• No results found

Conclusions and Future Work

7.2 Future Work

The results presented in Chapter 6 were found through experiments conducted in a simulation environment. Therefore, a suggestion for future work is to per-form experimental testing of the controllers in order to obtain a better indica-tion of how the controllers would perform for a real-life spacecraft.

As discussed in Section 6.1.1, the initial guesses for IPOPT are of significant importance when trying to find the optimal solutions. Future studies are en-couraged to obtain a better understanding of how the initial guesses affect the performance of the optimization in order to provide the most optimal initial guesses for the solver.

The positive constantsk1, k2, andk3 are given in Table 5.1 and discussed in Section 5.5.3. The constants determine the cost on the different terms in the cost functions for the controllers in (5.3a), (5.5a), and (5.7a), and they were chosen to be identical for the three controllers to provide equal conditions for all of them. It is proposed that further research should investigate more in-depth how the values of k1, k2, and k3 affect the outcome of the optimization. Addi-tionally, an interesting extension to the work presented in this thesis, would be to provide different values fork1,k2, andk3 for the three controllers in order to

Chapter 7. Conclusions and Future Work 115 explore whether this would increase the performance of the controllers.

The findings in this study have shown that the control torques produced by the moving maximum hands-off controller do not necessarily occur within the time interval defined to be the cheapest by the vector hN. A suggestion for future work is, therefore, to constrain the control input to zero on the time intervals found to be optimal by the numerical solver to try to force the torques into the interval specified byhN.

116 Chapter 7. Conclusions and Future Work



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126 Appendix A. Angular velocity of reaction wheels

Appendix A