• No results found

Evaluation and Conclusion

6.3 Future Work

Some changes could be made to the system to speed it up further. One possibility is to implement threaded MCTS in e.g. C++. This would allow searches in parallel within each self-play game and batched network evaluation without the overhead of processes. If the system could be distributed across more GPUs, this would also be helpful in increasing the ratio between self-play games and training iterations. It could for example be modified to run on NTNU’s Idun cluster. With a more computationally performant system, it would then be easier to test various hyperparameters to properly tune the system. This could also allow for larger networks, bigger boards, more simulations and training the networks for longer.

To properly assess how well the system learns, the resulting agents could be compared to those of prior work in the field, e.g. MoHex. This could involve straight comparisons of win ratios, but also a deeper analysis of playstyles to identify strengths and weaknesses.

To get more conclusive data on the first research question, the number of sim-ulations could be increased and various weightings could be tested in experiment 2 to see any of them made random rollouts beneficial. For the second research question, experiment 3 could be repeated with a better trained network and a fine-tuning of parameters such as the exploration constant. An agent without rollouts could also be included in the comparison. Improving these experiments would be far more doable if the speed of the system was improved beforehand.

If an alternative, novel rollout policy that both preserves generality and im-proves performance could be formulated, this would be a large contribution to the field. This might require e.g. a deep study of prior art to see if there has been related work in general policies that could be applicable.


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Appendix A