• No results found

– 26: Efficiency of the reception system

A selection of findings

Article 22 – 26: Efficiency of the reception system

Training of staff working in accommodation centers

In accordance with Article 14§5 of the Directive, Member States have the responsibility to ensure that persons working in accommodation centers are adequately trained. In legal terms, the majority of Member States have trans-posed this provision into national legislation. According to the findings in the Odysseus study, insertion into national law on the matter does not ensure that this is carried out in practice. However, training related to the special needs of women and minors, is the most frequently administered training. Few Mem-ber States have reported on specific training for dealing with victims of tor-ture.

The situation in Norway equally seems to rely on the general goals of the

«Rules of Operation» (Driftsreglement) and there are few specific demands on training. In one reception centre we visited, inexperienced staff had to handle difficult cases.

Guidance, monitoring and control

In accordance with Article 23 of the Directive, Member States shall ensure that appropriate guidance, monitoring and control of the level of reception conditions are established. However, the majority of Member States have not established a system and one Member State have not transposed the rule into national legislation. States rely on their general, administrative system to carry out this function. And some countries do not offer any kind of control.

In Norway, the legislation does not contain any specific reference to con-trol systems. The Directorate of Immigration is however responsible. The Di-rectorate may appear as «omnipotent». It sets the standards, implements these and has the control function regarding its own rules. The power to do so is delegated to the Directorate by the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion.

External evaluation would be the task of the Office of Auditor General of Norway. This independent public institution would however only become involved under extraordinary circumstances.

With UNHCRs universal protection mandate, their involvement in the re-gional context is a positive trend and in line with the intentions expressed by UNHCRs Executive Committee on a number of occasions. Similarly, a further

A selection of findings 81

UNHCR engagement in relation to reception conditions in Norway ought to be welcomed. Lessons could be learned.

Concluding remarks

The next four years will lay the premises for European asylum legislation and policy for years to come. A radical harmonization process is well underway.

Coordinating mechanisms and common Directives have been put into place during the last ten years. The establishment of a Common European Asylum System, with the adoption and implementation of EU legislation, constitutes the core in this process and will be fully operational by 2010. The next few years represent a unique window of opportunity for European authorities and politicians.

Although Norway is excluded from having direct influence on this development in many respects, the Dublin and Schengen cooperation formally links the country to aspects of the harmonization. Only by paying close attention to the development of the common asylum and migration policy within the EU and active participation in available fora, will the Norwegian authorities be able to have their opinion heard.

Norway is also dependent on knowing about changes in the EU when making adjustments in the national legislation and policy.

Formally, the country is obliged, because of the Dublin cooperation agreement, to know what the security, as well as reception conditions are in partner-countries when returning asylum seekers. Likewise the member countries need to know that conditions in Norway are satisfactory.

Through this report we wish to contribute to this flow of information about reception conditions in Norway and the EU.


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Appendix: The EU Directive on Reception