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Background levels of heavy metal content in the Barents Sea

Mikhail Novikov

Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography, Murmansk, Russia Abstract

The presence of heavy metals in high concentrations in the seawater is a threat to the normal life of commercial organisms. The problem of determining the background levels of a number of heavy metals in the water of the Barents Sea is considered. The ultimate goal of estimating the background levels (metal concentrations) is to identify subsequently water areas where they are exceeding, i.e.

the areas of contamination. The data on the content of heavy metals in the water of 655 stations made by PINRO in the Barents Sea in the period from 1999 to 2015 were processed. To determine the level of the natural background of the content of trace elements, we used the mathematical statistics and geostatistical methods. Using the database, the background values of the Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Hg, Zn, Pb and Cr contents in the water of the Barents Sea (in μg/L) were calculated. We compared the obtained values with the available analogues from the other sources. Based on the calculated background metal concentrations in the GIS application ArcGIS 10, we made a map of the distribution of the anthropogenic pollution in the Barents Sea. Values of concentrations of toxic metals (Pb, Hg, Cd) exceeding the background were recorded in the Atlantic water mass in the southern and central parts of the Barents Sea, and in the Norwegian and Murmansk coastal water mass – mainly, in a narrow coastal strip. One should consider these areas as permanently polluted waters. We estimate the contamination level as low.

Keywords: heavy metals, Barents Sea, water masses, pollution

Previous studies have shown that the level of trace elements in the surface layer of the Barents Sea water is generally typical of natural geochemical background values (Novikov and Draganov, 2017b). Given that background values of heavy metals (HM) in the Barents Sea water published in several scientific papers (Ivanov et al., 1997, 1999; Ocean Chemistry 1977; Bakke et al., 2007) are not sufficiently accurate and informative and are based on certain methodological flaws (Novikov and Draganov, 2017a), we have attempted to calculate the background values their contents based on a statistical approach. A prerequisite for our work was the availability of our own extensive database (DB) on the pollution of waters of the Barents Sea, which has been realized in the form of an electronic “Atlas of pollution of water masses in the Barents Sea”, published by PINRO.

This study attempted to determine the regional background levels of a number of heavy metals in the Barents Sea, based on the PINRO data, using geographic and statistical analyses and, based on the background values, to construct an integrated map of the distribution of metals in quantities that exceeded background levels.

The material for the studies was a large number of samples of seawater from the surface layer (0–

2 m), collected by PINRO staff in the course of marine expeditions. Between 1999 and 2015 inclusive, samples from 655 stations were analysed for cadmium, cobalt, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, chromium and mercury content in unfiltered seawater. Either one or two samples were taken at each station, so the total number of measurements of HM concentrations was 946. The samples were taken during different seasons of the year, but mainly in February–March and August–September.

The levels of metals were determined in PINRO’s Laboratory of applied ecology and toxicology.

The values of the concentrations are shown below in μg/l.

The data were analysed using the R applied statistics package, version 3.01[https://www.r-project.org/]. In addition to the basic statistical procedures, a correlation analysis to evaluate the relationship of the contents of various HMs in the Barents Sea water for the period from 1999 to 2015, inclusive, was performed. Mapping, including geostatistical analysis, was performed using the ArcGIS 10 application of the GIS application package.

The first stage of performing the main task of our study involved a preliminary effort to sort the entire database of the content of HM in the Barents Sea, in order to group information on water masses (WM). Delimiting individual WM is bases on the gradients of oceanographic characteristics, primarily temperature and salinity. In some seas, such as the Barents Sea, the seabed relief and the prevailing large-scale currents have a significant influence on the separation of WM. In earlier studies, we noted significant differences in the microelement composition and level of pollution of individual Barents Sea WM (Novikov and Draganov, 2017b). To do so in the present context, we mapped the presumed boundaries of five types of water masses in the Barents Sea: Atlantic (AB), Arctic (ArB), two types of coastal waters (CW1 and CW2) and the waters of the frontal zone – the mixing areas of the Atlantic and Arctic water masses (Polar Front), based on known data and the information of the PINRO specialists to isolate the WM (Ozhigin, Ivshin, 1999). Due to the small number of stations in the frontal zone, this zone was eliminated from the subsequent calculations of the background levels of HM content.

During the statistical processing of the data, the probability distribution of random variables was estimated, and the arithmetic mean values of the concentrations of the HM, the standard deviation (SD) and the standard error of the arithmetical mean (SEM), as well as the 95th percentile were calculated in order to obtain estimates statistical values for the four main Barents Sea WM (without the frontal zone).

In order to derive the background value, we used: 1) the value of the upper bound of the confidence interval (CI) for the main entity, i.e. the sum of the arithmetic mean and twice the SEM value, which corresponded to the 95% significance level (95% CI), 2) the 95th percentile value. The background values for each WM are shown in Table 1. To enable the background levels proposed by us to be compared, the table also provides information on background characteristics from known scientific publications. As the table shows, the background levels recommended by the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority (SFT) (Bakke et al., 2007) are very low and sometimes almost an order of magnitude lower than the 95th percentile level. The values of the background for metals given in the work of the All-Russian Research Institute of Oceanology, which are derived as mean values of the measured concentrations (Ivanov et al., 1997), are of the same low order. The known values of average compositions from the monograph (Chemistry of the Ocean, 1979) are several time larger than the values from the sources cited above, and they are probably more suitable for describing the background characteristics of HM in the northern seas.

The map of the distribution of the HM concentrations above the value of the upper boundary of the CI, which was the first made by us, appeared to be less informative. The number of values exceeding background levels was quite large, and were relatively evenly distributed all over the sea.

This follows logically from the estimate of the upper arithmetic mean of the main entity. Statistical analysis of correlations showed that in the Arctic WM a high correlation level was noted for the Co-Cd pair (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient r = 0.81) and the Ni-Co-Cd pair (r = 0.64). However, on the map, only a few such combinations occurred. The combinations of Ni-Cu and Ni-Co were much more frequent. The latter combinations indicate that the amount of data exceeding the proposed background level is large enough, which led to the mapping of coincidences in HM localization with relatively low correlation coefficients: r = 0.33 for a Ni-Cu pair and r = 0.53 for a Ni-Co pair. It is obvious that the pairs of these metals are more highly correlated in the case of higher values than the small ones. Similar regularities were obtained for the other metals studied.

Table 1. Calculated background values of heavy metal content in water masses of the Barents Sea (for water mass designations, see text).


Background levels: based on the upper confidence interval (upper) and 95th percentile below (in parentheses), μg/l


Similar problems arose when we compared the cartographic data with the results of the correlation analysis for the remaining three WM.

The statistic analysis also showed that the distribution of the concentrations of HM in all the Barents Sea WM was very different from the normal one. On the one hand, this complicates the use of parametric criteria, which, by the way, are the arithmetic mean, SD, SEM and CI, and the interpretation of the results. On the other hand, it is in favour of the fact that the definition of the background level is additionally complicated by the influence of the random variable of strong external factors on the distribution. These include impact anthropogenic pollution, seasonal and inter-annual variability associated, inter alia, with the flow of pollution from various global and regional sources (current flow, atmospheric precipitation, ice melting), etc.

In order to assess the influence of the factors shown above on the distribution of HM concentrations in the Barents Sea, we calculated their mean values for elementary water areas – trapezoids of a regular grid. The calculation of average concentrations was performed in the ArcGIS 10 application environment with a step of 2 degrees of longitude and 1 degree of latitude. Each trapezium was assigned an average value of the measured concentrations at the sampling stations it covered. If the samples were not selected on any given elementary water area (section), then the calculated value for it is absent. The mean values should have leveled out inter-annual and inter-seasonal differences in the content of HM in the waters of the Barents Sea and thus accentuate the areas of sustained elevated HM content.

The classification of the data on the maps of mean values was carried out by the method of natural boundaries (Jenks natural breaks optimization) built in the ArcGIS 10 environment, which enables variations in the data within each class to be minimized. Here it is important to note that the resulting lower bounds for the 5th class of values were close to the 95th percentile values given in Table 1.

Analysing the maps of the average concentrations of HM, which were made by us, we noted that the average content of Cu in the water of the elementary sections at the level of the upper boundary of CI is distributed randomly within the Barents Sea. The situation with other HM looks similar, with some reservations. Thus, the factors listed above that affect the variability of the content of HM in water (seasonal, inter-annual, etc.) do occur, and their effect is leveled out by averaging the data on elementary water areas for the entire observation period. It turns out that the levels of HM concentrations above the upper boundary of CI for different WM in many respects characterize not a permanent (stable) pollution, but rather a regional geochemical component that takes into account the seasonal and inter-annual dynamics of the pollution input (variability).

The picture of the distribution of the average content of HM at a level close to the 95th percentile concentration is much more informative. Here, for example, two areas of the pollution can be shown on the Cd distribution map: the first in the zone of the Kola section (33°30' E), and the second in the area of the North Kanin Bank. On the Kola section, Cg is accompanies by Hg, and at the North-Kanin Bank by Pb.

This indicates that only the transfer of the background value to the level of the 95th percentile makes it possible to separate the significant (stable) anthropogenic pollution from unstable anthropogenic varying background levels. Figure 1 shows the distribution of the pollution of Barents Sea waters by the most toxic heavy metals in terms of the 95th percentile concentration.

Figure 1 clearly identifies the areas with higher heavy metal content. First, in the northern part of the map, the boundary waters of the Atlantic and Arctic water masses, adjacent to the frontal zone on both sides, are evident. Secondly, in the southern part of the map, the pollution of the coastal zone of the Kola Peninsula is clearly indicated. Pollution in the south-eastern part of the Barents Sea is minimal. Perhaps this is local impact pollution. Thirdly, within the Atlantic WM, there is an extensive water area subject to stable pollution. This is the area of the Central Trench and its adjacent waters. Fourthly, there is an area of complex water pollution in the area of the Kola section. In recent years, in this section, the stations were sampled repeatedly, in the same period (February). Obviously, the pollution of this area is stable and reflects the actual situation of pollution transfer from the Norwegian Sea to the Barents Sea by the eastern current around the end of the European winter.

The map of HM distribution in concentrations above the 95th percentile, as shown in Figure 1, adequately reflects the most important ideas regarding how anthropogenic pollution enters the Barents Sea. This is the main pollution from the Western Europe and the North Atlantic. We should also note the accumulation of pollution in the margins of the shallow-water areas, including the southern and eastern slopes of the Bear Island Bank, the northern slopes of the North Kanin Bank and the Goose Bank. This is probably due to the presence of hydrological frontal zones here.

The 95th percentile of the concentration can therefore be regarded as a reliable criterion for the levels of pollution above the regional anthropogenic background. The concentrations of HM in seawater, above these values (Table 1) for some WM, should be considered as anomalous, and as a reliable sign of the occurrence of anthropogenic pollution.

The concentration of HM and trace elements at levels beyond the 95th percentile should be used as a reliable criterion for the presence of appreciable anthropogenic contamination. We recommend that concentrations of HM between the 95th percentile and the upper limit of the confidence interval should be regarded as belonging to the regional geochemical background, including the anthropogenic one, which characterizes insignificant, unstable pollution. The waters of the Barents Sea contain HM at such concentrations, can be conditionally considered to be unpolluted.

Figure 1. Sampled sites of heavy metal pollution at a levels above the regional background values (95th percentile).

As Figure 1 indicates, values that exceed the background levels of highly toxic HM, which have a predominantly anthropogenic origin, is localized in the Atlantic waters, in the southern and central parts of the Barents Sea, and in the Norwegian and Murmansk coastal waters, mainly within a narrow coastal strip. The listed water areas should be regarded as polluted. The level of the pollution can be considered as low, except for the coastal waters of the west Murman (west of the Kola Bay). The Arctic and eastern coastal waters can be regarded as clean, because here the values exceeding the background of the concentrations of HM have a characteristically random distribution.

The main area of application of the background values is the possibility of both assessing the current state of pollution of the Barents Sea and the inter-annual dynamics of pollution levels. The normative indicators, such as MPLs (maximum permissible level), can only ascertain the presence of anthropogenic pollution at a critical level for the health of the ecosystem. Exceeding background indicators enables us to monitor pollution earlier, at a lower level, and to identify the sources of the pollution and trends in habitat changes, and thus opens up important opportunities for forecasting and preventing critical situations (exceeding MPLs and, as a consequence, damaging marine bioresources, etc.).


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