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Fabricated Style Transfer with Wood Pixels

5.2 Discussion and Outlook

In this thesis, we presented three methods to extract invisible information from multiple types of generalized, challenging image data. By apply-ing scene-specific domain knowledge, we were able to augment, or even completely replace hardware and optical design with simulation and op-timization in order to recover three different modalities. In Chapter 2, we reconstructed light fields from water drops, in Chapter 3, we extracted geometries without a direct line-of-sight, and in Chapter 4, we fabri-cated physical renditions of arbitrary target images using wooden veneer.

Guided by the physics of the underlying light transport, we were able to formulate the respective reconstructions as optimization problems with physically-based forward models. In order to describe the light transport and to develop the models, we have utilized results from a wide range of disciplines, including computer graphics, optical physics, fluid dynam-ics, and numerics. Since each of our approaches targets a highly different scene, we have developed three specialized global optimization schemes based on non-linear and discrete optimization. With each of our publi-cations, we were able to either solve previously open challenges, or to improve the existing state-of-the-art. On a higher level, we have exempli-fied the viability of optimization methods based on physically motivated forward models and computer graphics for processing challenging input data. We consider our methods to be basic research on image processing of incidental and uncontrolled data and hope that our work inspires future inter-disciplinary research on searching, finding, and extracting hidden information from images. We believe that our physically-based

optimiza-tion approach, translated to further fields of research, such as life sciences, environmental sciences, chemistry, or other fields of physics, could lead to more useful and surprising results.

We have deliberately developed our approaches to make them avail-able to the widest possible user base. To this end, we have implemented our methods on commonly available and inexpensive hardware. Instead of using camera arrays or specialized optics, we have shown that a light field can be acquired using a single photograph of a window with wa-ter drops on it. This approach uses a conventional digital camera and does not require any specific lab equipment at all, making it well-suited for future casual and hand-held applications. Our approach to non-line-of-sight reconstruction requires additional transient imaging hardware.

However, it has been shown that fairly inexpensive time of flight cam-eras based on photonic mixer devices can be used for transient imaging [HHGH13, KWB+13]. Also, recent miniature time of flight ranging sen-sors like the STMicroelectronics VL53L family have been implemented using SPAD technology and development boards are widely available at low-cost. Our method for generating computational parquetry puzzles naturally requires a laser cutter for fabricating the puzzles. However, there are no special requirements to the laser cutter and even basic models are sufficient. For the acquisition of the source textures, no special hardware other than a digital camera or a flatbed scanner is required. Together, this makes the approach feasible for enthusiast home users and hacker spaces.

Implementing the parquetry puzzle generation as a web service would give virtually anybody access to this new fine art experience, since only a target image has to be provided. The cutting step would be carried out by the service provider.

The amount of invisible information that we are able to draw from im-ages is quite surprising and could be used to illustrate basic principles in optical physics, fluid dynamics, optimization, engineering, and the nature of light propagation. We would be thrilled to see comprehensible basic research like ours, that is reproducible by a large group of users, to be used as an educational tool to excite young people (or any people for that matter) for the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering and math-ematics.


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