• No results found

The way ahead

In document 07-02558 (sider 64-67)

implemented to mitigate computer crime and how does this practice correspond with good security principles?

9 The way ahead

This report draws the big picture of information security and computer crime in Norwegian enterprises. Previous research and surveys on computer security have focused on security technologies. We know more about the use of security technologies and the effectiveness of security technologies than organizational security measures. The 2006 survey examines for the first time organizational security measures and awareness raising initiatives in the population of Norwegian enterprises. The results indicate that many organizational measures, in particular those aiming to change human minds, are to a low degree implemented in the organizations. Studying the taxonomies, it seems that the organizational measures are also important in a defense-in-depth strategy, in which Norwegian enterprises perform less well. Further studies on organizational security measures and their effectiveness will be an important area for future research. The following research questions are relevant and will be addressed in subsequent studies:

– Which organizational security measures do enterprises use?

– How do information security managers regard the effectiveness of organizational security measures?

More specific:

– How do security policy and guidelines change behavior and raise security awareness in organizations?

– What is the effect of educating employees; is it worth the effort?

64 FFI-rapport 2007/02558


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In document 07-02558 (sider 64-67)