• No results found

One way to find the minimum Gibbs free energy of the magnetic vortex lattice is to use a finite number of Fourier coefficientsaK and bK, and minimize the energy with

Figure 12.1: The solution ωA to the linearized equation of motion near the upper critical field Hc2. The order parameter goes to zero at the vortex cores which are separated by a distance x1.

respect to these coefficients. This has been done for the Ginzburg-Landau theory in [64]. However, a faster way is to iterate the equations of motion for ω and A.

In that way, we can obtain the correct solutions to the equations of motion for a given average magnetic field ¯B. The average magnetic field is our input parameter.

This means that we do not know the external magnetic field at which we solve the equations of motion. Hence, the Gibbs free energy is unknown. Only the Helmholtz free energy, in which the external field is not present, is known. We must therefore find a way to get the external field for a given average magnetic field. One way to obtain the external field is to calculate the average Helmholtz free energy F¯ =hFi=F/V and then use the relation H =∂F /∂¯ B. This relation is found by¯ minimizing the average Gibbs free energy with respect to ¯B. The external field is then found by taking the numerical derivative of ¯F. However, a numerically faster and more accurate method is to use a version of the so-called virial theorem, which we will derive in section 12.4.

The equation of motion for ω is found by setting the variation δF/δω of the free energy in eq. (12.9) to zero. First, we have


∂ω = 1 8




(fπ2 −ω)2 − 1 ω2

+ 4fπm2π

pfπ2−ω −4 µ2I−e2Q2


. (12.35)

Next, we have




= ∇2ω 4


fπ2−ω + 1 ω

+ ∇ω 4


(fπ2−ω)2 − ∇ω ω2

, (12.36)

which together gives the equation of motion for ω in the form more rapid convergence. Expanding the left-hand side into the Fourier series of eq.

(12.10) yields Next, we multiply both sides by cosK0 ·r, take the spatial average h...i and use the propertyhcosK·rcosK0 ·ri= 12δK,K0 to obtain the iteration equation for the

where we have dropped the prime in K0. Updated Fourier coefficients for ω are found by inserting the old values of ω and Q on the right-hand side. Points where ω →fπ2 orω→0 are not problematic since∇ωgoes faster to zero at these points. A second iteration equation can be found from the equations of motion for the vector potential A. The equations of motion are obtained by requiring that the variation δF/δAof the Helmholtz free energy in eq. (12.9) vanishes. Hence, we are left with

∇×B=−e2ωQ. (12.40)

Taking the curl of both sides yields

2B=e2∇×(ωQ) not twice continuously differentiable and the identity ∇×∇f = 0 for a function f

does not hold. We must therefore consider the termω∇×∇φ more closely. At the vortex cores, the complex order parameter π will go to zero. Thus, for small r we can assume thatπ=crneipθ for ap-quanta vortex, wheren >0,θ is the polar angle and cis a constant. Because all fields are radially symmetric in this region we have A = A(r)ˆθ and B = B(r)ˆz = 1r∂r (rA). The magnitude of the vector potential is

where the last equality follows from the fact that we are near a vortex core. Close to a vortex core we will also haveφ=pθso that∇φ= prθ. Hence, the supervelocityˆ When r →0, this is dominated by three terms giving

−4n2c2r2n−2 = 1 function near a vortex core. However, with our result for π near a vortex core, we can easily show thatω∇×∇φ is well behaved at all locations. Usingω=c2r2p and exploiting the product rule we find


This is valid close to a vortex core. Away from a vortex core,∇φwill not be singular and ∇ × ∇φ is zero. The equation of motion (12.41) is thus

2B =e2(∇ω×Q+ωB). (12.46)

Having B= (0,0, B), Q= (Qx, Qy,0) and adding a stabilizing term −e2ωB¯ gives


B =e2[Qyxω−Qxyω+ (ω−ω)¯ B], (12.47) where ¯ω = hωi is the spatial average of ω. Inserting the Fourier series of B in eq.

(12.11) on the left-hand side yields


Multiplying both sides by cosK0·r, averaging over space h...i and exploiting that hcosK·rcosK0 ·ri= 12δK,K0, we arrive at

bK =− 2e2

K2 +e2ω¯ h[Qyxω−Qxyω+ (ω−ω)¯ B] cosK·ri, (12.49) where the prime in K0 is dropped. Thus, we have an iteration equation for the Fourier coefficients bK where we insert the old values of ω and Q on the right-hand side. The convergence of the iteration may be accelerated if we optimize the amplitude of ω after each use of eq. (12.39). This is done by assuming a change of ω that modifies its amplitude but maintains its shape,

ω = (1 +c)ω. (12.50)

The right-hand side, with the old value of ω, updates the left-hand side with the new value of ω. The constant c is found by minimizing the average Helmholtz free energy ¯F at each iteration step. First, we substitute eq. (12.50) into eq. (12.9).

Then, taking the spatial average and setting the variation of ¯F with respect to cto zero, we find

After iterating the two eqs. (12.39) and (12.49) a few times, we expect the correction cto be small,|c| 1. The linear approximation of eq. (12.51) is therefore sufficient.

Expanding to first order in cgives


Expanding both sides of eq. (12.50) into the Fourier series of eq. (12.10) yields X


aK(1−cosK ·r) = X


(1 +c)aK(1−cosK ·r). (12.53) Inserting c from eq. (12.52), multiplying both sides by cosK0 ·r, averaging over space h...iand exploiting that hcosK·rcosK0 ·ri= 12δK,K0 results in

where we have dropped the prime in K0. Updated Fourier coefficients aK are ob-tained by inserting the old values ofω,Q andaK on the right-hand side. However,

this iteration equation is numerically problematic. If ω → fπ2 at some points in space, the second term in the nominator and denominator will diverge. Thus, the two spatial averages will diverge. This can lead to an overflow in the numerical pro-cedure since the averages need to be stored before they are divided by each other.

This should not be a problem at high external fields whereω does not reachfπ2. For convenience, we state all three iteration equations (12.39), (12.49) and (12.54),

aK = −2 The iteration procedure starts out by iterating eqs. (12.55) and (12.56) a few times, setting bK = 0. Next, we iterate eqs. (12.55)-(12.57) until we reach the desired precision. After each iteration step, we update ω, B(r) and Q using the Fourier series in eqs. (12.10), (12.11) and (12.17). Eq. (12.56) is skipped for low magnetic fields so that overflow is avoided.

12.4 Virial theorem for QCD and Gibbs free