• No results found

4.3 3D Dense Conditional Random Fields

8.2 Future work

This task has revealed the potential for a segmentation platform for the collaboration project. However, there is still room for improvements. A list has been made to address aspects of this thesis that can be further improved and explored and can hopefully inspire future work and possibly new ideas for a future thesis. The list of these possible directions for further improvement and development are given below.

• Test the proposed segmentation methods on new segment classes and new data. As of the writing of this thesis the segmented classes of the data was limited to bone, the PCL, and the ACL. However, the plan for the collaboration project is to segment the different anatomical classes for the whole knee. The dataset was also tiny, meaning further improvements can be achieved given more data to train the models.

The collaboration project will also be extended to other parts of the human body, including the shoulders. It would be interesting to see how well the proposed meth-ods in this thesis would perform on new data covering different anatomical parts of the body.

• Improve the segmentation method by finding the better parametersA lot of the choices for the parameters of the proposed method were based on intuition because of time constraints. The proposed method can probably be further improved

• Scale the proposed methods on better or future hardware. Even though the proposed methods are performed on quite good hardware, there is still room for improvement, as demonstrated by the fact that the proposed methods were in some cases limited by GPU memory. To further improve the segmentation mask, we suggest increasing the resolution and the number of network parameters to some extent.

• Implement and test other CNN architectures. In this thesis, the U-Net was the focused CNN architecture. However, it could be interesting to see how other CNN architectures would handle this problem in combination the methods proposed in this thesis.


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