• No results found

7 Discussion and conclusion

7.4 Implications for NAV

The insights from this study contributes with knowledge of how the categorisation work of street-level bureaucrats influences the redistributive capacity of Norwegian welfare services (cf. Kivisto & Wahlbeck, 2013). One of my motives for conducting this study was to contribute not only to theoretical development, but to gain knowledge about why NAV are unsuccessful in their efforts to improve labour market integration of immigrants, and how they may change it. The three contributions of the study correspond to three important implications for NAV and their services to immigrant clients.

First, the definition of immigrant clients as a specific group seems to be counterproductive. It does not help the caseworkers in their work with immigrant clients, because it may be defined and operationalised in several different ways. Immigrants are a heterogenous group and may not have the same needs from NAV. The findings show that the caseworkers may not consider immigrants’ needs any different than from other clients just because they are immigrants. This also resembles the findings of (Djuve et al., 2011).

This suggest that to be of help in caseworkers’ work to provide equal treatment and individual responsiveness, the client categories need to be based on the specific needs of particular clients rather than (partially concealed) demographic variables.

Second, the current study describes the categorisation work of street-level caseworkers. The findings show that this work is not merely a moment of decision-making. Hence, as the current tools are primarily design to assist in

‘mapping out’ the case and the client’s needs in the first meeting (cf. Arbeids- og velferdsdirektoratet, 2010), these may be of limited help to the caseworkers.

Thus, NAV may need to develop tools that support the caseworkers in their efforts to make sense of, differentiate between and categorise (immigrant) clients during their everyday work. The caseworkers need means that help them to ‘reboot’ their categorisation and redefine the problem of the case. This may

avoid the bouncing of (immigrant) clients and encourage categorisation work similar to the ‘flipperteam’. This team tries to define clients within the categories, instead of sorting them out. Moreover, as the continuous work of categorisation predominantly concerns the non-sensible clients, NAV may explore the ‘work’ implicit in the street-level bureaucrats’ first and initial categorisation of cases and investigate whether it is possible to make this first categorisation more accurate. This may prevent the making of non-sensible clients.

Third, and related, the findings describe how eligibility criteria, terms and regulations, and performance indicators contribute to mediate the categorisation of clients. Thus, the formulations of the institutional texts affect which clients that get which services. Therefore, in order to change the allocation of services to (immigrant) clients, NAV needs to shift focus from the attitudes and knowledge of the individual caseworkers to the understandings implicit in the texts of the bureaucratic context and how these inform the categorisation of clients.


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