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The main objective for this thesis was to explore whether and how neck pain is associated with dizziness symptoms, physical characteristics, dizziness severity, postural control and quality of life. The systematic review (I) found limited research on the clinical characteristics of patients with CD, with reduced postural control being the most consistent finding. Despite the lack of studies and consistent findings in the systematic review, results from our research projects suggest that neck pain influences dizziness characteristics. Patients with concurrent neck pain and dizziness reported higher disability due to dizziness and lower quality of life. In addition, neck pain was evenly distributed among vestibular and nonvestibular diagnoses (Paper II). With closed eyes, the tolerance for pain in the cervical region is associated with performance on posturography in patients with dizziness (Paper III). In patients with dizziness, neck pain was associated with certain dizziness symptoms, symptom severity and impaired physical characteristics compared to patients with only dizziness (Paper IV). Thus, the overall findings of this thesis indicate that neck pain may influence postural control, dizziness severity, dizziness symptoms, physical impairments and quality of life. As the relationship between dizziness and neck pain is a controversial topic, these findings may be helpful and should be considered when physiotherapists or physicians examine patients with concurrent complaints. The relationship between neck pain, dizziness disability and quality of life should make medical practitioners aware of patients with concurrent complaints regardless of diagnosis.


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