• No results found

In 1997 the Norwegian government implemented a reform, Reform 97, that reduced the school starting age for children from seven to six years old. We use the implementation of this reform to investigate if the age when starting school affects the high school graduation gender gap. Children born in 1991 or later were affected by the reform, as they were six years old when the reform was implemented, forcing them to attend elementary school for ten years compared to nine before. Using a set of comprehensive, national register data from Microdata, we estimate a difference-in-difference estimate, using a binary logit regression model, which explores the differences in high school graduation gender gap due to the introduction of this reform. If the reform affected the gender gap, we expect this to show in the difference-in-difference estimates for all students born after 1991.

In our main analysis we find no clear patterns indicating that the reform had any impact on the gender gap in the high school graduation rate. We find, however, a clear increase in the gender gap in year 1991 and beyond. Our regression analysis show that male students generally have a lower probability of graduating from high school than female students and that there is a negative time trend in the graduation rate, but that this trend seems to be explained by other factors. In the regression there were positive effects from parents’ higher education level as well as number of siblings, while having Western or non-Western

immigration status gave a negative effect.

When dividing the sample into subsamples, we find a pattern indicating that immigration status has a higher explanatory power on the increase in the gender gap, than the reform. We see that the gender gap for Norwegian students are closing, while immigrated students’

gender gap is increasing, especially for Western immigrants. This negative effect for non-Western students is significant throughout our data set and implies that this trend was

happening independent on Reform 97.

This paper attempts to find an effect from Reform 97 on the high school graduation gender gap but fails to find any significant effect. The increase in the gender gap has to be explained by other factors. Our results can contribute to illuminating immigrated, especially male, students’ accomplishments in Norwegian schooling. A natural extension of our work is to investigate the explaining factor on the gender gap increase for immigrants, non-Western immigrants in particular.


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Appendix 1: Microdata

Microdata.no has been developed in collaboration between the Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD) and Statistics Norway (SSB). The service provides researchers and students with approved research institutions access to use register data from SSB. Microdata has available data on population, education, labor market, and social security. The database consists of individual demographic variables like the year of birth, number of siblings, immigration status and socioeconomic variables like education. The individual data have information on the Norwegian population from 1900 to 2016. All data are anonymizing, and privacy policy is taken care of.

This dataset was chosen for this paper as register data are raw and individual data that is a good basis for further research. It contains interesting and relevant variables collected from the whole population as year of birth, gender, immigration background, number of siblings and parents’ educational level. In addition, the data set is extensive and quantitative, including a causal research design. These criteria for a dataset are crucial for answering this paper’s research question.

We found Microdata as a well-functioning dataset, consisting of many different variables that we found important for this papers’ research question. The dataset was very much user friendly as it was quite similar to other more known programs as STATA and SPSS. The people working at Microdata were always very helpful if we sometimes ran into some challenges.

However, the data set had some drawbacks as well. When exporting our worksheet to excel, negative numbers did not show. We had to make a detour, copying the worksheet to google sheets (googles answer to excel), and from there export it to excel. Another thing about microdata was that due to the privacy policy it was not possible to investigate any individual object in the sample. Doing the different commands, it was not possible to be sure that we got the result we wanted, you just had to trust that the command did the intended job. Another problem we faced with Microdata was for regression with subsamples. By including the whole model, some variables should not vary in a subsample regression (as they are either 1;

the subsample, or 0; outside the subsample. i.e. the number of siblings’ variables do not vary

when regressing only on only children). We also encountered a problem where there was not enough variation in the variable to give an output on a regression: mother’s education level unknown did not vary for Norwegian students or for students with 1 sibling, this gave a technical error instead of giving output with N.A.