• No results found

8 Implications

8.2 Implications for further research

This study has illuminated both beneficial outcomes and pitfalls regarding PIRs as a procedure after the use of restraint in mental health services. The findings contribute to the body of knowledge regarding PIRs, yet further research is needed.

The following themes regarding PIRs are unexplored:

How is the legal mandate with respect to PIRs from 2017 followed in Norwegian mental health services in respect to practical implementation that includes how often PIRs actually are used after restraint events.

We do not have knowledge about how PIRs are documented and implemented in care plans. Of vital interest is how the patients’ voices are included and how the new lessons and suggested alternative measures are followed up on in the milieu therapy.

As the findings indicate the services’ care philosophies to influence stakeholders’ experiences and opinions of PIRs, a similar study should


be conducted in services that declare their practices to be based on defined human care philosophies.

The power-dependent imbalance is conspicuous in mental health services. Patients’ experiences of PIRs including advocacy or peers in PIRs should therefore be further explored.

Care providers in this study referred mostly to women as patient participants in the PIRs. Also, requirements of interview participants among the patients resulted in only one man participating. Therefore, PIR’s form and content should further be explored from a gender perspective.

The findings in the empirical studies did not include PIRs to contribute to organizational development as suggested i Article I. As PIRs seem promising regarding care improvement and S/R reduction, organisational consequences should therefore be explored.


needs can be secured, such as competence development that includes education and supervision and further safeguards their personal need to process restraint-related events.

Consequently, conducting PIRs based on humanising values may be an arena for patients’ rehumanising and thus recognition and perceived dignity. Further, by receiving responsiveness from the patients, the care providers get an opportunity to change approaches and measures aiming to provide a more ethical and person-centred care. Striving for promoting the value dimensions in PIRs may however be useless if treatment and care take place in a context where a care philosophy is unclear or absent.

Therefore, the findings challenge the services’ practices regarding patients’ active participation, not only in the PIRs, but in their treatment and care in general.

8.2 Implications for further research

This study has illuminated both beneficial outcomes and pitfalls regarding PIRs as a procedure after the use of restraint in mental health services. The findings contribute to the body of knowledge regarding PIRs, yet further research is needed.

The following themes regarding PIRs are unexplored:

How is the legal mandate with respect to PIRs from 2017 followed in Norwegian mental health services in respect to practical implementation that includes how often PIRs actually are used after restraint events.

We do not have knowledge about how PIRs are documented and implemented in care plans. Of vital interest is how the patients’ voices are included and how the new lessons and suggested alternative measures are followed up on in the milieu therapy.

As the findings indicate the services’ care philosophies to influence stakeholders’ experiences and opinions of PIRs, a similar study should


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Evidence for blatant dehumanization of mental illness and its relation to stigma. The Journal of Social Psychology, 1-11.

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