• No results found

Summing up, the different stages of energy, the cradle to the grave, have both fairness and justice implications. The cost of climate change is worse for the poor and developing nations, whereas rich countries receive the potential benefits. If we are to achieve eudaimonia and increase the well-being and happiness of human lives, as described by Aristoteles, nothing short of a holistic, socio-technical approach to AI systems and technologies, in general, is necessary (Kraut, 2018).

raised by the procedural justice stream demonstrates the importance of democratic and representative decision-making in procedures involving AI. For Norway, the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) is the national regulatory authority, accountable for holding public hearings and ensuring that public interest is considered in decision-making. However, what role the government should play to address the barriers identified at the household scale is unclear.

It remains to be seen whether campaigns informing and raising awareness about the potential benefits and risks of new technology, as well as inclusive discussions about how guidelines and processes for AI should be established, are useful and implementable. Either way, household barriers need to be taken seriously and must be addressed by policymakers as these barriers can halt the diffusion of AI energy management systems and other smart grid applications altogether.

In addition to this, the relationship between AI ethics principles and current national and international laws should be defined. The global community's next steps should include translating principles into reality and pursuing harmonization between AI ethical guidelines (soft law) and legislation (hard law). Moreover, injustices of AI are not limited to the development of algorithms and the operation of AI systems, but permeate the entire lifecycle of AI and the hardwarded it is based on. A holistic approach to AI will enable a better graps of injustices that are otherwise past stakeholders awareness horizon.

Finally, ethical structures such as independent institutions will be necessary to examine the ethical soundness of AI applications.

The thesis concludes that, while AI can aid in the transition to low-carbon societies, failing to account for the humans involved and impacted by its implementation risks causing more harm than good.


Shortcomings of this study include the already mentioned low number of respondents, which affect the reliability of the data collected from households and industry experts.

Furthermore, Norway is a wealthy, and relatively small country with high living standards.

The results from this thesis can help inform AI implementation in countries with similar structures but should not be relied on for countries with differing organizational and governmental structures and cultures.

The circumstance that the topic of AI was a new subject to the researcher should also be considered a shortcoming as grasping the complexity of this technology takes years. This might have led to less informed and precise questions and explanation during the fieldwork.

Future research

The fieldwork has identified unanswered questions and need for further research.

First, how to balance the contradictory needs of AI and user safety needs further investigation to find a way to satisfy both ends.

Second, this thesis has shown that the perception AI itself is a hinder towards adoption. How the view of automation could change, and how AI could become part of a new social norm could be a study of looking into Taylor´s (2003) social imaginaries and discourses around AI.

Third, the thesis touched upon the subject how governance and fair representation could aid with establishing ethical guidelines. The practical implementation of such a system is not yet defined and needs further research. Last, how standardisation or compatibility could be achieved in a local or national context, is a needed field of research if energy efficiency in homes and grid flexibility are ever to be implemented on a large scale.

There might be other nuances and issues within this subject that would benefit from more research. The complexity of AI systems and the interlinked nature of it, makes a vast field for future studies.

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