• No results found

Other than our main objectives achieved in the Ph.D. project, challenges in the research of methane seep remained. To identify the exact timing of a seepage event, U-Th dating of carbonate is one possible way. The accumulated diagenetic alterations on foraminiferal tests made the dating difficult, incubation of foraminifera (with methane and microbes) and modeling of the authigenic carbonate growth (by weighing the weight differences) from the incubation result could shed some light into the time frame of the diagenetic alteration, and degree of the diagenetic alteration.

In the lipid biomarkers line, as recently discovered, more electron acceptors such as nitrate/nitrite, manganese/iron oxides were able to couple to methane independently from sulfate, some of these microbes were identified by DNA analysis, yet the signature/specific lipid biomarkers have not been identified in these novel methane oxidation modes.

Furthermore, the main goal of methane seep research in the Arctic was to answer questions

like, will the methane hydrate dissociation have positive feedback on climate- warming? Will

the methane seepage far beneath the seafloor cause Ocean acidification? When will the Arctic

methane hydrate dissociate? These questions require a more quantitative rather than

qualitative investigation on the carbon storage and carbon cycling in the benthic system.



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