Razones por las que la internacionalización ha permitido a las empresas sobrevivir mejor a la crisis por la pandemia Revisado Gon 3.docx
La població de les futures potències mundials: els BRIC
Misma Comunidad ¿Distinto turismo?
Las raíces históricas de las disparidades de renta en España
Is cruise tourism sustainable? The case of Palma
El impacto del Brexit en el sector turístico Balear
La geografia de les Illes Pitiüses a través de l'obra de Rosa Vallès Costa i algunes altres aportacions.
La economía y el mercado del arte en España en las dos primeras décadas del siglo XXI
The ZEN Definition - A Guideline for the ZEN Pilot areas. Version 1.0
Corporate Social Responsibility in Islamic Economies – the Case of Sudan SUDANWORKINGPAPER
A large-scale experiment on corruption in Tanzania
Can foreign aid (ODA) effectively contribute to the UNs sustainable development goal for economic growth in the least developed countries?
An empirical analysis of the risk premium in the crude oil futures market
Valuation of Nordic Nanovector ASA
Firm Performance and CEO Turnover in Private Family Firms: Evidence from Norway
A study of IPOs in the Nordic markets between 2007 and 2017 – Are underwriting analysts’ recommendations outperforming or suffering from overoptimism?
Do Acquiring Firms Gain from Takeovers? Empirical evidence from the Norwegian stock market with a focus on the payment method
Testing for predictive power of price/rent ratio for determining house prices in OECD countries
ISM and Stock Market Returns
Using the interest rate term spread as a means to predict stock market returns