• No results found

To improve modelling performance, we propose a list of tasks that we think are worth investigating further for improvement of regression of resistivity.

Gathering more data: Gathering more data might be the most influential pro-cess, considering the state of our application. With enough data, the need for data generation with overlap should not be needed to the same degree, or not needed at all. This should allow us to observe a more realistic perform-ance since the degree of synthetic data will decrease. The gaps of resistivity shown earlier in the data set should also be lesser, reducing the clusters of data. Gathering enough data should also open up for other powerful model validation techniques such as K-fold cross-validation, which we did not at-tempt because of the difficulties revolving around overlapped data. Note though that we do not know at the moment how much more data would be necessary to collect to achieve this. Very likely it is more about collecting enough diverse images corresponding to the same rock types, increasing the degree of seeing enough features that a rock type may present.

Pre-processing: A big part of the project was using pre-processing to remove disturbances from the data and turning the raw data into images. This has resulted in loss of data and inconsistencies in the continuity of resistivity labels. There are probably other pre-processing methods that can enhance our data so that the learning capabilities of CNN increases.

Tune more hyperparameters: In this thesis, there was a big focus on the number of convolutional and max-pooling pairs, as well as the number of neurons in the fully-connected layer. We focused on tuning these parameters because we thought they had the most influence on feature extraction and mod-elling of the image data. Testing out other hyperparameters such as other optimizers, different activation functions, and layer-types may contribute to better performance.

Testing other data augmentation methods: The augmentation method used dir-ectly on the images in this thesis was mainly flipping the images both ver-tically and horizontally. We also obtained some augmentation through max-pooling due to downsampling, thus blurring the feature maps. The reason-ing of only usreason-ing vertical and horizontal flip was due to our assumption that for instance rotating a well would interfere with the underlying character-istic of a well. Although, other image augmentation techniques probably could be used, such as zooming, rotating, or other creative methods.

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Code Listings

A.1 General code for construction of CNN model and