interviewer

how long have you been with the company


it was my first year

Lead interviewer

how long have you worked with the person giving effective feedback


I think it was two or three years because of all the changes in the company we had to change

manager but he was still kind of in the background he still visited us and I remember a time when we were having this meeting at the end of the year when everything was finally done we thought as we agreed and then we had a conference call with our new boss and our old boss and our new boss was like we told him we've done 80% everything was fine and our new boss was why not everything? and

we said that's what we agreed on we worked our asses off to do it but he still wasn't satisfied and then our old boss was keeping him in check I had to leave the room at that point because I was so angry. but he was still around for a few years then he moved to another branch in the company.

In document Q2: Effective feedback (sider 48-57)