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Covid-19 has changed our lives and has had a huge impact on how firms do business. We know for certain that Black Swan events will hit again in the future, so firms need to be better prepared to reduce risk. In order for companies to be prepared, this research paper has looked into how firms respond to a Black Swan event, and how they can adapt their activities to the new business environment.

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Our contribution to this field lies within what measures companies can implement to be prepared for a Black Swan event, and how they can safely navigate through an occurring Black Swan. The insight shows that factors like planning, marketing activities, clear communication, collaboration, leadership, and agility are

important in order to succeed.

The main findings identified that plans are not necessarily useful during a Black Swan event as it is impossible to predict the outcome. Firms without a plan can perform just as good as those with a plan due to the circumstances of a Black Swan. However, if the emergency protocols are easily expandable and flexible, one can improve the firm's response time and utilize the plans as a starting point.

The marketing department has an impact on all departments of an organization and if they are unable to adapt to a new business environment, the firm will not survive. This includes adapting internal and external communication, product offerings, events and other marketing activities. Clear communication is key and prioritizing both internal and external information decreases the level of

uncertainty among employees and customers.

Moreover, the results show that the firms have collaborated within their sector and shared information. By doing so they have been able to reduce costs, speed up processes and improve safety measures. This iterates the importance of working together towards a positive outcome, rather than keeping information secret.

Being agile has high importance as companies will be able to quickly adapt their operations and offerings to the new business environment, which will be crucial in this situation. Agility also transfers into the firms marketing department and is highly important.

To conclude, when navigating a Black Swan event, organizations should be agile in all aspects of their operations. In order to do so, one needs to ensure that the organization is structured in a way that allows restructuring in all divisions. This includes being able to follow the market, changing customer segments and customer behavior. Short response time is key and being agile will contribute towards this.

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