• No results found

As a research field, coercion is difficult to define and operationalise. It is not easy to measure coercion or to isolate its effect, because many interventions in psychiatric treatment,

individually or collectively, may affect patient outcomes. Increased knowledge of the

consequences of coercion will therefore require further studies on what is perceived as

coercive, and also the development of methodology to isolate the effect of coercion. Variables must be developed to better measure the effect of coercion, and to examine how coercion influences other interventions in medical, psychological or social psychiatric treatment (Helsedirektoratet [Norwegian Directorate of Health], 2009). Since international scientific publications on OC cannot automatically be applied to Norway, there is a need for more studies on the specific way OC is practised in Norwegian mental health care.

Randomised studies on the effects of OC have not been able to demonstrate any positive effect of OC on consumption of health services or patient treatment outcomes (Rugkåsa, 2016). The low number of randomised trials is largely due to methodological challenges (Swanson & Swartz, 2014). There are more non-randomised studies with a quantitative design. These studies show inconsistent results, ranging from positive to negative experiences of OC. One weakness of these studies is that they use different variables in their analysis of OC (Rugkasa et al., 2014). In planning new research, it is important to find a common set of effect variables, since different outcome measures make it difficult to compare the studies available (ibid). Studies with a qualitative design may help to find outcome measures which provide a better description of the effects of OC. One may question whether the effect of OC can only be assessed on the basis of health and health-economic variables, or whether an individual assessment of the efficacy and usefulness of OC must be made in each case (Hiday, 2003). Although relapses, readmissions and hospital days are measures frequently used to evaluate the effect of OC, this does not mean that these are the areas that best describe its effect. There is therefore a need for more studies which examine patients’, relatives’ and health professionals’ experiences with the scheme. An increase in readmissions and hospital days may mean that OC does not work as intended, but it may also mean that patients are

offered shorter periods of hospitalisation for stabilisation in order to prevent deterioration and the risk of more prolonged hospital stays.

The current knowledge base raises doubts about whether OC improves patients’ treatment outcomes in a way that compensates for the disadvantages it implies for patients and their families. There is a need for further qualitative studies to enhance our understanding of what life with OC is actually like. These can be combined with studies that look into what patients and relatives find helpful. Qualitative studies will shed light on what patients, relatives and health professionals consider important when involved in OC. One tool to improve

understanding of the experiences of those involved could be to involve patients and relatives more directly in research. One of sub-studies of this thesis was conducted with a co-researcher with user experience of mental health care. This research approach represents a new form of knowledge acquisition where the professional researcher no longer has absolute control of the research, and where user groups themselves can help to decide the questions to be asked and how the results can be understood and used (Kristiansen et al., 2009). The development of knowledge from such studies will supplement that of more “traditional” studies.

In view of present knowledge of OC, Rugkasa et al. (2014) questioned whether it is

professionally sound practice to continue the current use of OC when it has no scientifically proven effect. They argued that health professionals who wished to work within evidence-based practice could not continue to use OC in its current form. On the basis of existing knowledge, Dawson (2016) finds no robust evidence that coercive treatment gives better results than offering the same treatment on a voluntary basis. My understanding is that the scheme still needs to be explored further, and that empirical studies must be contextualised.

One cannot merely justify decisions on the basis of such complex ethical and professional

issues as those involved in OC. OC must be considered in a synthesis of scientific

documentation, historical developments, political and social context and in relation to ethical arguments (O’Brien et al., 2009; Segal & Tauber, 2007). Meanwhile, it must be ensured that knowledge of OC is integrated into practice and influences the way OC is implemented. One issue pointed out by Swanson & Swartz (2014) was that the use of OC is so complex and varied that we may never get individual studies that can draw conclusions about the

advantages and drawbacks of OC. Perhaps new studies should rather seek to answer questions such as how long, and for whom, OC is useful. The results of this thesis support such an approach. A further research strategy could then be to examine under what conditions, and for whom, OC is an effective intervention.


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