• No results found

Growth is a relatively new marketplace who has only recently seen a significant increase in activity. It is likely that the current trend of frequent listings will flatten out. Many have also believed that the marketplace has had bubble tendencies, but are currently facing a shift.55

Although there has not yet been cases or events that suggest a need for increased investor protection on Growth, this might still come in the future. For instance, there could be increased M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) activity that will emphasize the need for an obligation to disclose large shareholdings. To our knowledge, there has not yet been a great deal of M&A activity in the marketplace, and we assume that this is due to the fact that many of the companies are relatively newly founded and have only recently been listed on Growth.

Moreover, at this time we do not know the result of the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority’s investigation of all the listings on Growth in 2020-2021. It is possible that this investigation could result in increased regulations.

To summarise, Growth is a relatively new marketplace and much is still uncertain.

Along with the increased attention and new listings in recent times, the question of a need for increased investor protection has been highly relevant. Even so, it is possible that future developments could give rise to a need for less investor protection. Either way, it will be interesting to follow the developments in the marketplace in the coming years.

55 Many of the companies listed on Growth have already seen a quite sharp decline in stock prices during the first half of 2021. An article from May 2021 points out that the Oslo Børs and Growth might be heading towards the end of a speculative boom (Solgård, 2021).This can be seen as a parallel to the Dotcom bubble, at the turn of the millennium, where many of the companies had little or no earnings and few results to show. According to theories in the capital market, there will always be some companies that will never make money since other companies have products that have a higher demand. It is thus not certain that there is an ESG bubble on Growth (Framstad, 2021).



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