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Runge-Kutta Munthe-Kaas methods and the design of Python packages are both vast subjects, and this thesis has only scratched the surface of both. One obvious extension of PyLie would be to extend it to work for a greater number of problems, evolving on different manifolds and formulated using different Lie groups. Another is to increase the number of code tests in order to create even greater confidence in the correctness of the methods.

Another limitation is that all currently implemented methods are explicit.

Implicit methods would be an interesting next step, but would require great care in how they are implemented. A possibly easier intermediary step would be to look beyond Runge-Kutta-coefficients to more modern developments.

Examples include commutator-free methods and embedded pairs of coeffi-cients reusing exponentials as explored in [7]. Implementing variable step-size methods in order to more efficiently find numerical solutions of a suitable accuracy is also highly relevant.


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Appendix A

Solving an equation on 𝑆 2 with